Xiao Han heard this and said, "Penglai Wonderland, when shall I go?"

"In three months." Lu Xuan glanced at him and said: "In three months, the gate of Penglai Wonderland will naturally open."

Xiao Han heard this and said, "Really? That's good. Three months later, it happens to be summer vacation. There shouldn't be much problem with going to Penglai Wonderland at this time."

"Okay, I'm leaving!" Lu Xuan stood up, then turned and left.

Looking at Lu Xuan's back, Xiao Han was a little trembling.

I have to say that this woman is indeed very beautiful. Even if she faces Xiao Han, who is a group of beautiful women for a long time, she will be a little excited at this time. From behind, her **** is very cute. This outstanding temperament really makes people feel extremely appreciated. It seems that he has been practicing dancing since he was a child, and his temperament is outstanding, and he looks very tall.

Xiao Han smiled, and then said: "This woman is interesting."

Leaving from the cafe.

Xiao Han returned to school.

As soon as I arrived at school, I was immediately pointed out by many people. After arriving at the dormitory, Xiao Han became the target of a group of people to chase and intercept.

"Xiao Han, when did your kid know such a beautiful girl?" Zhang Feng asked eagerly.

"Yeah, your kid is too interesting!" Liu Bin was also anxious. He had already seen Lu Xuan's picture on the forum, so he seemed very excited and very excited. When he saw Lu Xuan's photo, his eyes were almost straight.

Zhang Dagu was not as excited as Liu Bin, and then said, "Isn't it normal for Xiao Han to know beautiful girls?"

"Yes!" Zhang Feng nodded and said: "It's just that Xiao Han is not righteous, and he doesn't know him or introduce him to us."

Zhang Dagu raised a smile at the corner of his mouth and said, "What does it have to do with you?"

"Why is it okay?" Liu Bin said with a smile: "Such a beautiful girl, when she walks out, saying that she knows her is a kind of face."

Facing some unscrupulous guys in the dormitory, Xiao Han was speechless.

These guys actually argued over an irrelevant woman. If they knew, this woman didn't blink at killing, and didn't know how many lives were in her hands. In other words, with a single blow from her, the entire Mizuki University was instantly reduced to ashes.

I don't know what they will think?

The corners of Xiao Han's mouth raised slightly.

"What is your kid laughing?" Liu Bin on the side saw Xiao Han laugh, he frowned, and said, "You don't have fun, do you?"

"Nonsense." Xiao Han shook his head and said, "What can I do for fun?"

"Then what is your kid laughing?" Liu Bin frowned.

"I just think it's necessary for you guys to argue over an irrelevant woman?" Xiao Han asked.

"Ang?" Liu Bin was obviously taken aback.

"Yes, what are we arguing for this woman?" Zhang Feng asked.

"That's right!" Zhang Dagu glanced at a few people without angrily, and said, "Don't be bullshit, and try to fix the meal for tonight."

"Xiao Han, you are pleased!" Liu Bin said hurriedly: "Such a beautiful girl won't introduce us, so you must invite us to dinner tonight!"

"Yes, we must be invited to dinner!" Several people said one after another.

Liu Bin smiled, "Xiao Han, you can't run away!"

"I didn't plan to run away either!" Xiao Han smiled bitterly, and said, "Now that the Hanmen restaurant is gone, it has changed to a different owner. Let's go to their house. It can be regarded as supporting others' work and career!"

"Hmm!" Several people nodded.

Afterwards, they immediately turned around and left the dormitory.

School is over, so they seem more excited.

The former horrible restaurant has now changed hands. When they arrived at the original Hanmen restaurant, the restaurant’s sign had been replaced. Today's restaurant is called Jinxiu Restaurant. It was a local who took it down, but the interior decoration and layout have not changed. At the court auction, the man spent two million to buy this restaurant in the university town and changed the sign to operate it directly. After taking over, the business was in a mess.

After Xiao Han arrived.

The boss stood at the door.

"It's you?" The boss recognized Xiao Han at a glance.

Xiao Han looked embarrassed and said, "Yes!"

The boss knew Xiao Han because he was signed by Xiao Han when he took over. As the owner of the restaurant, Xiao Han naturally needs to sign. That time, when the boss saw Xiao Han turned out to be a student of Shuimu University, his eyes were almost falling off. It was precisely because of this that he remembered Xiao Han, which was impressive.

"Come... come for dinner?" the boss asked.

"Yeah!" Xiao Han nodded, "Get us a quieter box!"

"Okay!" The boss gritted his teeth and nodded.

At this point, there are already a lot of people eating, and the boxes are long gone. The boss vacated his office and installed a table with good equipment. Air conditioning, TV... everything.

"Not bad, this treatment!"

"I'm afraid only Xiao Han has it?"

"Even so that the boss of the family vacated the office for you to eat!"

Several people laughed and teased.

Not long after, Zhang Xiaomei and the others also came and entered the box, with a look of sorrow.

"Is this eating in someone's office?" Zhang Xiaomei asked.

"Haha..." Xiao Hua also laughed.

The environment is really good, and ingenious. The eating environment makes people feel very comfortable.

Everyone is seated.

Except for Xiao Han, almost everyone else has their partner. Including the girl who was alone in Zhang Xiaomei's dormitory, she even brought her boyfriend. There are nine people in total. Ordered a table of dishes.

"By the way, why are you eating today?" Zhang Xiaomei asked.

"It's not because Xiao Han wants to invite us to dinner!" Liu Bin smiled.

"Why?" Guan Xiaotong asked.

"Because he caused a sensation in the school today!" Liu Bin said with a smile.

"What's the sensation?" Guan Xiaotong asked curiously.

"This kid..." Zhang Feng smiled and said: "Today, a super invincible beauty came to the school to look for him. You don't know how many people were watching when that beauty appeared."

"Really?" When Zhang Xiaomei heard it, she hurriedly said, "Are there any photos? Show me!"

"Yes." Liu Bin nodded hurriedly. He immediately turned on the phone and downloaded the photos from the forum.

Zhang Xiaomei, Guan Xiaotong, Xiaohua...a few people immediately surrounded her.

When they saw the photo, several people were shocked.

"Wow, it's so beautiful!" Zhang Xiaomei was shocked.

Both Guan Xiaotong and Xiaohua were shocked. Indeed, the first time I saw such a beautiful girl, it was like a simple classical beauty, wearing a white dress and a thin shawl. Long hair like a waterfall makes people look very passionate.

"It's really beautiful!" Guan Xiaotong nodded.

"Xiao Han, what does she have to do with you?" Zhang Xiaomei hurriedly asked.

Both Guan Xiaotong and Xiaohua looked at Xiao Han curiously. Seems to be waiting for Xiao Han's answer.

"It doesn't matter!" Xiao Han shook his head and said, "Not even friends!"

"Huh?" Several people were shocked.

"If you can't even count as a friend, why do people come to you?" Liu Bin asked, "You don't even blush when you lie?"

Xiao Han suddenly smiled bitterly: "I'm telling the truth, there really is nothing to do with her. This time she came to me just to ask me to help."

"Oh..." Liu Bin smiled.

Everyone was also stunned, but apparently they were just pretending.

"Eat, eat!" everyone said one after another.

"Yes, right, eating, the food is cold!" Zhang Feng greeted.

After a meal, I ate a lot. The chefs and waiters here almost didn't change, just a boss. They all knew Xiao Han, so they provided Xiao Han with the best service. As for the dishes here, they have not changed. Of course, the boss updated the menu and increased the prices of the dishes.

Those who are willing to come out to eat, how can they care about spending more money?

After the meal, everyone was satiated.

"Let's go?" Zhang Feng said.

"Well, let's go!" Xiao Han nodded.

Immediately, several people immediately went out of the box.

"Have you eaten?" The boss hurriedly greeted him.

"Yes, help me calculate, how much is it!" Xiao Han asked.

"No, no, where can you dare to collect your money!" The boss smiled bitterly, and said: "This meal is treated as if I invited you. Next time I come, I will collect your money again, how about?"

The boss is very good at being a man, knowing that he has taken Xiao Han's advantage, so he naturally wants to make Xiao Han.

Xiao Han was not polite, nodded, and said, "Okay!"

Afterwards, the group swaggered out of the restaurant.

After leaving the restaurant.

"Fuck, is this a free meal?" Zhang Feng said.

"Xiao Han, your kid still has some face?" Liu Bin said with a smile: "This meal is worth four or five hundred, right?"

"Yes!" Zhang Dagu nodded and said: "Grilled lamb chops, large plate chicken, and a roast suckling pig...These are all big dishes. The price is very expensive."

Everyone was surprised at the free dinner just now.

The boss didn't even charge Xiao Han's money, and the food for this table was less than four or five hundred. A few big dishes, not to mention hard dishes, there are two ** liquor. The price of two ** liquors is more than one hundred. It can be seen that this table says four or five hundred is still a little less.

Except for Xiao Han, everyone else is in pairs.

"I have something to go now!" Liu Bin pulled Guan Xiaotong.

"I have something too!" Zhang Feng was held by Xiao Hua.

Leave one by one, obviously, full of food and drink. These guys either went for a walk in the grove, or went straight to the hotel to open a room. Xiao Han was the only one who went to the school, and Xiao Han kept wondering when to go to the ghost domain.

As night fell, warm wind hit the air.


A white light flashed.

Xiao Han raised a smile at the corner of his mouth and said, "Why did you come out?"

(End of this chapter)

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