The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2226: The way to change your body

Finally, Xiao Han searched for a while in Chen Huohuo's Universe Bag, and indeed did not find any decent treasure.

This made Xiao Han a little puzzled.

"Isn't it so poor? With so few demon pills and not many magic weapons, isn't this Chen Huohuo a little too poor?"

Xiao Han poured out all the contents in Chen Huohuo's Universe Bag, and indeed did not find any good things.

That is, the fifty-odd seventh-order demon pill, Xiao Han felt the most valuable.

Compared with Guo Yi, the head of the Guo family, Chen Huohuo is a pauper.

Xiao Han fiddled with the various things on the ground with the sky sword, looking helpless.

"Huh? What is this?"

Xiao Han stretched out his hand and grabbed a simple scroll on the ground in his hand.

This quaint scroll is much smaller than the average.

The key is that the upper part is in tatters, and there is no spiritual flow, and I don't know if it is a good thing like cultivation technique.

Xiao Han took the scroll in his hand and examined it carefully, and found that the scroll was made of no paper, not cloth or leather.

There are dense lines on the outside of this scroll, which look like meridians, dissatisfied with the entire scroll.

The strange thing is that when Xiao Han poured a trace of spiritual energy, he seemed to feel a trace of danger.

How could this scroll have any dangerous breath?

Xiao Han did not have experience in high-level cultivation techniques. It seemed that he had never encountered a scroll that could give Xiao Han a dangerous aura.

Could it be that what is recorded in this scroll is not a cultivation technique, but a secret about the Starfall Sect?

If this is the case, then this scroll seems to be protected by some powerful secret method, and it is normal to prevent people from watching.

Among the Chen Huohuo Qiankun bags, this scroll is the only thing that interests Xiao Han.

But, I don’t know the secret of this scroll.

Now, if you open this scroll directly, maybe Xiao Han will be injured by the secret method above.

However, Xiao Han felt unwilling to open it and take a look.

"Little Monster Beast, come here."

Suddenly, Xiao Han's inspiration flashed, and he thought of this little monster beast transformed by a high-grade spiritual weapon.

This guy looks weak and weak, but his defensive ability is very abnormal.

Even Chen Huohuo, a strong man in the middle of the Tribulation Period, suffered a big loss in its hands.

Xiao Han decided to let Little Monster Beast give it a try.

"Open this scroll for me, and I'll give you two more magic weapons, what do you think?" Xiao Hanxun asked: "But you should also see that it seems to be a little restricted, it may be dangerous, you can can not open?"

The little demon beast blinked his eyes, as if he felt that opening a scroll would be able to eat something delicious, not a loss.

He stretched out his small paw, grabbed the small scroll in Xiao Han's hand, placed it on the ground, and then slowly spread it out.


At this moment, a fierce breath burst out directly from above the scroll.

The little monster beast, hit by the fierce aura, flew directly up and hit the top of the cave. The huge force blasted the little monster beast into the rocks, dropping a lot of stone chips.

"Fuck, so scary?"

Seeing this scene, Xiao Han's face changed slightly.

If he just opened this scroll by himself, he would probably be hit.

Although with Xiao Han's strength, there are at most some minor injuries, but it will take a while, right?

Fortunately, Xiao Han was clever and let the little monster beast do this dirty work.


The little monster beast finally got away from the rock, and after falling on the ground, it looked at Xiao Han with a grimace.

Xiao Han took out two magic weapons of high rank from the Qiankun bag, and threw them over: "Alright, alright, this is for you."

The little demon beast finally had a smile in his eyes, holding the two magic weapons and chewing with relish.

After releasing a sharp aura and knocking the little monster beast into the air, the simple scroll on the ground seemed to have no aura.

Xiao Han stretched out his hand and grabbed the scroll in his hand.

The scroll in his hand didn't emit any aura anymore, and it seemed that the secret law restriction on it had been broken by the little monster beast.

At least now in Xiao Han's hands, there is no abnormality.

"What the **** is this, it's so mysterious, if it weren't for me to be cautious, I would really suffer a big loss."

Seeing that there was nothing unusual, Xiao Han slowly spread out the scroll in his hand.

At this time, Xiao Han suddenly discovered that there was not a word on this scroll.

"Is it impossible? How can there be nothing?"

Xiao Han's expression was different.

If there is really nothing, then why use such a terrifying prohibition on this scroll as a preventive measure?

Therefore, Xiao Han felt that there must be something mysterious on this scroll.

However, Xiao Han watched it over and over several times, but still did not find any abnormalities on it.

Then shouldn't it be possible for Chen Huohuo to carry a useless thing in his Qiankun bag?

After pondering for a moment, Xiao Han suddenly remembered that when the scroll was found in a fairy ruins, it seemed that there were no words. Only after the spiritual energy was poured, the words on it would slowly appear.

Thinking of this, Xiao Han's heart moved, and he began to pour an aura into the scroll.

But what surprised Xiao Han was that the scroll did not respond.

Xiao Han was wondering, isn't the aura he poured in enough?

Thinking of this, Xiao Han decided to give it a try. Anyway, this scroll was dead, and no matter how much spiritual energy was poured into it, it couldn't be damaged.

Then, Xiao Han began to mobilize the aura in his body, rushing into the scroll madly.

At this time, the scroll in Xiao Han's hand suddenly became a masterpiece, and under the brilliance of the light, characters began to flash on it.

"Fengyun transforms the body, half-immortal grade cultivation technique, small achievements in cultivation, can change the body shape, shuttle space, the enemy can not figure out where the body shape is, once the cultivation is achieved, it can transform into a clone of the same strength, the deity will not die , The illusion will last forever..."

The deity is not dead? The illusion is forever?

Seeing this line of fonts flashing in Xiao Han's eyes, Xiao Han was immediately stunned on the spot.

It turns out that this changing body is not a set of body techniques at all.

Before, Xiao Han felt that Guo Yi's Fengyun Transformation Body was already very mysterious, but he didn't expect that Guo Yi's Fengyun Transformation Body, let alone a great achievement, could not even count as a small Chengdu.

What surprised Xiao Han was that this Fengyun Transfiguration Body was able to transform into a clone with the same strength as the deity when he had cultivated to great success?

The deity is immortal and distracted?

Isn't this similar to the legendary one gasification three cleansing?

If this is the case, once Xiao Han has achieved great success in his cultivation, he will be able to transform into a clone whose strength is similar to his own, and confronting others is equivalent to two selves.

Then this so-called Fengyun Transformation Body is really terrifying, right?

No wonder, this Fengyun Transformation Body is qualified to be called a semi-immortal cultivation technique, which is one level higher than the god-level technique.

Unexpectedly, there is such a powerful set of exercises in this Star Meteorite Sect. No wonder that Guo Yi only cultivated a few furs, and it is difficult for ordinary people to figure out his body shape.

Had it not been for Xiao Han's power of divine consciousness to be stronger than most people, Xiao Han might have suffered a big loss in previous fights.

Moreover, Guo Yi only cultivated a little bit of fur. This Fengyun Transformation Body was not a set of body techniques at all, but a set of magical cultivation techniques.

As long as this set of Fengyun Transformation Body is cultivated to great success, a strong man in the early stage of the Tribulation Period can directly become two strong men in the early period of the Tribulation Period.

If Xiao Han is fighting an opponent, and two Xiao Han shot at the same time, how about the opponent of the same level, is it not crushed in minutes?

As for the powerhouses one level higher, like Chen Huohuo and Guo Hua, two Xiao Han can definitely fight them all over the floor.

Baby, this is the real baby.

This set of Fengyun Transformation Body alone, even if it was given five hundred seventh-order demon pills, Xiao Han was reluctant to change it.

It's no wonder that Xiao Han was on the high platform before, just imitating Fengyun Transformation, and that Chen Huohuo directly exploded.

Such a magical cultivation technique, of course Xingyizong would have to cover it to death.

At this time, Xiao Han was still continuously pouring spirit energy into the scroll.

Only then did Xiao Han discover that all the spiritual energy he had poured in had been consumed by that scroll without a trace.

So much aura can be consumed by this scroll, is this too scary?

Thinking of this, Xiao Han hurriedly gathered his mind, continued to pour in spiritual energy, and read the information on the scroll.

"The cultivation of Fengyun Transfiguration Body is very difficult. If you want to turn your mind into distraction, you must first cultivate Fengyun Transfiguration Body to the realm of Dacheng, so that you have a certain chance to condense the distraction.

For thousands of years in our Starfall Sect, there are only dozens of people who can cultivate Fengyun Transformation Body to great success. As for those who can condense clones, there are very few. "

"This set of practice exercises is divided into two volumes, the elders of my Starfall Sect disciple can get the upper scroll after reaching a certain level, but if you want to get the lower scroll, you must practice at least until the middle of the Tribulation Period before you are eligible to go to this sect. Baoge, after passing the test, can he get Fengyun Changed Body Volume."

Then, a large amount of information was poured into Xiao Han's mind from the scroll. The latter information should be Fengyun's transformation method.

"Feng Yun's changeable status is up and down two scrolls? After a long time, here is just scrolling up?"

After reading all the information on the scrolls, Xiao Han slowly opened his eyes and couldn't help but mutter: "A set of scrolls is already so precious, then scrolls are going to the Xingyunzong Treasure Pavilion. Among them, you still need to pass the test before you can get the roll down."

Just scrolling up has already made Chen Huohuo anxiously angry. It seems that this situation is indeed very mysterious.

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