Su Ya was also present at the time, and she naturally heard it, so she did not upgrade the only elf, but left it to Xu Lai.

Faced with this problem, Xu Lai actually felt very uncomfortable. He felt that after coming to this world, he would have difficulty choosing, and he would have to make decisions about everything.

Flower elves can fly. The speed of flower elves is much stronger than that of harpies. The key is that they are not big in size.

The tree elf is the beginning of the strongest shooter. This makes Xu Lai give up. He will be heartbroken if he doesn't give up.

It was already evening, and it seemed like he had a long time to think.

But in fact, he had something important to do in the evening, so he didn't hesitate for too long.

In the end, Xu Lai chose to advance to become a tree elf. Although a single flying unit is useful, it does not have its own reconnaissance skills like a scout.

As long as the flower elf has sanity or has its own intelligence, Xu Lai will choose the flower elf without hesitation.

However, it does not carry either of these. Xu Lai can only use it in combat, and its effect is relatively small.

Of course, what's more important is that using shooters during this period has brought huge benefits to Xu Lai.

Xu Lai believed that if other heroes failed to bring a shooter with them at the start, could not fly kites, and fought against wild monsters whose fighting instincts were much more terrifying than humans, they would surely suffer a lot.

Maybe after one or two battles, the mere 10 level 2 warriors will be exhausted, and not even the farmers may be left.

Now facing the temptation of the strongest archer, Xu Lai simply couldn't control himself and decisively advanced to become a tree elf.

After the promotion was confirmed, the chubby elf disappeared and was replaced by an elf of about the same height.

This is a real elf, perhaps not as tall as the previous elf.

However, the tree elf lost its previous chubby body and was replaced by an elf child who was obviously not yet full-grown. He was thinner than a human child and had less obvious pointed ears.

He was about 1.1 meters tall and only reached around Xu Lai's waist. He was holding a toy-like wooden bow in his hand, and the arrows were only about 30 centimeters long.

Xu Lai was quite disappointed with such an image of a tree elf. The key was that it looked like it had no fighting power at first glance.

It happened that Su Ya's four militia shooters had advanced to become trainee shooters, so Xu Lai called one over and asked him to compete with the tree elf.

The trainee archer was tall and tall, and he seemed to be bullying others. However, the tree elf was extremely cute and beautiful, and some of the characteristics of the elves were already displayed. Xu Lai actually hoped that the tree elf could win.

Xu Lai watched the competition between the two while eating. The result was no doubt that the trainee archer defeated the tree elf by a huge score.

The wooden bow used by the tree elves is weak and weak at a distance of 60 meters, and it is almost impossible to hit the target.

Although the trainee shooter's 60-meter range exceeds the optimal shooting range, it still possesses considerable power.

However, when the distance was reduced to 30 meters, the tree elf hit 10 of the 10 arrows, and all of them hit the red heart. Not to mention the two arrows that the trainee archer shot at the fixed target missed the target, and only half of the remaining 8 arrows that hit the target hit the red heart.

In terms of range and power, there is no doubt that it is a victory for the level 2 trainee marksman.

Xu Lai was not disappointed at all. He had already seen the prototype of the strongest shooter. He believed that as long as he was trained well, he would definitely have a powerful shooter under his command in the future.

After the competition, Su Ya returned to the village office after arranging farming and duty tasks. Xu Lai rudely threw a lot of gold coins to her and asked her to put 500 in a bag.

Xu Lai was really too lazy to move now. He was in severe pain all over his body. He simply poured out all the gold coins he had seized and asked Su Ya to count them clearly for him.

Su Ya didn't complain. She counted them one by one and answered various questions asked by Xu Lai.

“The logging was unstable today, and we harvested more than twenty units in the morning, and that was all thanks to the elves.

I transferred the militiamen in the afternoon, and because of the cavemen, the felling was delayed. I only produced a dozen units in the afternoon, and in total I harvested 40 units of wood in one day.

Here at the farmhouse, the farmland will not be harvested until tomorrow morning, but the farmland where vegetables are grown has already begun to produce. I asked them to pile all kinds of vegetables at the village hall for the time being. "

Xu Lai nodded. There is no warehouse built yet. Only the village hall is big enough and can be piled directly in the yard. If it rains, it can also be piled in the kitchen.

Su Ya's report continued: "Today, I upgraded four militia shooters to trainee marksmen. Two of the original four militiamen were upgraded to trainee infantrymen.

Therefore, he still has 4 militiamen and 23 farmers available for work.

In addition to the 12 necessary people for the 4 farmhouses, the remaining 11 farmers can be used for construction, logging, water storage, patrolling, etc. "

Xu Lai nodded. Before the number of farmers reaches 100, they can arrange to rest in small manors. The two wooden buildings currently built will naturally be given priority to the shooters under Xu Lai's command.

The house in the village hall can also accommodate five people. The witch plus Su Ya can also fit two trainee archers into the main room.

"The wooden houses are still not enough. We have to arrange for at least four farmers to build two more tomorrow. If we have the money, we can build the small warehouses directly. I will calculate whether the money is enough later.

After the wooden house is built, you can arrange for people to build sentry towers. I estimate that four will be built, one at each of the four corners of the village, all enclosed within the fence.

But there’s no need to rush, you just need to choose a good location to build on the side near the woods.

You can arrange flexible arrangements for the remaining farmers. You can first use the kitchen in the village hall for cooking. The current supply of wood is not sufficient, so you can arrange for a few more to cut wood.

The four militiamen should also arrange work in the past few days. After today, there will be more than three days until next month. When another wave of farmers comes out, we will have more money. "

Su Ya nodded and said: "I will arrange the rotation of each farmer and try not to waste any time."

Xu Lai knew that this was very hard. After all, Su Ya had to know the work of all the farmers. She also had to find opportunities to train troops, but there was no way. Currently, she was the only one under Xu Lai who could use it.

"Village, village chief, the gold coins have been counted, there are 2107 gold coins in total.

Well, I’m really not used to this title. "

Xu Lai spent a lot of money today.

It costs 500 gold to upgrade the campfire, 1,000 gold to upgrade the wanderer camp, 500 gold to build a small manor, 4 farmhouses, two wooden houses, and 1 arrow boat, which costs 220 gold, totaling 2,220 gold.

In addition to the buildings, I first upgraded three level 5 shooters, which cost 600 gold, and then upgraded three more, which cost 600 gold, for a total of 1,200 gold.

Later, he gave Su Ya 500 gold coins, as well as the gold coins spent on recruiting and diplomacy with farmers. A total of more than 3,900 gold coins were spent. After deducting these expenses, Xu Lai only had 500 gold coins left in his savings.

But he also took in a lot today, all of which were with Su Ya. First, there was a wave of taxes paid by the farmers, then there were the seizures from pirates, waterwheels, evil eyes, harpies and cavemen, and finally the harvest from the mines. .

If you add one plus one and subtract one, Xu Lai will only have 2,600 gold coins left, which is not too much, not too much.

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