The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 89 Rewards from Witches and Scholars

[Elementary Earth Magic]: Enhance the effect of earth magic by 15% and reduce the mana consumption of earth magic by 15%.

Xu Lai now knows only one spell, which is healing, and with the scroll, there is only one more fire-based flame ray, which has nothing to do with earth-based magic.

Therefore, this specialization will not play any role for Xu here for the time being.

But no matter what, he got a specialization effect. It can't be said that it was a loss, but he had a vague feeling that it was not good.

"How long have I been asleep?"

Xu took a look at the sky and saw that the sun was already setting in the west, but not too much. He should be able to go back in time before it gets completely dark.

Su Ya said: "Master, after you went up, Qingfeng sent you down after a while.

I climbed up to see what was going on, and you woke up as soon as I came down. "

Xu Lai breathed a sigh of relief and asked, "Where is the witch inside?"

Su Ya shook her head and said: "There is nothing inside, just an empty house."

Xu Lai stood up, patted the dirt on his body, and said, "Forget it, we're already gone, let's go back quickly."

Everyone is gone. Even if Xu Lai wants to settle accounts with someone, he doesn't know where to look. What's more, even if he does find someone, he may not be his opponent.

Hurrying slowly, we finally returned to the village before it got completely dark.

Before Xu Lai and the others set out, they had arranged jobs for all the workers, and the grove and its surroundings had been cleared.

The farmers are very obedient and will not run around. As long as the farmers don't run around, the wild monsters are actually no threat.

But I have been away from home all day, and there are only a few militiamen at home. These militiamen have to work, and there is not even anyone on patrol.

If the horse thieves were to discover this, they wouldn't need many people. Just a team of 10 people like Watanabe and his team last time could massacre the entire village.

So when he returned to the village and saw that the village was still there, Xu Lai was somewhat relieved.

If his village was gone, even if Xu Lai still had so many troops, he would have to disband the troops immediately.

There was no way. A troop of more than 100 people needed to consume more than 100 units of food every day. With the little inventory in his space backpack, it would be exhausted in a few days.

Four farmhouses seem not to be enough at the moment, but Xu Lai has no extra farmers available, so he can only make do with it.

Because all the farmers except the farmhouse were assigned to cut down trees, many units of wood were harvested today.

In the past few days, they have been building wooden houses and arrow boats. All the stocks and what was cut down in the past few days have been used up. Today, there are nearly 300 units of extra wood.

It was not suitable to engage in logging work at night, but there were refugee camps and torches in the village, so it was okay to engage in some construction activities.

So, Xu Lai arranged for a few farmers to build sentry towers overnight, while the rest of the farmers who still had physical strength went to build fences, and those who were not strong enough returned to the manor to rest first.

The four wooden houses were obviously not enough for all the troops to rest, so Xu Lai only arranged for the injured flower demons, flower elves and shooters who needed to replenish ammunition to go in.

He took Su Ya to the scholar's class again.

Another hour of boring explanations. The difference from the past is that this time the scholar explained the actual combat skills of knights.

Of course, it was just a written theoretical explanation and did not give Xu Lai any practical guidance.

However, these theories alone also allowed Xu Lai to gain a lot of experience in riding, pole weapons, one-handed weapons and shields. Not only did shields and pole weapons break through level 2, the most critical riding skill for knights directly broke through. level 4.

These days, I have been riding on the battlefield, and my riding skills have improved a lot. After level 4, I have the ability to combine a man and a horse, and I can adjust the direction while sprinting.

Level 2 pole weapons have an additional penetrating ability. When the attack damage is greater than the target's health, the remaining damage will be inherited by units within a certain range behind the target.

Because sprinting will greatly increase the damage, it can often kill a target instantly and still have a lot of damage left.

Without this penetration ability, the remaining damage would be wasted. With this ability, you can penetrate into other people behind the target.

This so-called certain range is limited by the length of the weapon. For example, Xu Lai's simple spear is less than 2 meters. After piercing a person while sitting on a horse, it will be difficult to pierce the person behind unless they stick closer. Arrived.

It was urgent to change weapons and equipment, but none of the wild monsters he had killed so far were cavalry.

The group of cavalry I met before stayed on the territory of the grassland orcs, so if I wanted to change the weapons, I had to either open a treasure chest or go to the blacksmith shop in the town and ask someone to make them specially for him.

"Dear Hero, your study session has ended. Would you like to receive your reward now?"

One day later, after the guidance, the scholar repeated the previous conversation about receiving the award.

Xu Lai remembered that the scholar did not give any information about receiving the award after finishing teaching yesterday.

In other words, the scholar will only publish when the rewards have accumulated to a certain level.

If he misses this time, he will most likely not receive the reward once the scholar leaves in two days.

In fact, after Xu Lai tasted the benefits today, he wanted to continue to study with this scholar. Even if he was unwilling to give him another chance, Xu Lai didn't want to give up the reward.


Xu Lai nodded helplessly in agreement.

The scholar waved his hand mechanically, a golden light fell, and said:

"Your time this time was relatively short. You only realized the general knight power. Your strength increased by 1 point and your constitution increased by 1 point."

Following the scholar's words, Xu Lai realized that his strength and physique had increased again.

After adding 1 point of strength, Xu Lai's strength has also exceeded 15 points. Although it is far from a sharpshooter and cannot be compared with a knight's retinue, it is not inferior to a spearman or the like.

The increase in physical fitness is even more critical. Xu Lai added 17 points of physical fitness at level 9, and his own life has reached 175 points. With the blessing of the Ring of Life, it has reached 178 points.

However, even with the defense brought by physique and the magic resistance brought by resistance, if you are hit by the Archmage twice to strengthen the flame ray, you will still have to fight.

Maybe he can withstand the ordinary version of the flame ray of the fourth-level mage.

He has a magical armor with him, and he is relatively confident in physical defense. The only thing he worries about is spells.

As before, after an hour of study, the scholar had stopped teaching.

But today's rejection was different from before. The other party directly stated that he had nothing to teach Xu Lai.

It is equivalent to saying that after receiving the reward, the scholar will no longer teach.

Unlike Xu Lai, Su Ya was just a general and did not receive any additional rewards.

However, Xu Lai brought her to attend the class, which was not without additional gains. In today's class, Su Ya also gained a lot of knight-related skills and experience, just like Xu Lai.

The increase in each item is no less than the usual 4 or 5 hours of hard training. Although it is not as much as Xu Lai due to his occupation, the improvement of the four skills is equivalent to saving a day or two.

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