The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 88 Nine out of ten bets lead to losing (please subscribe)

Compared to the mage who casts spells for a long time, the arrows of the marksman are undoubtedly faster.

The sharpshooter who had been adjusted into a double chain shot two arrows with his hand. The fourth-level mage, who had almost no physical defense ability, fell to his knees on the spot under the influence of intermediate archery.

There were not many mages, and together with the two fifth-level mages, there were only 18 in total, so they did not pose much of a threat.

However, Xu Lai's life was at stake. The most important thing was that compared to gargoyles, gargoyles, even if they were just nomads, were more important in Xu Lai's heart.

Flame archers need to wait a moment. The enchanted flame arrow can basically kill a mage instantly. Even if it cannot be killed, the subsequent burning can also kill it.

After being consumed by the shooters for one round, the remaining 11 mages were able to finish casting.

11 scorching red rays flew into the group of stone statue monsters as expected by Xu Lai.

With a bang, holes as big as the mouth of a teacup appeared on each of the stone monsters, especially the two hit by the Archmage's rays, with wounds as wide as the mouth of a bowl.

Even with the blessing of Xu Lai's primary resistance, ten gargoyles still fell from the sky. One of them was lucky enough to trigger the magic immunity effect of primary resistance and did not suffer any damage.

The faster you rush, the faster you die. This is indeed an eternal truth.

The gargoyles were faster than the gargoyles, so even if they flew out together, they were still ahead by a large distance, and therefore received a severe beating from the mages.

Gargoyles' physical defense capabilities are pretty good, after all, they are golems made of stone, but they have no magic resistance.

Xu Lai originally thought that the third-level stone monsters would not die so easily. After all, their health points were quite high and they had their own resistance.

However, this group of fort mages were too ruthless. Unfortunately, they only released default spells. If one person threw a large spell down, Xu Lai's troops would suffer heavy losses.

Of course, at a distance of less than a hundred meters, Xu Lai and the others would charge at full speed for only a few seconds, so they probably wouldn't have time to cast a spell.

The first rafter was destroyed first. After the second round of strikes by the shooter, there were only 5 mages left. The archmage who was hit by the flame arrow was also on fire, and he probably wouldn't be able to hold on for a few seconds.

It was the final blow of these five mages that not only destroyed Xu Lai's gargoyles, but also took away the lives of 3 gargoyles.

The archmage and mages had a very good explosion rate. Almost every one of them left something for Xu Lai. The least one was three gold coins, and the larger one gave Xu Lai a full 8 gold coins.

One of the two archmages popped a bottle of blue magic replenishing potion. Unfortunately, it was a small bottle. One bottle replenished 10 points of mana.

To be honest, Xu Lai and Su Ya both had healing spells, but these two spells were not released throughout the process.

It wasn't that Xu Lai wanted to save his magic power, but that those gargoyles and gargoyles were all instant kills and didn't give him a chance to heal at all.

And the mage who got close was completely worthless. A level 2 Gargoyle monster could easily leave a deep wound on the mage.

The remaining archmage was shot by the mercenary, and he was also killed with one blow.

The archmage who was instantly killed left a scroll to Xu Lai, which was the flame ray spell released by the archmage.

[Fire Ray]: Spell scroll, this spell can be released by releasing magic power, or it can be released at once without any consumption by tearing the scroll.

Note: This spell is a scroll spell and is not affected by hero skills, talents, etc.

Fire Ray (Strong): Consumes 30 mana points to release a powerful ray that damages 20 (fixed) * 3 + 100 points of fire damage. There is no cooling time and the casting time is 1.5 seconds.

Because it was a scroll exploded by an archmage, it was an enhanced flame ray, just like the acid spell of a level 5 witch or the acid spell of a level 4 witch.

The 20 points of fixed damage multiplied by 3 is the spiritual strength of the Archmage, which is directly fixed by the scroll and is not affected by Xu Lai's own spirit and related skills.

Similarly, the mage's influence on spell effects, such as spell damage and other effects, will not be inherited on this scroll.

If you rely on this scroll to cast a spell, the damage will always be fixed. It will only be reduced by the opponent's relevant skills and equipment, and will not be strengthened in any form.

Of course, there are also benefits. Xu Lai can rely on this scroll to cast spells without having to learn this spell.

At the same time, when Xu Lai has no mana, he can directly tear up the scroll and cast it without any consumption, at the cost of the scroll disappearing permanently.

The group of gargoyle monsters that had just been deceived and had not yet warmed up had lost all the third-level advanced units, and their number had also dropped sharply to 21.

The most important thing is that the main output of this battle is still the group of level 5 shooters.

The other soldiers also received some experience, but now Xu Lai's men have exceeded a hundred. Evenly distributed, not a single advancement has appeared.

But in general, this battle was worth it. Xu Lai even felt that the gold coins and items dropped by the light mage were worth the lives of the dozen or so stone monsters.

Not to mention that behind this group of mages, there is a witch's hut.

With the idea of ​​​​recruiting witches, Xu Lai climbed up to the witch's cabin, which was also hanging on the tree, but was completely different from the prophet's cabin.

This time, Xu Lai knew the rules better and knocked on the door honestly.

However, Xu Lai just wanted to knock on the door. The moment his hand touched the door, the door opened automatically.

In the hut, a witch who was less than 1.2 meters tall, with a wrinkled face and a tall pointed wizard hat, smiled at Xu Lai with wide eyes.

Before Xu Lai could speak, the witch opposite said:

"I haven't had anyone here for a long time, little hero, come in and sit down."

To be honest, the witch was very enthusiastic. Even though she was very old, she still welcomed Xu Lai with a smile.

But inexplicably, Xu Lai felt a little uneasy in his heart. He always felt that there was a trace of malice in the witch's smile.

Xu Lai wanted to turn around and leave, but his body refused to obey and walked into the hut.

The witch warmly entertained Xu Lai and gave him a cup of dark green drink that was said to have magical powers for him to taste.

The Bibo-like drink looked very refreshing, but Xu Lai was very cautious about what he put into his mouth and planned to ask about it before drinking.

Most of these buildings in the wild are naturally bred by magic power. Xu Lai has never encountered danger in such a wild building, so even though he was wary of this witch, he did not intend to refuse.

But the witch smiled and said: "Drinking it will only do you good, no harm.

If you don't want to drink it, I can only leave it to the next person. "

Xu Lai swallowed and chose to believe this witch.

He didn't like gambling before, but after awakening in Gram Village and gaining the skills of diplomacy, now he actually likes it.

There were originally only a few dozen subordinates, but due to gambling, the scale gradually expanded to more than a hundred people now.

Even if the bet against the mage failed, he would still be at a loss. Besides, he always gained benefits and never suffered a loss in these wild buildings.

At that moment, Xu Lai picked up the drink and drank it all in one gulp. Then, Xu Lai thumped and fell down in confusion.

When he woke up again, he was already on the grass, with the hut above his head, but it was already empty.

As the witch said, Xu Lai did not suffer a loss, he got a benefit, but he may not want this benefit.

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