The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 2265: Barely get out

However, when there was a slight movement in the distance, Xiao Han knew that Wan Jianyi should have felt his surroundings.

When the gloomy Wan Jianyi figure slowly flashed out in the air, Wan Jianyi's expression was hard to see the extreme.

Along the way, he was made a lot of wrongdoing by Xiao Han's blindfold.

After a previous lesson, Wan Jianyi didn't even dare to phantom his clone.

Wan Jianyi was worried that the situation like the last time would happen again. After the main body acted with the clone head, Xiao Han found the opportunity to disintegrate his clone again. The first time Wan Jianyi had lost a lot of aura.

If I do it again, I am afraid Wan Jianyi will really go crazy.

So Wan Jianyi now dare not release your clone, you can only rely on yourself to search in one direction and one direction.

Wan Jian's gloomy gaze slowly swept across the mountains and forests below him.

"Little things, the old man will never end with you."

After investigating, there was still nothing, Wan Jian couldn't help letting out an angry roar.

After a while, Wan Jian let out a cold snort, and slapped a heavy hand at the forest below.


A burst of spiritual energy flew out of Wan Jianyi's body and shot directly at the forest below.

In an instant, the mountains and forests below were in a mess.

"Little chopsticks, waiting for the old man to catch you will definitely make you worse off than death."

Xiao Han secretly sighed. It turned out that Wan Jianyi didn't find Xiao Han's trace, but couldn't find Xiao Han's location, and he was getting angry now.

Therefore, after Wan Jian vented to the forest below, he looked in another direction, and then his figure flashed and the whole person disappeared out of thin air again.

Although he felt that Wan Jianyi had left, Xiao Han, who was sitting cross-legged in the black bear demon tree hole, still remained motionless.

He knew that with the strength of Wan Jianyi, the peak of the Tribulation Period was temporarily beyond his ability to contend.

That Wan Jianyi's sense of consciousness was already very strong, and Xiao Han worried that the other party was making a fake shot.

If he made any movements now, he might be felt by Wan Jianyi.

So even if he knew that Wan Jianyi had left, Xiao Han still sat there motionless for half an hour.

"call out......"

At this time, just as Xiao Han was about to show up, there was a slight wind breaking in the air.

"Hey... that little **** is really gone, how could this be? Impossible."

It turned out that Wan Jianyi didn't find Xiao Han in other places, so he went and returned.

"Wan Jianyi, this old guy is really old and cunning, and he almost fell in love with him." Xiao Han couldn't help but cursed secretly in his heart.

Xiao Han really didn't expect that Wan Jianyi, an old guy, could be so cunning.

If Xiao Han had just made a move, he would surely be discovered by Wan Jianyi who had returned.

At this time, the black bear demon in the tree hole was already nervous to the extreme.

But it still didn't dare to move.

Although he guessed that the one outside might be a more powerful character than the one in front of him, he didn't dare to move. Maybe he didn't wait for the one outside to rescue himself, the one in front of him would already have it. It's fate.

After Wan Jianyi went around for a while, he was sure that he didn't find anything, and finally left unwillingly.

After that Wan Jianyi disappeared again, Xiao Han remained motionless while sitting in the tree hole.

After half an hour had passed, Xiao Han felt that Wan Jianyi shouldn't look back a second time, and Xiao Han heaved a sigh of relief.

"For you."

Without saying anything, Xiao Han directly took out a seventh-order demon pill from the universe bag and threw it to the nervous black bear demon.

The surprised black bear demon subconsciously reached out to take what Xiao Han threw over, and was instantly dumbfounded.

Xiao Han didn't care about how shocked the Black Bear Demon was. After getting out of the tree hole, Xiao Han walked out of the tree hole and looked at the surrounding situation vigilantly.

It was true that after Wan Jianyi did not appear again, Xiao Han's figure flashed, and the whole person turned into an afterimage and swept into the mountains and forests.

Xiao Han didn't dare to fly with his sword in mid-air, but flickered in the mountains and forests, worrying that the old guy Wan Jianyi was still nearby.

Even if Xiao Han was traveling through the mountains and forests, Xiao Han deliberately avoided some monsters around him.

It was really an unavoidable monster beast, Xiao Han killed him without hesitation, making the other party too late to hum.

In this way, after Xiao Han flicked in the mountains and forests for a short half an hour, he found a cave in a high mountain to hide.

After arriving in the cave, Xiao Han breathed a sigh of relief.

This escape today really made Xiao Han very nervous.

Xiao Han was not afraid of desperate, but was afraid of meaningless sacrifice.

Although Xiao Han knew that Wan Jianyi had the ability to defeat him, he might not have the ability to kill him. Xiao Han still subconsciously avoided this contest.

It is not far from Beiyue Mountain Range.

Xiao Han wanted to find the whereabouts of Empress Yumei and Luoluo as soon as possible, to make sure that the two of them were safe, and that the stone in Xiao Han's heart would really fall to the ground.

Before that, it was meaningless to fight for life with Wan Jian.

After sitting down on a big rock, Xiao Han realized that his tense heart gradually relaxed a little along the way.

If you really want to count it, today is the day when Xiao Han entered the Ten Fang Refining Domain, the most reminded day.

If it hadn't been for Xiao Han's ingenuity and arranged so many blindfolds to confuse Wan Jianyi, he might have been blocked by Wan Jianyi on the way.

It was very difficult for Xiao Han to defeat a great elder of the Star Meteorite Sect at the peak of the Tribulation Period.

If Xiao Han had all his cards, he might not be able to defeat Wan Jianyi.

But it is not impossible for Xiao Han to escape, but he must pay a certain price.

The whereabouts of Empress Yumei and Luoluo are currently unknown.

The Tianlei Pool in the Beiyue Mountain Range is about to open again. If Xiao Han and Wan Jian suffered a serious injury, it would be more than worthwhile.

However, to protect the two of Luoluo and Yumei Niangniang, after Tianlei Pool was opened in the future, Xiao Han was no longer eligible to compete.

So, try not to go to war if you can.

In addition, Xiao Han had just accidentally collected Feng Yun's transforming body cultivation techniques.

At this time, the most important thing is to hurry up to cultivate, and cultivate Fengyun Transformation Body to a certain level in the future, and once again encounter Wan Jianyi, Xiao Han is more confident.

Thinking of this, Xiao Han sighed softly.

In the case of insufficient strength, there is no way to avoid the front.

After taking a deep breath, Xiao Han's heart moved and released the little demon beast Wangcai.

Whether it's cultivating exercises or sitting in meditation and adjusting your breath, Xiao Han feels more secure with the little monster Wangcai by his side.

After confirming that there was no abnormal movement around, Xiao Han began to slowly close his eyes and start the state of cultivation.

The most important thing is to start practicing the complete set of Fengyun Transformation Practice in my mind.

The accidental information obtained from Wan Jianyi's avatar allowed Xiao Han to complete the remaining Fengyun Transformation Cultivation Technique.

This allowed Xiao Han to formally start practicing Fengyun Transformation.

Xiao Han devoted all his energy to the cultivation of Fengyun Transformation Body.

Gradually, the cave began to dim, and it seemed that it was already dark outside.

The little monster beast lay motionless, and only Wangcai's eyes with gloomy light could be seen in the darkness.

Throughout the whole night, Xiao Han sat cross-legged still, until a certain moment, Xiao Han's eyelids trembled slightly, and then slowly opened his eyes.

"This is the real Fengyun Transformation Body?" Xiao Han's face also showed a look of surprise.

After cultivating for a whole night, Xiao Han couldn't help but go secretly.

After starting to formally practice Fengyun Transformation Body, Xiao Han discovered that the cultivation method of Fengyun Transformation Body was indeed very mysterious.

In addition, when this situation changed its body to practice, it had very high requirements on the spiritual power of the cultivating object.

If the power of divine consciousness is not strong enough, it will be difficult to transform Fengyun into a successful cultivation practice.

It's no wonder that among the huge Starfall Sect, there are so many disciples and elders of the sect, but few of them can turn into a clone.

It is really difficult for ordinary people's spiritual power to meet the requirements.

So Xiao Han met so many elders and disciples of the Xingyizong, Guo Yi only practiced the first half.

Chen Huohuo, the four elders, five elders and others have not practiced to the point where they can transform into a clone.

That is, the great elder Wan Jianyi Xiao Han met today turned into a clone.

Moreover, it seemed that the clone that Wan Jianyi condensed was somewhat different from the strength of the body.

The strength of Wan Jianyi's body is already at the peak of the Tribulation Period, but the strength of his avatar is only in the middle of the Tribulation Period. It seems that even the Great Elder Wan Jianyi of the Starfall Sect cannot transform Fengyun into practice. To the realm of consummation.

Xiao Han felt strange before that even the Great Elder Wan Jianyi of the Star Meteorite Sect had not been able to cultivate Fengyun Transformation Body to the realm of Great Perfection. How difficult is Fengyun Transformation Body to cultivate.

Now that Xiao Han has practiced himself, he can truly understand it.

And even if Fengyun's Transformation Body was successfully cultivated, the clone was finally transformed, but it didn't necessarily play a role.

The avatars that come out of the illusion also have high and low points, which are the four levels of entry, Dacheng, perfection, and great perfection.

Getting started, at most, is able to condense a clone of oneself, not to mention fighting with the enemy, this clone does not even have the strength to protect itself, so you can only look at it.

In other words, when you cultivate to the introductory stage of the avatar, at most, you can avail of a clone that is exactly the same as the deity, without any combat power.

If you want the clone to have a certain combat effectiveness, you must at least reach the Dacheng stage.

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