The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 70 The elf’s upgrade problem

"Whatever you give me, you will get. The only thing I can tell you is that your efforts will definitely be rewarded.

I will give you as much as you are willing to pay, it's that simple. "

Xu Lai wanted to talk again, but a gust of breeze blew by, and he fell down from the tree in a daze for some reason.

The tree house is not high, and there is still grass underground. Even if it falls, it will not be a big deal, but Xu Lai is more like being sent down by the wind than falling.

Anyway, he landed smoothly on the ground without any damage, and he didn't dare to climb up the tree house again.

This tree house is indeed a bit famous. Xu Lai naturally received relevant information after touching it.

As this happened more and more, Xu Lai seemed to have become numb, and the information received became smoother.

[Prophet's Hut]: Complete the tasks issued by the prophet to get corresponding rewards.

The information Xu Lai received was naturally more than just one sentence. The general meaning was correct, but there were also some other supplementary contents.

For example, the prophets in the prophet hut are random and can be of any race. Those of other races will not take the initiative to attack the hero and will issue tasks as usual, but the rewards will be the lowest allowed by the rules.

But if it is a prophet of the same race, the highest reward within the rules may be given, depending on the individual's personality and preferences.

In addition, prophets are a group of individuals who can feel the will of the world, so these people can predict things that even gods cannot predict.

However, they could not change their fate and often lived in isolation, which made Xu Lai murmur in his heart about what the old man said before.

He wanted to ask clearly, but he didn't dare to provoke the other party.

The most annoying thing is that this mission was released at the wrong time. You said you were fed up with the harpies' harassment, so why not just issue a mission to him in advance? You have to wait until he has wiped out all the harpies before releasing it. Task.

The previous harpies had turned into points of light and disappeared, and Xu Lai put the remaining gold coins into his backpack to pluck their feathers wherever they went.

The reality is already like this, and Xu Lai can't change it.

Or maybe the prophet had anticipated this situation and deliberately issued such a mission to embarrass him, but Xu Lai didn't think it was the case.

Although there was no basis for it, Xu Lai felt that this prophet should be biased towards him, and he was the kind of person who would give him the maximum reward within the limits allowed by the rules.

After thinking for a long time, he had no clue. Fortunately, there was a building related to the harpy. Now he hoped that this building was the nest of the harpy, so that he could at least hope to complete the task.

Of course, as long as there are 2 or 30 harpies in the treasure house, it will not be difficult for Xu Lai to complete the task. No matter how big the tail feathers of the harpies are, it is not easy to pull out 5 or 6 harpies.

However, Xu Lai had also noticed long ago that every harpy, including the harpy witch, had the largest tail feather behind their buttocks.

Facing the prophet's almost explicit hint, no matter how stupid Xu Lai was, he should have known that a hundred carefully selected tail feathers would definitely be a better reward than a random plucked one.

The inexplicable knowledge told him that prophets like Urhausen were extremely rare and spread all over the world, and they all liked to stay away from the crowd.

Being able to be found by Xu Lai is really a huge blessing. If you miss this opportunity, you may not get it again in the future.

He raised his head and glanced at the sky. It was almost evening again. Xu Lai had done a lot of things today, especially the continuous battles. Xu Lai was actually very tired.

He stayed in that magic temple for an unknown amount of time, and now he just wanted to go back and find a place to have a good rest.

The village hall has its own courtyard. Compared with ordinary wooden houses, it not only has a fenced backyard, but also has other rooms such as a main house, a main room, and a kitchen.

If you add bedding, wardrobes and pots and pans, it will really be a family.

The village hall inherits from the campfire. The village hall also has the daily simple tools that come with the campfire, and the number has been increased to 30 pieces.

If you need any daily necessities, you can pick them up directly at the village office, which is much more convenient than modern life.

Now that Xu Lai was exhausted, he just wanted to go back and feel the big bed in the village hall to see if it was comfortable.

When Xu Lai came back, Su Ya had already come back, and two wooden houses had been built in the village.

As soon as she saw Xu Lai, Su Ya came over with cooked mutton soup and said: "Master, village chief, drink some mutton soup, you haven't eaten anything for a day."

He has been fighting almost since he left the village today. To be honest, Xu Lai has been hungry for a long time, but he has never had time and dared not eat.

Not only him, but also the rangers and marksmen didn't eat.

Fortunately, they left the house after having breakfast in the morning, so they only missed one lunch at most. If they started eating early in the evening, they could make up for it by eating more.

If they were not given food for a day, Xu Lai was afraid that his morale would drop below 50 points tomorrow.

While eating, we also take stock of the harvest.

Speaking of which, when fighting, adrenaline surges and you don't feel tired or hungry.

Once the fighting is over, my whole body will feel aching in my bones and muscles, especially when cleaning up after the war, which often takes longer than the fighting process.

The most pitiful thing was Xu Lai, who not only had to command the battle, but also personally participated in the battle. After the battle, he had to endure the pain and clean up the battlefield, bleeding and crying at the same time. It was extremely aggrieved just thinking about it.

However, facing Su Ya, Xu Lai didn't even bother to complain. Instead, he smiled and said: "You have worked hard too. After arranging the work and patrol team for the evening, come over and have a rest.

There is a lot of information that I need to check with you today, and some things need to be reviewed again. "

After wiping out pirates, evil eyes, and later harpies and cavemen, there were so many gold coins that Xu Lai could upgrade without worrying about them.

The rangers under his command are still waiting for upgrades or something. Xu Lai is still waiting. Only if he has money can he not panic.

On the contrary, Su Ya's subordinates, except for the pike upgrade, which is a little more expensive, the rest are quite cheap. After all upgrades, there is still a lot of 500 gold coins given by Xu Lai.

Su Ya had already upgraded the militia and infantry, and in the end there was only one elf left. However, Su Ya hesitated and left Xu to make the choice.

"Discovered soldiers who can be upgraded:

1. It costs 10 gold coins to upgrade the level 0 elf to the level 1 flower elf.

2. It costs 10 gold coins to upgrade the level 0 elf to the level 1 tree elf. "

Flower elves can continue to evolve into flower demons. No. 1 is the flower elf in the grove being cut down, and is led by several level 2 flower demons.

Xu Lai didn't know how the Flower Demon would be promoted in the future. After all, he didn't have much information related to the barrier.

But the tree elf knew a little bit about it, because he was carrying an archer, so he specifically asked the village chief Lazi about which archer was the most powerful.

The village chief Laqi told Xu Lai without even thinking:

"I don't know the most powerful shooter among humans, but the most recognized shooters must be elf shooters. They have been powerful shooters since the first level tree elves."

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