The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 87 The key to one-ninth is one

Xu Lai was really shocked. He said to Su Ya in surprise:

"You mean, the obelisk guarded by just a few dozen Tier 2 and Tier 3 troops is engraved with the whereabouts of a super artifact that can take on the world alone?"

Su Ya was stunned, shook her head with a smile and said: "Of course not, the super artifact is divided into several parts.

There is nothing special about the obelisk itself, and the map recorded on it can be copied by countless people. With so many wild monsters guarding it, it is already very powerful.

Many obelisks near big cities don't even have guards. "

After that, Su Ya explained to Xu Lai about the super artifact. This thing is not invincible once you have it.

Su Ya said: "The original King Aled also unified the entire human race first, and then with the help of many heroes, he defeated the three evil camps.

To this end, King Aled also signed an eternal alliance contract on behalf of all humans and elves, known in history as the Angel Alliance.

It was also with the help of many human heroes and elves that mankind successfully defeated the three evil camps.

After that, the major heroes became imperial nobles and passed down their own heroic bloodline. "

Xu Lai nodded and said: "In short, it is an extremely powerful artifact, right?"

Su Ya said: "Of course, everyone in the alliance knows how powerful the God of War Statue is.

It's a pity that the Statue of War has several parts, and each part has a different difficulty in collecting. The map in our hands is one-ninth, so it shouldn't be difficult to collect.

It is said that King Aled traveled to every piece of land in the entire human camp before finally gathering the statues of the God of War. "

"What kind of map is the most difficult to compose? 16 or 25?"

If it was just a part of the artifact, it would take 9 maps to find it.

Su Ya shook her head and said: "I don't know about this, I just know these most basic legends.

But I know that King Aled’s search for the God of War statue was written in his autobiography, which is included in the temple’s great library. "

Xu Lai was very interested in this super artifact that could help humans and elves and win two-on-three battles, and he hurriedly asked for a lot of information.

It's a pity that Su Ya's indoctrination experience is relatively routine. She only knows some things or legends that are known to the public, and there is no detailed information.

Su Ya couldn't answer Xu Lai's questions one after another. She couldn't help but feel a little sad, and said with a sad face: "It's all because Su Ya is useless and can't help the master."

Even if Xu Lai asked her to change her words, Su Ya would still come up with such words from time to time. After Xu Lai corrected her several times, he didn't bother to care about her.

At that moment, Xu Lai smiled and touched Su Ya's head and said:

"Who says you are useless? You are my right-hand man."

Saying that, Xu Lai shook the map in his hand and said, "Besides, don't we already have an artifact map?"

Su Ya sighed and said: "What a pity, the area depicted on this map happens to be familiar to us.

But the other eight obelisks are probably scattered throughout the grassland, and it would be too difficult to find them all. "

Xu Lai shook his head and said: "That's not necessarily the case. If my guess can be verified, maybe we can find the whereabouts of the artifact based on this map."

Su Ya was shocked and said: "Ah, how is that possible?"

Xu Lai said softly: "Try it. In fact, the key to finding treasures is not the map, but the understanding of the world."

Xu Lai actually didn't have much confidence. He studied graphic design and didn't know much about maps, but he knew graphics very well.

Although the map in front of you is only one-ninth, if you look at it as a whole, it is a regular rectangle.

The obelisk map is a corner of the rectangle. Xu Lai has found the corresponding reference in reality based on this corner, so he can restore the proportions of the map based on the proportions of the real objects in reality.

In addition, he knows the location of the obelisk map, and based on this proportion, he can completely restore the map based on the actual topography of the real world.

With a regular rectangle, Xu Lai can even easily find the middle point of the map.

He just can't be sure now whether the specific burial location of the treasure will be at this intermediate point. If this is a standard square, it is actually very possible.

The key now is to go home and do some mapping. After determining the proportion and starting point, he can first draw the four sides of the square.

The more he looked at the map, the more Xu Lai felt that his idea was feasible. He immediately put the map away and led the large army to turn around and find the group of mages before it was still dark.

The mage is different from the witch Xu Lai has. The main function of the witch is actually to superimpose negative effects, and the damage is secondary.

The mage is a typical turret, with extremely high damage and extremely fragile body.

Take the witch as an example. Even if the focus is not damage, the large-scale disease spell can still cause a lot of damage.

However, the witch herself is extremely fragile. She is covered in cloth armor that does not hinder spellcasting. Not to mention zero defense, the average defense of her whole body does not exceed 5 points, which is approximately zero.

Even after advancing and becoming a level 5 wizard, the average defense is only more than 6 points and less than 7 points.

If we compare it with the archers who are also long-range, the strength, agility and other attributes of the archers are all there. In addition to their physical fitness being slightly worse than that of the warriors, if it comes to melee combat, the warriors may not be the archer's opponent.

Xu Lai still remembers the power of those level 4 archers who were just longbowmen in close combat.

Archers just don't carry shields and have the same defensive equipment as warriors. Their physical fitness is lower than that of warriors, but their strength or agility are always superior.

So it’s hard to say who will win in melee combat.

Even in the ancient battlefields in Xu Lai's memory, those who could become shooters were only the best among the best.

The mage's attributes are mainly focused on intelligence and spirit. Even if there is extra, they are mainly focused on physical attributes. Melee attributes such as strength and sensitivity are really poor.

With the defense and attributes lagging behind the warriors in all aspects, once a warrior gets close to you, it is not unusual for you to be defeated by someone across two or three levels.

After all, not all mages have the melee skills and god-given equipment and attributes of the high priest.

Therefore, the most important thing when fighting a mage is to get close quickly.

Once close, the powerful mage turns into a weak sheep.

"Your actions have angered these mages, and they are about to attack you!"

When diplomacy failed and Xu Lai received such a reminder, he urged the gargoyles to charge without even thinking.

Of course, the gargoyles do not have charging skills. They can only maintain their maximum speed, which is slightly slower than the charging knights.

After the gargoyles are a group of gray gargoyles, and finally there are flower monsters and flower elves.

Waiting until all the flying troops were dispatched, Xu Lai took Su Ya and a group of cavalry and slowly accelerated.

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