The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2262: Need to wait for bed

The poor nine-tailed fox was patrolling in his own territory, and when he walked out of the door, he flew into a disaster, was caught by someone, and flew into the air.

The nine-tailed fox did not transform into a human form, but retained the form of a monster beast.

"Sir, do you need a slave to sleep in?"

With that said, the nine-tailed fox demon that Xiao Han held in his hand was about to transform into a human form, letting this human race expert see how beautiful he was.

That nine-tailed fox is a seventh-order monster, and there is no way to fight back in front of this human race refiner, no one knows the severity.

So when she looked at the strong human race who arrested him, who was actually a rough man, the nine-tailed fox demon was moved.

It is said that the strong human beings are feminine, and it is estimated that this innocent disaster of his own may be because he is too beautiful.

"No." Xiao Han grinned and smiled softly: "You come with me and don't have to do anything. After everything is done, I will send you ten seventh-order demon pills to let you go back."


The seven-tier nine-tailed fox demon looked surprised.

Do nothing? Isn't it a maid?

Not only don't you embarrass her, but before sending her back, he will also give her ten seventh-order demon pills?

Where is such a good thing in the world?

This made this seventh-order nine-tailed fox demon look incredible.

Xiao Han smiled slightly, and then said: "Actually, you don't need to do nothing. As long as you release the breath from all over your body and cover my breath, you can do it?"

Release the breath from all over the body to cover up his breath?

It's that simple?

The nine-tailed fox said with a smile: "Speak up, adults, don't laugh at me, your request, in the entire ten-party refining domain, apart from our nine-tailed fox demon clan, there is no other monster that can do it."

"Really?" Xiao Han suddenly felt that he was wrong.

Originally, he thought, what kind of monster had the heaviest smell?


So Xiao Han caught a seventh-order nine-tailed fox demon.

It would be better to arrive first. He felt that he had found the right person because of a mistake. No, he had found the right demon.

It seems that the nine-tailed fox demon in front of me is very good at this.

"Of course, how dare I deceive Mr.?" The nine-tailed fox demon smiled like a flower.

Xiao Han thought for a while and asked, "Well, I need you to cover up my breath now. Where do you think we can find a place where it is difficult for other people to perceive my breath?"

The nine-tailed fox thought for a while, and said softly, "If you don't dislike it, you can...go to my cave."

"Well, let's go now." As he said, Xiao Han carried the nine-tailed fox and walked back.

It didn't take long for Wan Jian to catch up again and stopped where Xiao Han had just stopped.

He perceives his surroundings with a puzzled look, and finally can't help cursing: "You cunning bastard, if the old man catches you, he will definitely skin you cramp..."

His avatar has caught up with one of the breaths again.

As a result, Wan Jianyi's body and clone became farther and farther apart.

This made Wan Jianyi feel that he was teased by Xiao Han.


Xiao Han sat cross-legged in the cave of the nine-tailed fox.

The nine-tailed fox demon stood by, afraid to move.

Xiao Han practiced cross-legged, but a little monster was standing on the shoulder of the nine-tailed fox demon.

The little demon beast Wangcai lay lazily on the shoulders of the nine-tailed fox demon, squinting his eyes as if he was asleep.

It was this little demon beast that exuded no breath, but it made the seventh-order beast nine-tailed fox dare not move at all.

Although this little demon beast looked ordinary, but somehow, the nine-tailed fox demon felt a strong breath of death.

Even the powerful Human Race powerhouse in front of her didn't give her this feeling, but now she appeared in front of a little monster, the nine-tailed fox demon sweating coldly.

"If you mess around, it won't move you." Xiao Han said softly with his eyes closed.

The nine-tailed fox demon cautiously said, "Sir, don't worry, I won't dare to mess around even if you give me a hundred courage. If you practice with peace of mind, I won't go anywhere."

Xiao Han nodded lightly and began to practice the repairing technique of the blue and yellow spring palm.

The nine-tailed fox demon’s cave was silent. After the nine-tailed fox demon stood for a long time, he had to laugh twice, and turned his head to look at the little thing on his shoulders, and asked: "I... Can I sit down?"

Seeing that the little monster beast didn't respond, the nine-tailed fox monster walked to the side tremblingly and sat down.

A terrifying human race powerhouse, a mysterious little demon beast, this made the nine-tailed fox demon feel that he had encountered this kind of existence from time to time when he went out and didn't read the almanac.

She could feel that the long and good-looking Human Race young man in front of her was far superior to her. Maybe she could slap him to death with a slap.

But the little thing on the shoulder is not a good stubble. It is said to be a monster, and it does not look like it, but it has a face of a monster, and there is no aura from all over the body, but she is small here. In front of the monster beast, he couldn't help feeling terrified.

What a curse comes from heaven.

Even the nine-tailed fox demon of Tier 7 is cautious, not to mention those monsters under the nine-tailed fox demon.

No one dared to enter the hole to disturb.

As time passed bit by bit, Wan Jianyi and his clone were surprised to find that they had no way of knowing Xiao Han's breath through the secret method.

It seems that Xiao Han just disappeared out of thin air.

However, Wan Jianyi still speculated that Xiao Han did not escape at all, but found a place to hide. He didn't know what method he used to hide his breath.

"This little bastard, the old man doesn't believe it. Can you fly out of the old man's palm?"


Just when Xiao Han walked into the nine-tailed fox demon cave house, in a valley in the Beiyue Mountains, two pretty figures walked slowly in the valley.

These two people are the Yumei Empress and Luo Luo whom Xiao Han is thinking of.

"Sister Yumei, are you sure that Brother Xiao Han will come to the Beiyue Mountain Range?" Luo Luo asked with a puzzled look.

Empress Yumei nodded and said: "Absolutely, as long as Xiao Han hears about the power of the Beiyue Peak Tianlei Pool, he will definitely find a way to come here."

"Then why don't we rush to Tianlun City or Bafang City to wait for Brother Xiao Han, but we have to run to the Beiyue Mountain Range and wait?" Luo Luo still a little puzzled.

"Fool, let's rush to Tianlun City or Bafang City. It is very likely that we will miss Xiao Han, but if we wait near this Beiyue Peak, we will definitely be able to wait for Xiao Han." Empress Yumei said with a smile: "And that Beiyue. The Tianlei Pool on the peak is so magical, Xiao Han will definitely come to try his luck. Let’s rush here first, just to help your brother Xiao Han figure out the situation here. After he comes, we can give it to him. Staff officer, maybe your brother Xiao Han has a better chance of grabbing a spot in Tianlei Pool?"

"Yes, yes, yes, sister Yumei is thoughtful. When the time comes, Xiao Han's brother will be able to tell him all about the situation here. Brother Xiao Han's chances of grabbing the Tianlei Pool will definitely be much greater."

Having said this, Luo Luo muttered softly with a melancholy expression: "But I haven't seen Brother Xiao Han for so many days, so I really miss him a little bit."

Empress Yumei stretched out her hand gently and touched Luoluo's little head, and smiled: "Yes, I also think, when your brother Xiao Han comes, she will be very happy to see Luoluo grow tall and beautiful again. Of it."

"Why?" Luo Luo Qiao blushed.

Empress Yumei was no longer amused. She looked up at the distant sky and said softly: "Let's go and take a look. Now Beiyue Peak is getting more and more lively."

"Yeah, there are still more than ten days before the Tianlei Pool is overflowing. The Beiyue Peak is already overcrowded. I don't know how many more people will come when the Tianlei Pool opens."

Luo Luo said, angrily said: "Let's be more careful later, and don't run into those nasty guys."

Empress Yumei was taken aback for a moment, and then reluctantly said: "Indeed, let's not get too close. It will be annoying to be discovered by them later."

Hearing this, Luo Luo gritted his teeth and cursed: "Those bad guys are really too much. If I hadn’t had a dozen or so powerful Xuantian bronzes in my hand, I’m afraid they would have been tempted to do it. ."

Empress Yumei's face sank: "It's okay, just let them be arrogant for a few days. When your brother Xiao Han comes, he will help us out."

"Hmm." After hearing this, Luo Luo said with a look of excitement: "At that time, Xiao Han's brother will beat them up."


Xiao Han, who was cultivating in the Nine-Tailed Fox Demon Cave Mansion, slowly opened his eyes before cultivating for long.

The nine-tailed fox demon sat quietly on the side with a grieved expression on his face.

That little monster Wangcai was still closing his eyes.

Xiao Han didn't pay attention to these movements around him. After he slowly opened his eyes, his brows were furrowed with a helpless look on his face.

Xiao Han had already obtained the practice technique of the Jieluohuangquan Palm, but just after he started practicing, Xiao Han found that the practice technique of the Jieluohuangquan Palm was very cryptic and difficult to understand.

Even if Xiao Han is confident of his talents and roots, judging from the current situation, there is no way to cultivate the Biluohuangquan Palm to a certain level in no three or five months.

The most important reason is that when you practice Biluo Huangquan Palm, it is best to practice the basic exercises of Huangquan School at the same time, so that you can get twice the result with half the effort.

However, this Huangquan Sect ceased to exist thousands of years ago. Where can Xiao Han go to find the most basic cultivation technique of Huangquan Sect?

Among the three sects and four sects, there is one Huangquan Sect that is connected to the Huangquan Sect thousands of years ago, but Xiao Han has never encountered Huangquan Sect disciples.

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