The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 912: Just the beginning

In fact, Xiao Han had already felt Styx's resentment from far away. The section of Styx outside the ghost city is still quiet, but the closer you get to the Styx outside the countryside, the more you feel the restlessness in your heart. This restlessness always tortured Xiao Han's heart. .

"What the **** is this?" Xiao Han asked curiously.

"This is Styx!" The King of Ghosts took a deep breath and said: "Styx that everyone is afraid of. Once something goes wrong on the Styx, all three of us will die without a place to be buried. Even our souls will be imprisoned in Styx. In. There will never be a chance to escape!"

"Too dangerous!" Xiao Han said hurriedly.

"Lao Jin wants to take a shortcut." Ghost King laughed: "Otherwise, it would take half a month to pass through the Devil's Forest, and you would have to climb a mountain. Jump straight over from this Styx, you can I went straight to Devil Mountain. So, he took a risk."

"This..." Xiao Han trembled in his heart.

It's nothing more than dying in the real ghost realm. If you die in this Styx, with those millions of wronged souls, how miserable?

Thinking of this, Xiao Han trembled in his heart.

Moreover, this shiver made him afraid to move forward.

"Come on!" Lao Jin didn't know where he got a wooden boat. It's not big, it can take about five or six people. The three of them are comfortable when they come to the door, of course, this is only in terms of space. However, the structure of this ship is also destined to be uncomfortable when visiting.

The Ghost King stepped up, and Xiao Han stepped up too.

Lao Jin took off the black cloth bag that straddled his back.

Then he took off the black cloth, revealing a golden oar.

"The ferryman?" Xiao Han exclaimed.

According to rumors, there is a ferryman on the river Styx, who can cross the dead. Unexpectedly, Lao Jin turned out to be the ferryman. Even the King of Ghosts had never thought about this. The King of Ghosts frowned and said, "Lao Jin, when did you change your career?"

"It's been a long time!" Old Jin smiled and said: "Compared with the Devil Forest, I like this Styx better."

"Why?" Ghost King asked.

"I like to hear the sound of the screaming." Old Jin was ugly and scary when he laughed.

Xiao Han shivered.

Lao Jin used the oars to prop up on the bank, and the boat slowly left the river bank, and then drove slowly towards the middle of the river.

The river is so big, tens of kilometers, and in the middle, there are many strange things appearing. The boat is so small, in the vast river Styx, it seems to be floating on the water like a leaf. I can't feel how safe this ship is.

However, above the Styx, the water is very calm.

The boat floated on the water, and it was quiet all the way.

However, it was about half an hour after leaving the shore, and the river bank would not be seen soon. Xiao Han craned his neck hard, he found that the shore was getting more and more blurred, until the end he couldn't see it at all. He said leisurely: "Hey, should I be invisible? The front should be very dangerous, right?"

"Yes!" Ghost King nodded.

When he arrived at the Styx, the spirit of the ghost king was much better again. His eyes returned to that dark green. He calmly looked at the quiet surface of the river, everything seemed very peaceful. Although it was daytime, the lake seemed to be foggy, and it was impossible to see what it was like in the distance. It's just that in this black river, there are occasional strange things dangling by.

"What's under this water?" Xiao Han asked.

"There are many things." The King of Ghosts laughed and said: "They are all fishes that have been transformed into souls. Once they fall into the water, the soul will be sucked clean by them. The flesh will soon be corroded by the water of the Styx."

"Oh!" Xiao Han shivered even more.

However, Xiao Han quickly calmed down. No matter what, people have already come, so naturally they are not afraid of this. Besides, since I have the help of Yin and Ling, I am naturally not afraid of this.


Suddenly, a black ray burst out.

The ghost king caught it with one hand, turned out to be a black soul. With his mouth open, he seems to want to bite.

"Ghost!" The ghost king squeezed with one hand and immediately turned into a black mist and dissipated.

"This is just the beginning!" Old Jin smiled and said: "The next thing is the most terrible!"


There are a few more black rays.

The ghost king choked those souls to death easily.

However, next, these black souls shot toward the people on the boat like raindrops. Even though the ghost king is powerful, he has no three heads and six arms. He not only has to protect himself, but also Xiao Han.

"Don't worry about me." Xiao Han held the wishful stick and said, "I can handle it!"

"Hmm!" Ghost King nodded.

Xiao Han held the wishful stick and swept frantically towards the opponent. Sweep these things clean, but, the closer you go to the center of the lake, the more dense it is, denser than the rain in the sky, and it makes people panic and scary.

As an ordinary person, I am afraid that I have already been terrified by these things, and even ate completely.

These souls want to eat them clean before they fall into the Styx, and they don't even want to let them go.

"Damn it!" The Ghost King felt a little annoyed.

Although he is not afraid of these things, after all, these things are like mosquitoes, which really makes people feel very annoyed. Xiao Han used a wishful stick to weave an airtight protective net. Moreover, he had a golden talisman on his body, so he was naturally not afraid. However, these things have been constantly impacting himself, Xiao Han's own magic talisman, naturally very unhappy.


Suddenly, the ghost king's arms shook, and a surging flame rushed toward the lake. Immediately, the lake was immediately sealed off by flames.


On the lake, the scream came.

Xiao Han breathed a sigh of relief, the pressure disappeared all at once, and he felt more comfortable.

Looking at everything around him, Xiao Han felt that everything was much more comfortable.

However, Xiao Han discovered a problem. The targets of those evil spirits had always been the ghost king and himself. As for Lao Jin, they had never attacked. This makes them seem a little curious and puzzled.

Soon, Xiao Han discovered the secret. This problem must lie in Lao Jin's clothes. Because this suit protected him. On the clothes, there are densely packed runes with a lot of runes burned on it, so he looked very curious. Also very surprised.

Xiao Han raised a smile at the corner of his mouth: "Lao Jin, your clothes are not simple."

"Yes!" Lao Jin nodded and said: "It was passed to me by the ferryman last time. This clothes can release yin qi into the body, and can overcome all the evil miasma."

"No wonder!" Xiao Han nodded.

Everything went smoothly.

Because of the existence of the ghost king, those wronged souls have been honest a lot, and the ghost king is angry, floating corpses everywhere. Although these wronged souls haven't eaten delicious food for a long time, they also need to save their lives. They have no lives, and no matter how delicious they are, they are not their own.

One day later, the ship stopped on the opposite shore.

Lao Jin re-wrapped the oars with black cloth and said, "Let's go!"

Not far away, there was a huge mountain that was overwhelmingly black. At the foot of the mountain, there are many shadows moving.

"That's the Gaoshan clan." Ghost King said.

"Human?" Xiao Han asked.

"Yeah!" The ghost king nodded and said, "It is human beings. They pass through the ghost gate, through the ghost city, through the barriers, and settle in the Devil Mountain."

"How to survive?" Xiao Han asked.

"Hey, there are not only ghosts in Devil Mountain, but also many rare and exotic animals." The ghost king smiled and said: "They use the name of capturing rare and exotic animals and sell them. Although it is dangerous, it is definitely one. A profitable business!"

"It's so dangerous, there are people." Xiao Han couldn't help shrugging.

"Indeed!" Ghost King nodded.

When they got closer, they saw some humans moving.

The other party looked at Lao Jin and Xiao Han curiously, because they were both humans. As for the ghost king, they just flashed a look of surprise. After all, ghost kings are not common. However, humans other than the Gaoshan tribe are even rarer. Apart from seeing people they know every day, they hardly see other humans.

"Where did you come from?" an old man in a black coat asked curiously.

"Ghost City!" Xiao Han replied.

"Passed through the devil forest?" the old man asked curiously.

"No!" Xiao Han shook his head and said: "We turned over from the Styx."

"Ah?!" The old man was shocked and said: "You actually lived through the Styx?"

"Yes!" Xiao Han nodded.

When the old man was shocked, he looked at Lao Jin curiously, and then he suddenly realized, "It turns out that there is a ferryman, this is easy to understand!"

However, even with the assistance of a ferryman, it seems not easy to cross the Styx. At least it means that the opponent is really good. Otherwise, how can it easily resist the attack of the million souls in the Styx? Just that grievance is hard for people to contend, right?

The old man took a deep breath, and then said: "Good boy, you are amazing! Go, come to my house and sit down!"

The sky is getting dark, and I do find a place to stay. The Devil Mountain at night, I am afraid it will kill people. Lao Jin led the way, followed by Xiao Han and Ghost King.

The old man's mountain is at the foot of the mountain, and there is a courtyard with two young people inside.

"Zhang San, Zhang Si." The old man shouted.

"Hey..." the two responded.

"Guests from home." The old man said, "Prepare some drinks."

"Okay!" When the two heard this, they immediately became busy.

Zhang San's legs are a little lame.

"My eldest son hurt his leg when he caught the spirit beast a few years ago." The old man smiled and said, "So, I have been at home all these years. The family is poor and I haven't gained much for a long time."

"Yeah!" Xiao Han nodded.

Say less, watch more.

This is a way of doing things in an unfamiliar environment.

At least Xiao Han thinks so.

After entering the house, the two young men brought some food and some drinks.

As the saying goes, relying on mountains to eat mountains, relying on water to draft water, relying on Devil Mountain, naturally eating meat. Occasionally there are some wild vegetables on the mountain, or wild fruits on some kind of tree. In short, relying on Devil Mountain, there is definitely no shortage of food.

(End of this chapter)

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