Obviously it is impossible to get Huangquanmen's cultivation technique at this juncture.

In other words, it should be very difficult for Xiao Han to cultivate Biluo Huangquanzong to a certain level in a short time.

There was no way to cultivate Biluo Huangquan Palm to a certain level, so Xiao Han could only give up temporarily.

However, Xiao Han quickly took out the cultivation technique of Xingyizong's Fengyun Transformation Body.

Before that, Xiao Han had taken the time to practice the cultivation technique of the half Fengyun Transforming Body he had obtained from Guo Yi.

Therefore, Xiao Han has completely mastered that half of Fengyun's transformation body.

Xiao Han didn't dare to say that he was better than the elder Chen Huohuo of the Starfall Sect, but at least he was no worse than Guo Yi.

Now what Xiao Han needs to do is to successfully cultivate the part of Fengyun Transformation that he obtained from the four elders of Xingyizong.

Xiao Han knew that Wan Jian would come here early in the morning and evening. As for when he would find here, Xiao Han was not sure.

But when Wan Jianyi arrived here, it was true that he should hurry up and cultivate.

So after Xiao Han glanced at the nine-tailed fox demon sitting there blankly, he said softly, "I’m telling you, my enemy will soon be looking for a door, so let’s leave your cave and find someone Avoid the place and come back later."

The nine-tailed fox demon was taken aback for a moment, and then asked in disbelief, "Sir, isn't it afraid that I will go out to inform you?"

"You don't have the guts."

Xiao Han smiled and said: "It is difficult for my enemy to kill me, but I want to kill you. It's very simple. Do you know what I mean?"

Looking at Xiao Han with a smile on his face, the nine-tailed fox demon couldn't help shivering.

Only absolute self-confidence can say such affirmative words.

"Sir, don't worry, I'm not so stupid." The nine-tailed fox demon's face changed several times, and he said softly.

With that said, the nine-tailed fox demon turned and walked out. The little demon beast Wangcai on her shoulder also jumped down and continued to doze on the ground.

"Take this one."

Xiao Han took out a small bag from Qiankun's bag and threw it directly to the nine-tailed fox demon.

The nine-tailed fox demon stretched out his hand to take it, opened it, and was stunned.

What was in the small bag was actually ten seventh-order demon pills.

The nine-tailed fox demon was taken aback for a moment, and then a grateful expression: "Thank you for the gift, Mr. Thank you for the gift."

Ten seventh-order demon pills, for a monster beast like the nine-tailed fox demon, if the strength is not improved, it would be a little difficult to get ten seventh-order demon pills.

But now this human race powerhouse has ten seventh-order demon pills with one shot, which is a fortune for this nine-tailed fox demon.

"I promised to give you ten seventh-order demon pills before. Now that you have done what you should do, I should fulfill my promise."

Xiao Han waved his hand: "Come on, don't delay, if my enemy comes, I don't have so much time to protect you."

The nine-tailed fox demon walked happily holding the small bag.

Before leaving, the nine-tailed fox demon didn’t notify her gang. She was afraid that her movements would be too great, and that the enemy of the strong human race would be aware that when the other party became angry, not only her little Life is hard to save, and those subordinates are certainly not immune.

Xiao Han reviewed the cultivation methods of those Fengyun Transformation Body stored in his mind, and gradually entered the cultivation.

I don't know how long it has passed. When Xiao Han opened his eyes, the little monster beast that had been resting on the ground did not know when he had stood up.

Wangcai was walking around on the ground, seemingly anxious.


Seeing Xiao Han's eyes opened, the little monster beast Wangcai slowly walked out after it whispered a few times.

Xiao Han's heart moved, and he vaguely guessed something.

At this time, Xiao Han had finished his cultivation, so he slowly stood up and walked outside the cave.

When he walked to the entrance of the Nine-Tailed Fox Demon's cave, and looked up at the sky above his head, Xiao Han's mood was much calmer.

If you can't hide, just fight a battle.

Xiao Han believed that Wan Jianyi could defeat him, but it was not that easy to kill him.


At this moment, Little Demon Beast Wangcai suddenly began to cry.

Xiao Han was shocked, he knew that the other party had finally come to the door.

Suddenly, a sharp breath began to shoot towards Xiao Han from mid-air.

Xiao Han lifted his hand, and the Cangqiang sword shot out directly from Xiao Han's body, and then violently hit the breath with that breath.


The two breaths collided, and even the surrounding space began to oscillate.

After a while, a figure wrapped in surging spiritual energy slowly appeared in the air, and it was the elder Wan Jianyi of the Star Meteorite Sect who had been chasing after him.

"I chased you so soon, it seems I still underestimate you." Xiao Han's expression changed slightly.

Once Wan Jian appeared, it took more time than he expected to find. It seemed that it was not easy to get rid of this old guy.

"I want to hide some tricks from the old man? The old man said that you can't escape today." Wan Jianyi stared at Xiao Han with a heavy face.

Xiao Lun Lun smiled and said: "It's strange, I have arranged so many breaths, you can find here so quickly, it seems that your secret method is very useful."

Hearing this, Wan Jian in mid-air grinned with a playful look.

"Just a few tricks can deceive the old man. That old man has lived on a dog for so many years. I said, you can't escape."

At this time, Xiao Han suddenly noticed that there seemed to be something wrong with Wan Jianyi in front of him.

Before Wan Jianyi was a real powerhouse at the peak of the Tribulation Period, but now, his aura is much weaker than before.

At least Xiao Han's Wan Jianyi was not at all the strength of the peak realm of the Tribulation Period. The aura that he faintly exuded was at best the strength of the mid-Tribulation Period.

"No, your aura is wrong." Thinking of this, Xiao Han's heart moved and he was stunned: "You are not Wan Jianyi's main body, you are a clone of Wan Jianyi's transformation after using Fengyun Transformation Body?"

"It's not bad, it seems that you really know our Star Meteorite Sect's Fengyun Transformation Body very thoroughly," Wan Jian smiled and said: "You can even see that I am a clone. You are very good."

"Wangcai, go up and bite him, he is just a clone, only the strength of the middle of the catastrophe period, he just wants to delay time, the body of Wan Jianyi must have not rushed over."

Xiao Han hurriedly shouted at the little demon beast Wangcai.

The figure in front of him was a clone created by Wan Jianyi's Fengyun Transformation Body, whose strength was much weaker than the body.

At this time, if Xiao Han can't solve this clone as soon as possible, when Wan Jianyi's body arrives here, then Xiao Han will not want to escape easily.

As soon as Xiao Han's cry fell, the little demon beast Wangcai rushed out with a howl.

Wangcai's figure flashed, and his whole figure directly rammed Wan Jianyi's clone, ignoring the shattered space around him.

Seeing Xiao Han directly directing the little monster Wangcai to rush towards him, Wan Jianyi's clone sneered, and the aura around his body began to flow quickly.

With a move of Wan Jianyi's avatar, he also rushed out to face the little demon beast Wangcai, and finally slammed into it.


An earth-shattering sound rang over the entire mountain forest, and a huge shock wave destroyed a lot of surrounding rocks and trees.

Looking at the two figures who were clashing, Xiao Han's eyes were also staring at the battle.

Although the strength of the Little Demon Beast Wangcai was not as strong as Wan Jianyi's body, the Little Demon Beast Wangcai still had an obvious advantage in front of Wan Jianyi's clone.

So as soon as the two sides collided, Wan Jianyi's clone was at a disadvantage under Wangcai's fierce offensive.

Xiao Han also knew that although the little demon beast Wangcai had the upper hand, he would definitely not be able to kill Wan Jianyi's clone in a short time.

With that horrible speed, I am afraid it will not take long to chase here.

At that time, when the body of Wan Jianyi arrived here, Xiao Han knew that it would be even more difficult for him to escape today.

"Wangcai, I will take action with you, and kill this clone as soon as possible. You can't let him drag time here." Thinking of this, Xiao Han quickly shouted in a deep voice.

At this time, Little Demon Beast Wangcai also sensed Xiao Han's thoughts, his figure flashed, and the whole figure disappeared out of thin air.

Seeing the little demon beast Wangcai speeding up the offensive, Xiao Han also rushed up with the sky sword in his hand.

Suddenly, the figure of Little Demon Beast Wangcai appeared directly behind Wan Jianyi's clone.

Then one head hit the back of Wan Jianyi's clone.


A low dull sound blasted out of thin air, and the aura on Wan Jianyi's clone became much weaker.

It seemed that the strength of Wan Jianyi's clone was not even the same as the main body.

In addition, the strength of that little monster beast Wangcai was quite terrifying, and under this collision, Wan Jianyi's clone was a bit overwhelming.

However, Xiao Han also knew that within a short period of time, Wan Jianyi's clone could still support it.

This clone couldn't be delayed forever, so Xiao Han decided to join forces with the Little Monster Beast to deal with him.

With the Sky Sword in his hand, Xiao Han began to exude a fierce aura.

Xiao Han knew that at this time, he had to fight quickly, so he didn't talk nonsense. It was the strongest move to strike directly. It was necessary to defeat Wan Jianyi's clone in the shortest time.

At this time, Xiao Han didn't keep his hands when he shot, in order to defeat Wan Jianyi's clone as soon as possible and leave here as quickly as possible.

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