The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2225: Count the gains

Guo Hua looked gloomy and seemed very unhappy, and Chen Huohuo's expression was even harder to see the extreme.

"What the hell, that little **** snatched my Universe Bag. I thought he could not open my Universe Bag, but just now, I vaguely sensed that the imprint of God's consciousness left in the Universe Bag was wiped away. apart from."

Having said this, Chen Huohuo almost cried: "That little **** can actually erase the mark of my spiritual consciousness, how is it possible, how is this possible?"

Chen Huohuo didn't believe that the imprint of the divine consciousness in his Universe Bag would be erased by Xiao Han so quickly.

In any case, Xiao Han is only a strength in the early stage of the Tribulation Period, how could he be able to erase the imprint of his spiritual consciousness in the middle of the Tribulation Period?

Chen Huohuo really couldn't figure it out.

But Chen Huohuo was so uncomfortable just because he couldn't figure it out.

Now, the treasures in the Qiankun bag are definitely cheaper for Xiao Han.

The most important thing is that some of the things in the Universe Bag are related to some important secrets of the Star Meteorite Sect. If they are leaked out, and if they are known to the Sect Master or the Great Elder, even his elder will not be able to eat and walk around. .

Hearing this, Guo Yi, the ancestor of the Guo family, was also bewildered.

Guo Hua was also very Nalan said: "This is a bit strange, the little **** is only able to pass the early stage of the catastrophe, how can it be possible to break the mark of the gods you left in the bag of the universe?

This shouldn't be possible, is there other masters beside that little bastard?

That would be even more impossible. There seems to be no one beside that little **** monster besides the monster beast transformed by the high-grade spirit weapon. However, although the little monster beast is very powerful, it is impossible to possess a high-grade aura. Have the power of divine consciousness to help open your universe bag, right? "

"The ghost knows what's going on."

Chen Huohuo's face became very ugly.

After thinking about it, Chen Huohuo shook his head and said grimly: "No matter how much, when I get back to my peak state, we two will leave together, but look for the whereabouts of the bastard. I don't believe it, he can escape. Get past the palm of my hand."

"Don't just say not to practice, okay?" Guo Hua rolled his eyes and said angrily: "It's not because you fell into the hands of that little monster beast. If you do better, Xiao Han, How could the little **** run away?"

"How can you blame me?" Chen Huohuo screamed, "You don't know how powerful the monster beast transformed by the high-grade spiritual weapon is? Don't say that some of these are not available. When I recover, I will ask if you follow me. Go to Xiao Han?"

"Nonsense, that little **** made me such a good player in the Guo family, and the old man wouldn't just let it go." Guo Hua said: "As long as you are responsible for finding Xiao Han's whereabouts, I will take action with you and kill him. he."

"That's good, I have sent a letter back to our Star Meteorite Sect, requesting to send a few good players to come to support, presumably the elder heard that Guo Yi has been abolished, he will definitely be furious, he will definitely be afraid of people coming and help Guo Yi get revenge. At that time, that little **** will only have a dead end."

Chen Huohuo gritted his teeth and said.

The resentment and hatred on Chen Huohuo's face looked shocking.

Also, as the superior elder of the Starfall Sect, when did Chen Huohuo suffer such a big loss?

Even before he became famous, among the Starfall Sect, Chen Huohuo was also the proud son of heaven. He didn't expect that he would be defeated by a younger generation after a lot of age.

This made Chen Huohuo unable to swallow this breath anyway.

Guo Hua also looked angry when he looked at the Guo family's team, which was seriously injured.

Guo Hua was the previous Patriarch of the Guo family. After his son Guo Meng took the seat of Patriarch, Guo Hua directly retired. He only needs to retreat every day and hit the peak of the tribulation period, and he can be considered a blessing.

With the strength and power of the Guo family, Guo Hua, the ancestor, naturally does not need to worry about anything.

But I didn't expect that today their Guo family would have a big deal in the hands of a young man.

This somersault is the first time in their Guo family for so many years.

Now, the hundreds of thousands of people on the square have basically left. After all, everyone is worried that the ancestor of the Guo family and the elder of the Star Meteorite Sect, Chen Huohuo, will be furious because they can’t catch Xiao Han, when the ghost knows Will these two old guys anger others?

Don't say it was these little fish and shrimps, even the Zhao family did not dare to stay on the high platform for a long time.

Although the Zhao family had won the Guo family this time, they also knew that the Guo family's loss this time was too great.

The most correct way to deal with it is to accept it when you see it.

However, the Zhao family was about to leave, and the ancestors of the Guo family didn't act excessively except for the ugly face.

This time, the Guo family jumped up, and the Zhao family just responded passively.

When Xiao Han was besieged, the Zhao family did not stand up and wanted to help.

Those in the Guo family were also abandoned by that Xiao Han, and the Zhao family did not take action from beginning to end.

In this way, the ancestors of the Guo family are really hard to trouble the Zhao family.

The most important thing is that the strength of the Guo family originally overwhelmed the Zhao family.

But now, the Guo family's strong have suffered heavy casualties, and the Zhao family's strength has been preserved intact. As a result, the comparison of strength has changed.

The dominant one is no longer the Guo family, but the Zhao family. The ancestors of the Guo family can only swallow their anger.

Today's battle has ended, and Tianlun City will gradually settle down.

However, the aftermath of this battle will spread for a long time.

Everyone with a discerning eye knows that as long as Xiao Han is not caught by the Guo family one day, this matter will not be completely over.

The ancestors of the Guo family will never give up.

The retired ancestor of the Guo family, the next thing to do is to avenge those who died in the Guo family.

That guy named Xiao Han, regardless of life or death, will still exist in the hearts of everyone in Tianlun City.

Today's battle has shocked them too much.

Over the years, this is the most exciting scene in Tianlun City.

At this moment, a very lively scene also appeared in the Zhao Family Manor.

In the meeting hall of the Zhao family, all the elders of the Zhao family and the Patriarch Zhao Jin sat in the lobby.

Standing in the middle of the hall were sisters Zhao Xuan'er and Zhao Duo'er.

Zhao Duoer's expression was a bit agitated. She looked at Zhao Jin and said anxiously: "Father, Xiao Han is the helper invited by our Zhao family. Now he is in trouble. Should we Zhao family just stand by?"

"This matter is no longer a matter for the Zhao family and the Guo family. It has already involved the behemoth Star Meteorite Sect. If our Zhao family joins in, if we are not careful, the jade and the stone will be burned."

Zhao Jin's expression was a little helpless.

After returning from the square, Zhao Duoer clamored to go out to help Xiao Han.

However, Zhao Jin was worried that he would provoke Xingyizong and would not let his life go.

Coupled with Zhao Duoer's strength, even if he goes out, he may not be able to help.

Zhao Duoer said urgently: "Father, if we don't help Xiao Han, who else would dare to stand by our Zhao family in the future, it will be chilling if we stand by and watch."

"Presumptuous, is this how you talk to your father?" Zhao Jin glared, with an angry expression on his face.

"I don't care." Zhao Duoer insisted: "If my father doesn't send anyone to take action, I will leave Tianlun City by myself. I follow the Guo family, and I don't believe that Xiao Han can't be found, and Xiao Han will be surrounded. I'm desperately trying to help."

"You little girl is really confused, don't look at it, can the Zhao family compare with the behemoth like Xingyizong?"

Zhao Jin looked like he hated iron but not steel.

"Okay, okay, don't quarrel." At this time, the elder of the Zhao family, who had been sitting next to Zhao Jin, waved his hand. He glanced at Zhao Jin first, and then said in a deep voice, "Duo'er, your father. The concerns of Xiao Han are not unreasonable, and now our Zhao family really cannot act rashly, but if you really want to help Xiao Han, your father will definitely not take action, you can go to the ancestor."

"Old ancestor, by the way, I'm going to find ancestor." Hearing this, Zhao Duoer's eyes lit up, as if he had suddenly found a savior.

After that, Zhao Duoer ignored the people in the hall and ran out in a hurry.

Zhao Xuan'er thought for a while, and chased Zhao Duo'er out of the hall.


At this time, Zhao Jin, the head of the Zhao family, smiled bitterly and shook his head, looked at the Zhao family elder, and said in a deep voice: "The elder..."

The elder waved his hand and smiled: "I know you are very embarrassed. If this is the case, it is better to leave this problem to the ancestor to handle it. I believe our ancestor will figure it out."


In the cave of the Tier 4 Black Bear Demon, Xiao Han was tapping the trophy.

Xiao Han was very surprised by the full seven-tier demon pill in the universe bag of Guo Meng, the head of the Guo family.

As for the difficulty in opening Chen Huohuo's Qiankun bag, relatively speaking, it is not as great as Guo Meng's Qiankun bag.

In Chen Huohuo's universe bag, there were only more than fifty seventh-order demon pills, and no eighth-order demon pills.

As for treasures such as magic weapons, there are more treasures than Guo Meng.

But it's not a good thing of very high grade, at best it is suitable for feeding that little monster beast.

When those magic weapons were poured out, Xiao Han had nothing to do. He jumped the little monster beast up and down happily. Looking at the magic weapons on the ground, the little monster beast drooled.

"Don't look, you've already eaten so much, don't think about these, save them and eat slowly later."

With that said, Xiao Han ignored the bitter look of the little monster beast, and directly packed the magic weapons in another universe bag.

In addition to the magic weapons in Chen Huohuo's Qiankun Bag, there are also some good ranks in Guo Meng's Qiankun Bag, and the little monster beast that hasn't been eaten is also installed.

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