The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 905: Lu Xuan comes home

Xiao Han nodded, but did not speak.

At this time, Lu Xuan had already seen Xiao Han and Mang Shuimu University, and Lu Xuan had sensed Xiao Han's location when she was standing at the school gate. And what shocked Xiao Han the most was that she had clearly locked herself in, but she did not feel it. This shows that this woman is definitely not simple.

Lu Xuan walked to Xiao Han and said, "Xiao Han, I haven't seen you for a long time."

"Lord of the island, I don't know what you are asking for me?" Xiao Han grinned and looked fearless.

Xiao Han naturally doesn't have to worry about Lu Xuan's daring to act here. Once the two of them act here, they will definitely hurt the innocent. I am afraid that the entire Shuimu University will be buried. At that time, the government will certainly not stand idly by. Moreover, the state organs now have grievances against these major sects. Once they are caught by the state organs, they will definitely seize the opportunity to attack.

Although Penglai Island is awesome, it is a world of artillery after all.

When all guns were fired, even Lu Xuan was afraid, not to mention that the country still had a nuclear threat.

Therefore, even if it is the aloof Penglai Island, it is absolutely not dare to offend state agencies easily. Although they don't give face to the logistics department on weekdays, they still dare not act rashly.

"So strange?" Lu Xuan's beautiful eyes circulated.

"I don't know you well!" Xiao Han folded his arms around his chest.

The crowd was in an uproar.

Xiao Han and this beautiful girl actually knew each other?

"Fuck, Xiao Han knows her?"

"Too exaggerated?"

Everyone was shocked.

Zhang Feng was also stunned. Nima, Xiao Han, this bastard, didn't expect that he knew all the beautiful women in the world? This is too incredible, right?

Lu Xuan smiled and said, "I won't talk nonsense with you, let's find a place to chat!"

"I have nothing to chat with you." Xiao Han shook his head, turned and left.

Lu Xuan frowned and said, "You will talk to me."

"Are you so sure?" Xiao Han turned his back to Lu Xuan.

Everyone around was shocked. Everyone is inexplicable, and they don't understand what Xiao Han and Lu Xuan care about. Why do they seem so familiar between them?

"Yes!" Lu Xuan nodded and said, "Even if you don't care about yourself, you should care about the people around you?"

After that, Lu Xuan turned and left.

Xiao Han trembled for a while, he turned around and walked up quickly.

He grabbed Lu Xuan's arm.

Lu Xuan shook slightly, and Xiao Han stepped back several steps. In the eyes of outsiders, Xiao Han was just caught off guard, but in Xiao Han's eyes, this was the difference in strength. Xiao Han was shocked in his heart, and he was astonished: "Is the realm gap?"

The middle period of the golden core and the meta-infant period can be described as the gap between children and adults. Lu Xuan waved her hand gently, and Xiao Han took a few steps back.

"What do you want to do?" Lu Xuan frowned lightly. Obviously, she had an extremely strong aversion to any opposite **** touching her body.

"I'll go with you!" Xiao Han replied.

"Huh!" Lu Xuan turned and left.

Xiao Han followed her every step of the way, and the two came out of the school. Outside, an extremely luxurious Rolls-Royce stopped at the door, and several black-clothed bodyguards guarded her safety. Had it not been for Lu Xuan's request to park here, and asked a few bodyguards to wait for him here, it is estimated that the car would drive directly into the school. If you drive in, it might cause an uproar.

"Get in the car!" Lu Xuan said.

Xiao Han got into the car decisively. If Lu Xuan really wanted to deal with herself, it would be his one-word matter, why bother? Therefore, it doesn't matter to her whether she gets in the car or not. As soon as Xiao Han got in the car, the car started immediately.

Before long, the car arrived at a coffee shop.

Lu Xuan is no stranger to the secular world.

She walked in slowly and ordered a latte casually. Xiao Han ordered a cappuccino.

The two sat on the deck in the corner.

Lu Xuan's appearance immediately caused a shock in the cafe. Everyone was shocked, and everyone showed a touch of surprise. The appearance of Lu Xuan really brought a great impact to every man on the scene.

"My God, there are such beautiful women in this world!"

"It's so beautiful, just like the woman in the painting!"

Many people were amazed.

Lu Xuan took a deep breath and said, "I thought you would not come!"

"Haha!" Xiao Han shook his head and said, "Why do you say that?"

"Nothing!" Lu Xuan shook her head.

"You said before, I will regret it if I don't come." Xiao Han asked, "Tell me."

"First clarify my question." Lu Xuan said.

"Say!" Xiao Han looked at her.

"You killed the head of Liu in Qingcheng Mountain?" Lu Xuan asked.

"Yes!" Xiao Han nodded.

As soon as Lu Xuan heard it, her whole body surged, and the whole cafe suddenly became cold. The people around were horrified. They all thought that the air conditioner was turned on, but it was only May and the weather was mild, so there was no need to turn on the air conditioner.

"You know who you killed!" Lu Xuan's face was cold.

"He wanted to kill me, but he was killed by me accidentally." Xiao Han shrugged helplessly.

Lu Xuan smiled, and then said, "So what?"

"Since it is a world where the weak and the strong eat the strong, we must be ready to be slaughtered!" Xiao Han took a sip of coffee, and then said, "If you want to avenge him, I will lose to you, I will admit defeat. I admit."

"Humph!" Lu Xuan snorted coldly.

"If you don't kill me, it means you must have something to do with me." Xiao Han smiled.

"Yes!" Lu Xuan nodded.

"Then tell me, what can you do with me?" Xiao Han asked.

Lu Xuan's complexion eased, and the temperature in the cafe immediately recovered a lot. Everyone seemed to have returned to the cold winter, and from the cold winter to the end of spring. Lu Xuan said lightly: "We have a place on Penglai Island called Penglai Wonderland. It is rumored that there was once the scene of the battle of the cultivation world ten thousand years ago. In it, countless ancestors have fallen.

"What to do with me?" Xiao Han asked.

"Listen to me!" Lu Xuan said, "This time, I want you to enter the Penglai Wonderland and help me find something!"

"What?" Xiao Han looked at Lu Xuan curiously. He thought for a while, but something was wrong: "You are much stronger than me, why don't you go?"

"I am the island owner of Penglai Island, and I am a disciple of Penglai. According to my ancestors, disciples of Penglai are prohibited from entering the Penglai Wonderland!" Lu Xuan snorted coldly.

"What are you looking for?" Xiao Han asked.

"The thing I'm looking for is an artifact left by our ancestors on Penglai Island." Lu Xuan looked at Xiao Han lightly, and then said: "Neon Feathers."

"Clothes?" Xiao Han looked at Lu Xuan in surprise.

"No!" Lu Xuan shook her head and said, "It's an armor."

"Armor?" Xiao Han was still surprised and said, "In that place, after thousands of years have passed, are you afraid of decay?"

"The neon clothes and feathers will not rot in thousands of years!" Lu Xuan shook her head and said: "This is the only artifact on my Penglai Island for thousands of years. It is especially important for us on Penglai Island. As long as you can help I find him, no matter what you find in Penglai Wonderland, I will not pursue it. As long as this neon feather garment, how about it?"

"Why should I promise you?" Xiao Lian laughed.

Now that Lu Xuan has found herself, it shows that there is a problem. She has such a strong strength, and how many outstanding disciples Penglai Island has produced over the years. Isn't it easy to find something in the Penglai Wonderland? However, for thousands of years, they have never succeeded, and even set a rule that disciples on Penglai Island are prohibited from entering. In other words, this Penglai Wonderland must be extremely dangerous, and most people simply can't hold it.

Although there are many treasures in this Penglai Wonderland, Xiao Han is not so stupid that he can agree with it with just a shot of his forehead.

"If you don't agree to me, the Wang family will deal with the people around you." Lu Xuan smiled slightly, and said: "Although you moved your mother and some of your girlfriends abroad, but Li Xiaoya and Liu Yiyi...none of them left. People in the Wang family won't let them go easily."


Xiao Han took a breath and said, "You... are you threatening me?"

"No!" Lu Xuan shook her head and said, "If you promise me, I will protect them forever. If you don't promise me, I will just ignore them, and I will watch you lose them."

"Humph!" Xiao Lian laughed and said, "What is the Wang family? As long as I am willing, I can slaughter their whole family at will!"

"Don't talk about you, even I dare not slaughter the Wang family easily!" Lu Xuan smiled.

"Why?" Xiao Han asked.

"The Wang family is in a high position and power is in the hands!" Lu Xuan glanced at him and said, "It's not that easy to deal with."

"If it really drives me to a dead end, why not?" Xiao Lianlin hummed.

"There is a way to solve it, why not use the normal way to solve it?" Lu Xuan glanced at Xiao Han and said, "If I were you, I would definitely agree to it."

Xiao Lenglin hum: "I won't be fooled easily."

"Xiao Han, you have no choice!" Lu Xuan looked at Xiao Han.

Indeed, Xiao Han had no choice. Whether it is Li Xiaoya or Liu Yiyi, it is very important to Xiao Han. Xiao Han didn't want them to have anything. Therefore, Xiao Han hesitated.

After thinking for a long time and weighing it over and over again, Xiao Han gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, I promise you!"

"It's almost the same!" Lu Xuan smiled.

"Then next, should I talk about my problem?" Xiao Lian laughed.

"What's the problem?" Lu Xuan asked.

"You said I would regret it?" Xiao Han asked.

"Isn't the problem solved?" Lu Xuan glanced at him, and said: "I have promised you, keep them safe."

"Oh!" Xiao Han nodded.

Lu Xuan smiled, and then said: "Okay, this is the beginning of our cooperation."

(End of this chapter)

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