A hearty dinner, big chunks of meat, big mouthfuls of alcohol.

Xiao Han raised a smile at the corner of his mouth. He smiled, and then said, "This meat is of good quality."

"That is." The old man nodded and said: "The beasts on this mountain have absorbed pure auras, and they must taste delicious."

"Yeah!" Xiao Han nodded.

"Where are you going?" the old man asked.

"Go to the Devil Sea." Xiao Han replied.

"It's going to be a two-day journey." The old man murmured, "It's just that the Devil's Waters doesn't seem to be a big deal. Few people go so far away, you are..."

When asked, the old man seemed to realize that he had asked something that shouldn't be asked.

He changed the conversation and said, "By the way, on this Devil Mountain, my second child found a spirit beast. I don't know if several of them can help my second child catch it? I will thank you again in the future!"

Xiao Han glanced at Lao Jin, who drank casually.

The ghost king was silent.

"This..." Xiao Han hesitated.

"If you can help me, I have a safe route to reach the Devil's Sea!" The old man hurriedly said: "I can lead the way personally. Not only can I get there in one day, but the road is absolutely safe."

"Really?" Xiao Han asked.

I have long heard of all kinds of horrors on Devil Mountain, not only wandering wild ghosts, but also many powerful beasts. If you are not careful, you may be ruined in the belly of the beast and become the papa pulled out by the beast.

Now, hearing that there is a shortcut and it is extremely safe, Xiao Han is naturally interested.

"Of course!" The old man nodded and said, "As long as you help my second child catch that spirit beast, I will definitely take you there myself!"

"Okay!" Xiao Han agreed without hesitation.

It shouldn't be difficult to catch spirit beasts. It can be exchanged for safety all the way, but also can save a day, why not?

At the beginning, the King of Ghosts said that it would take half a month to pass through the Devil's Forest and it would take ten days. It would take two days from the Devil's Forest to the Devil's Mountain, and another few days from the Devil's Mountain to the Devil's Sea. Now, this way, it can be solved in two days, and I think it’s amazing.

"Then catch it tomorrow!" the old man said.

"Good!" Xiao Han nodded.

Lao Jin and the King of Ghosts did not say anything.

After eating, Lao Jin said: "Chen Jin, since you already have a way to the Devil's Sea, then I will go back first!"

"Hmm!" Ghost King nodded.

The reason why Lao Jin was willing to help himself was entirely because the Chen family had rescued him back then. That's why he is willing to repay his favor now, otherwise, how could he easily make a move?

Seeing the ghost king nodded and agreed, Lao Jin got up and went out, taking away his golden oar.

That night, Xiao Han checked in at the old man's house.

This night, it was not peaceful, and the wailing of various wandering spirits and ghosts seemed to be outside the window. The village at the foot of the mountain is protected by a special formation, which has been the case for hundreds of years. He has never been attacked by any beasts and ghosts. Although they will wander around the village, they will never attack.

Xiao Han was a little creepy, he looked out the window curiously.

The grimace with grim faces, as if crawling out of the Styx, made people feel extremely terrified and scared.

That feeling is simply scary.

"Damn!" Although Xiao Han had a lot of knowledge and had seen various **** and cruel scenes, he couldn't help being frightened.

He lay on the bed in a hurry, afraid to look out.

One night passed.

The next day, the sky fell into white mist.

The old man knocked on Xiao Han's door.

"Young man, it's dawn." The old man shouted.

Xiao Han hurriedly stood up, opened the door, and said, "Are you going to leave?"

"Haha..." The old man laughed and said, "Don't worry, my second child summoned a few partners and went back together."

"Sure!" Xiao Han nodded.

In the morning, I ate some food and set off.

The Devil Mountain is very big, and after stepping into the mountain, a cool breeze blows.

Zhang Si took Xiao Han to the mountain and had two other friends. Wearing thick linen clothes. Carrying tools such as swords and axes. Xiao Han was a little surprised, can he catch spirit beasts with these things? This is too strange, right?

"Little brother, what's your name?" Zhang Si asked.

"Xiao Han!"

"Oh!" Zhang Si nodded and said, "You should be a monk, right?"

"Yes!" Xiao Han nodded.

Zhang Si smiled and said, "I know it at a glance. The strength is extraordinary. We still have amulets on our bodies, but you have nothing. You just rushed in and nothing happened."

Xiao Han found out that they all had a black wooden sign with golden runes on them. It turns out that their amulet is like this.

This makes Xiao Han a little curious.

After an hour, there were roars from the mountain.

"Have you heard, this is the guy." Zhang Silai was energetic.

"What is it?" Xiao Han asked.

"Saber-toothed tiger." Zhang Si grinned and said: "It's fine, it's not good. It swallows the spiritual power of the world, breathes out white breath, and flashes ten miles away."

"So powerful?" Xiao Han said in surprise.

"No!" Zhang Si nodded and said, "However, if you can help with your little brother today, you can definitely catch him."

"I'm doing my best!" Xiao Han nodded.

Before seeing the saber-toothed tiger, one cannot easily make a conclusion.

After walking for more than ten minutes, he quickly entered a flat area. This is where the saber-toothed tiger lives.

"It's strange, I just heard the saber-toothed tiger's voice, why didn't I see it?" Zhang Si hesitated.

"Come slowly." Xiao Han said.


Suddenly, a roar came from the right.

Xiao Han looked intently, and it turned out to be a fierce saber-toothed tiger. However, unlike ordinary saber-toothed tigers, the fur of this saber-toothed tiger was golden yellow and exudes light. Moreover, there were long teeth on his mouth. , The same as the teeth of an elephant. There was a fierce look and roars of warning.

"Good fellow, you can be regarded as showing up!" Zhang Si grinned, and he hurriedly removed a noose from his body.

The lasso may lasso the opponent at any time.

The corners of his mouth opened up with a weird smile, and said, "Little brother, do you have any good ideas?"

"What are you going to do?" Xiao Han asked.

"Tie him, then tie it, and take it away!" Zhang Si said.

"This..." Xiao Han was obviously shocked by the other's thoughts. Isn't this too rampant? It was so rude and reckless. However, this approach seems to be good. For people without spiritual power.

However, this saber-toothed tiger is so powerful that it is not easy to tie it up, right?

Zhang Si took the two little friends and quickly moved forward. They split into two. Zhang Si took the rope and approached to the left, while the other two friends approached to the right. The task of the two of them was to attract the attention of the saber-toothed tiger, and Zhang Si used ropes to trap it. Once trapped it, Xiao Han immediately stepped forward to lock him down completely.

"Xiao Han, ready!" Zhang Si shouted at Xiao Han.

"Yeah!" Xiao Han nodded.

The saber-toothed tiger is not that easy to mess with.

Seeing someone coming, he didn't hesitate to pounce on it.


It uttered two roars, and the momentum was so powerful that the two guys responsible for attracting the target trembled.

"Fourth, fourth, you kid hurry up!" The two shivered.

"Don't worry!" Zhang Si crawled slowly in the haystack.

Seeing that Zhang Si was about to approach the saber-toothed tiger.


Suddenly, the saber-toothed tiger leaped up and quickly rushed towards Zhang Si.

"Damn it!" Zhang Si was furious.

In this business, how can one not risk it? Zhang Siyi gritted his teeth and quickly jumped up, holding the lasso in his hand, and slammed it towards the saber-toothed tiger.

"It's trapped!" shouted two people not far away.

The saber-toothed tiger's neck was lassoed, but this did not affect the saber-toothed tiger's attack on Zhang Si. Zhang Si turned around and ran with the lasso. He quickly ran to a tree and tied the noose to the tree.

"Make you arrogant!" Zhang Si Daxi.

It seems that everything is going well, but what Zhang Si did not expect is.


The saber-toothed tiger leaped up, and the noose around his neck broke.

Zhang Si was stunned and dumbfounded.

The saber-toothed tiger was dragged abruptly by the lasso, it also froze in place, but it opened its teeth and claws.

"Fourth, run!" the little friend shouted.

Zhang Si seemed to realize the trouble, so he ran away.

This run immediately angered the saber-toothed tiger.


The saber-toothed tiger ran after him, and Zhang Si was so frightened that he screamed, "Help, help!"

Zhang Si did not expect that the saber-toothed tiger accidentally broke the rope of the lasso, which shocked him and shocked him. This is the first time it has been hunting for so many years. Where do the two friends on the side dare to come forward? Have avoided.

Seeing this, Xiao Han picked up a wishful stick and rushed up without saying a word.


Xiao Han rushed up, and the Ruyi stick in his hand smashed towards the saber-toothed tiger.

This stick smashed the saber-toothed tiger several times.


The saber-toothed tiger leaped up, opening his mouth and roaring.

The nature of animals, roaring is to increase deterrence. However, this saber-toothed tiger did not know that the person in front of him was not someone it could easily provoke. It rushed up with its teeth and claws, trying to tear Xiao Han into pieces.

"Humph!" Xiao Lengren snorted.

The Ruyi stick in Xiao Han's hand rotated for a while, and suddenly smashed toward the opponent.


Go down with a few sticks. The saber-toothed tiger was shot and flew immediately.

However, these sticks did not pose much threat to him. It just hit it a little dizzy. After standing up, it shook its head vigorously. Constantly keep yourself awake.


This time, the saber-toothed tiger was angry, and even his roar was not right.

"No, it's going to attack." Zhang Si had already climbed a tree and stood on the tree, shouting: "Brother Xiao Han, hurry up and hide."

(End of this chapter)

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