The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2264: Crash the clone

Xiao Han's palm was tightly holding the Cangqiang Sword, and waves of invisible sharp sword aura spurted out from the fitness of the Cangqiang Sword.

Xiao Han grabbed the Cangqiang sword and slashed towards Wan Jianyi's clone, and the sharp sword aura made waves of cutting air.

Then those Jian Qi lashed towards that clone.

"not good......"

Seeing Xiao Han and the little monster beast starting to join forces, the situation turned around, Wan Jianyi's clone suddenly screamed in surprise, and there was also a hint of withdrawal on his face.

The next moment, Wan Jianyi's clone began to fly back.

Although he is only a clone of Wan Jianyi, he has all the wisdom and vision of Wan Jianyi.

At this time, he can naturally see that if Xiao Han joins forces with the little monster beast, he is not an opponent at all, and within a short time, he will be defeated.

So Wan Jianyi's clone turned around and left.

"I want to leave now, is it a little late?"

Seeing Wan Jianyi's take the clone and retreat explodingly, Xiao coldly laughed.

After joining hands with Little Monster Beast Wangcai, Xiao Han's [New Biquge] strength is far beyond Wan Jian's clone.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Xiao Han's Cangqiangjian sword surged, and finally smashed Wan Jianyi's body with lightning speed.


Countless sharp sword auras were cut on Wan Jianyi's body, cutting away those protective auras around him.

Before he pulled away and flew back again, countless fierce sword auras around him came again.


Losing the protective body of the spiritual energy, Wan Jianyi's clone was instantly hit by the sky sword in the shoulder.

Wan Jianyi's clone suddenly screamed, and the figure of the clone also seemed to be a lot weaker.

"Shoo, hoo..."

Xiao Han's sword dance in the sky was alive and well. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Xiao Han of course beat the dog.

Several fierce sky sword auras shot into the second area from all directions, directly cut on the avatar of Wan Jianyi, and directly flew the avatar that hit the back.

When the fierce sword aura of those Sky Swords was constantly cutting on the body of Wan Jianyi's clone, Xiao Han had disappeared on the spot out of thin air.

When Xiao Han's figure appeared again, he had already appeared in front of Wan Jianyi's clone.

Xiao Lun Lun smiled and said, "Does a clone dare to chase me? Your heart is so big."

As soon as Xiao Han's voice fell, the Sky Sword in his hand slashed fiercely, and finally the clone of Wan Jianyi was directly split in half.

There was no blood splattering, and there was no **** scene, just like that, the clone was split in half.

"Little bastard, count you as cruel. When I personally arrive, you will never escape the palm of my hand."

The clone of Wan Jian Yi that had been split in half immediately became illusory, and Wan Jian Yi's furious voice came from mid-air.

Xiao Lian laughed. At this time, the little demon beast Wangcai had already rushed up, smashing the two halves of Wan Jianyi in one bite, and the last two halves of the avatar burst apart like glass, becoming one by one. Crystal particles are generally floating in the air.

At this moment, Xiao Han's heart moved.

While the crystal particles hadn't completely floated away, Xiao Han stretched out his hand and grabbed it, and a horrible suction force appeared from his palm, directly grabbing the crystal particles together.

Those crystal particles were all controlled by Xiao Han, and they suddenly changed into pure energy.

Xiao Han was overjoyed and directly inhaled those pure energy into his body.

Soon, those energies were directly transformed into a series of pure auras, flowing into Xiao Han's body along Xiao Han's palm.

And as the pure aura of these clones merged into Xiao Han's body, Xiao Han could feel that all that energy had become the pure aura in his body and began to flow through Xiao Han's meridians.

It seems that after breaking Wan Jianyi's clone, Xiao Han can absorb the aura from all clones. This is a great tonic.

"Hahaha, this is really cheap for me."

Xiao Han couldn't help laughing.

At this time, Xiao Han suddenly discovered that as the pure energy of those clones merged into his body, a message suddenly appeared in his mind.

"this is......"

Those messages appeared directly in Xiao Han's mind, and the practice techniques of Fengyun's transformation body, which had been incomplete, had begun to make up.

"Fengyun's transforming body cultivation method? Is this made up?"

Xiao Han felt the messages in his mind with an incredulous expression on his face, but was surprised to find that those messages were really the residual techniques of the Fengyun Transformation Body that Xiao Han desperately wanted.

In this way, Xiao Han inexplicably filled Feng Yun's Transformed Body's incomplete practice exercises by coincidence.

It turned out that in Wan Jianyi's clone, there was actually a part of Fengyun Transformation's cultivation technique.

Thinking of this, Xiao Han felt that the greatest possibility was that Wan Jianyi's clone had the spirit and wisdom of the same ontology.

Wan Jianyi's body had already stored Fengyun's transforming body practice techniques in his mind.

After Xiao Han defeated Wan Jianyi’s clone, he subconsciously collected all the fragments after the clone collapsed, and he was unexpectedly happy.

"Haha...This can be an unexpected result from a real mistake. Thank you for your kindness, and I will thank you again in the future."

After obtaining the complete Fengyun Transformation Body practice technique, Xiao Han was stunned for a long time, and finally healed.

But happy to be happy, Xiao Han really wouldn't be so overwhelmed.

At this time, this is not a place to stay for a long time.

He knew that Wan Jianyi might catch up at any time.

After getting the cultivation technique completed by Fengyun Transformation Body, what Xiao Han wants to do most now is to find a way to hide, and then practice well.

Thinking of this, Xiao Han's figure flashed, and the whole person turned into a glorious light and quickly disappeared in the air.

When Xiao Han set foot on the escape again, about a quarter of an hour passed, over the Nine-Tailed Fox Demon Cave Mansion, the place where Xiao Han was located flashed, and a figure slowly emerged.

This person is exactly the elder Wan Jianyi of the Star Meteorite Sect whose complexion is hard to see.

Wan Jianyi's face was not only ugly, but also pale.

It seems that Xiao Han just abolished the clone of Wan Jianyi, and for Wan Jianyi's body, there will be considerable loss.

Although this loss was nothing with Wan Jianyi's strength, after the clone was abolished, Wan Jianyi's mood was still extremely bad.

And what made Wan Jianyi feel unbelievable is still to come.

After Wan Jianyi used a secret method to investigate, he was surprised to find that he could not find Xiao Han's breath at all.

Thinking of this, Wan Jianyi's face became even more ugly.

He looked around and couldn't help snarling loudly: "Little bastard, one day you will fall on my hand and risk your life as good as death."

Wan Jianyi couldn't understand why the secret method could not find Xiao Han's breath.

But his clone was indeed defeated by the high-grade spirit weapon that Xiao Han teamed up with.

This is the time Wan Jianyi didn't even know that his clone had actually made up for Xiao Han the incomplete part of Fengyun Transformed Body.

If Wan Jianyi knew it, he would jump up angrily.

Xiao Han escaped for several hours before finally stopping in a mountain forest.

Xiao Han repeated his old skills and found a seventh-order monster with a heavier smell, and then directly occupied the opponent's cave.

Although Wan Jianyi hadn't caught up for a long time, Xiao Han couldn't be sure that he had escaped Wan Jianyi's tracking.

Although Wan Jianyi hadn't caught up yet, Xiao Han knew very well that Wan Jianyi would never just leave it alone.

Moreover, Xiao Han was not sure if Wan Jianyi had other means to search for his position.

In addition, Wan Jianyi's speed is quite terrifying.

If Wan Jianyi senses his position, I am afraid that he will feel here soon at Wan Jianyi's speed.

So just on the road, Xiao Han used the blindfold method several times in a row.

He took out dozens of magic weapons, poured them into aura and let them fly out around.

In this way, Xiao Han believed that even if Wan Jianyi still had the means to determine his position, he might not have found him so quickly.

But that little monster Wangcai was obviously unhappy, but Xiao Han wasted a lot of magic weapons.

That's all his rations.

In the eyes of the little monster Wangcai, Xiao Han had no choice but to promise that he would collect more magic weapons for it in the future.

After releasing the blind eye technique several times, Xiao Han began to hide his breath, and then sneaked into hiding.

Xiao Han once again found a nest of the nine-tailed fox demon.

However, Xiao Han was not sure whether Wan Jianyi would come back this time.

Therefore, Xiao Han did not immediately enter the nest of the nine-tailed fox demon, but found a place nearby to hide.

While Xiao Han carefully concealed his aura, he used the aura of the monsters around him to try his best to prevent Wan Jianyi from discovering his existence.

Xiao Han was hiding in a tree hole. In the tree hole, there was a fifth-order black bear demon, which exuded a strange smell.

Xiao Han took the little demon beast Wangcai and stared at the Tier 5 black bear demon.

The black bear demon was suppressed by Xiao Han and did not dare to move. After about thirty minutes had passed, there was a faint fluctuation in the distance.

During the previous period of time, Xiao Han and the Little Monster Beast were sitting motionless like two stone statues, and the aura from the whole body was completely integrated into the surrounding aura.

If Wan Jianyi were able to find Xiao Han's accurate position at this time, then Xiao Han would have to go out and fight to the death.

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