"Ahem, me, I prefer quietness than 10. I just found a place with less people to drink." Kong Nianzhi put down the wine bottle, raised his right hand, and motioned Ying Zheng to sit down and talk.

  "So it turns out that many people can't find Mr. Kong everywhere, but it's strange, the Moon God should also be in the Zilan Xuan, but I don't know where the Moon God is at the moment." Ying Zheng was a little puzzled. Said, and next to Ying Zheng, Zhao Ji and others also sat in other seats.

  Even if Zhao Ji was Ying Zheng's mother, Lu Buwei was the first minister of power in the Qin state, and Die was powerful, they were not qualified to sit with Ying Zheng on the bright side.

  "Moon God, she's tired and resting." Kong Nianzhi didn't think about it, he refilled a glass of wine and said it casually.

  "Mr. Kong...how do you know that the Moon God is tired? The few people think that the Moon God's cultivation and knowledge are quite extraordinary, and I would like to introduce you to each other. Mr. Kong will definitely be able to talk to the Moon God." Ying Zhengyi His face was stunned, and he looked at Kong Nianzhi with a strange expression.

  Introduce me to... Know? !

  I got to know Luna and I were on the boat, and even after the fight was over, I still needed you to introduce me!

  "Luna she... She was drinking with me just now, and then she got drunk, so I'll take her to rest first." Kong Nianzhi smiled shyly and raised the wine bottle, motioning Ying Zheng to drink, in an attempt to change the subject.

  And Ying Zheng really saved face, picked up the wine bottle and drank it all.

  Kong Nianzhi wiped his sweat secretly, but fortunately he got away with it.

  At the same time, Zhao Ji, who was sitting on the other desk, two slender hands set off under the flaming red, her jewel-like eyes stared at Kong Nianzhi's face without blinking.

  Fen Xun's she and head stick out playfully from time to time, gently swiping up and down the top and bottom, the small nose is wrinkled, the delicate collarbone is outlined, the breathing is a little weird and a little short, and Shen Qian's graceful arc is fast Ups and downs, the two slender long fades stirred together uneasily.

  This... how could there be such a handsome and handsome man in this world!

  His clean and white face was radiant with sharp edges and corners, his brows were like swords, and under his long and slightly curled eyelashes, his deep eyes flashed with a thrilling black light, but it gave people a very gentle feeling, like a vortex of stars. In general, one can't help but get caught up in it.

  Ying Ting's nose bridge, knife-like perfect facial features, Ming Ming Feng Jiao always has a loose and unrestrained smile.

  Ying Ting's nose bridge, knife-like perfect facial features, Ming Ming Feng Jiao always has a loose and unrestrained smile.

  But it exudes an invisible indifference and... domineering that is above all living beings.

  Extraordinary evil.

  Sometimes, I have to sigh that women sometimes feel so terrifying. Kong Nian has completely concealed his momentum, but in front of Zhao Ji, a terrifying idiot, his hidden face is directly seen...

  Zhao Ji's eyes were a little crazy, just looking at Kong Nianzhi's appearance, watching Kong Nianzhi's every move, every word he said, every look, every smile, she felt like she was a little... There is a flood!

  That is the feeling of heartbeat. Over the years, Zhao Ji's heart has never been so throbbing. This is the first time ever!

  Zhao Ji had never felt this way, even with Lu Buwei, Concubine, or even with Ying Zheng's biological father, King Zhuangxiang.

  In front of Kong Nianzhi, the face that was actually good at first turned pale in an instant.

  Zhao Ji's heart actually gave birth to a terrible thought, how could she like such an ugly thing, and then... it went out of control!

  Zhao Ji wanted to possess Kong Nianzhi, and wanted to treat Kong Nianzhi as her male pet, and likewise, she also wanted to be possessed by Kong Nianzhi, or even... be conquered ruthlessly.

  Thinking of this, Zhao Ji's eyes became even more blurred, and Hun Shen had a blush of seduction, and the fine sweat filled every corner of the air with the breeze.

  Lu Buwei fell silent, he is now pure and powerless.

  Although he had some ideas in his heart, Nai He Shenxuan did not support it.

  Concubine stared coldly at Zhao Ji, who was sitting alone in a seat, her eyeballs were rapidly congested, bloodshots exploded on the surface of the eyeballs, and the veins on her forehead throbbed. Obviously, Concubine was about to explode with anger now.

  707 As Zhao Ji's old friend, I can tell at a glance that Zhao Ji is... mad.

  Immediately, a deep sense of humiliation stabbed in the heart like a knife. As a man, his own woman was in front of him and flirted with other men. Who could bear it?

  Lu Buwei can endure it, Ao...I can't do it!


  She lifted the chair in front of her and walked in front of Ying Zheng and Kong Nianzhi who were talking with a sneer, her eyes staring at Kong Nianzhi with a blank face.

  Is it this guy who messed up labor and management's elaborate plan to assassinate Ying Zheng? !

  Ai took a deep breath, and the manic killing intent and anger suddenly burst out and swept away in all directions. Suddenly, all the people present looked at the suddenly standing up with a look of astonishment.

  "Lady! Didn't you see the widow talking with Mr. Kong?! Hurry up and step back!" Ying Zheng saw Leo standing beside him with a murderous look, and suddenly sighed inwardly, and then scolded calmly. .

  "Excuse me, it's difficult to obey orders! I heard that Mr. Wu has extraordinary martial arts, so I want to have a discussion with Mr., Mr. dare... promise!"

  PS: Don't accept Zhao Ji, don't accept Zhao Ji, don't accept Zhao Ji, say important things three times, never touch her! .

Chapter 281 Cut off the son and the grandson! (please subscribe)

  With a high-pitched tone and a look of awe-inspiring victory in hand, Ai Yu stood there with her arms around her and said these words that made everyone present stunned.


  Lu Buwei held his forehead speechlessly, even if Ai was out of his control now and his power was not much worse than his, but when they had a common enemy, Lu Buwei still hoped that Ai would be able to jump around for a while, and occasionally attract him. Firepower.

  But this Nima is obviously not attracting firepower, it is killing!

  Lu Buwei, who had his own intelligence organization, knew exactly how terrifying the young man in front of him was. All the people present might not be enough for him to kill. Auntie even took the initiative to push forward with a sullen face. I feel like I...have nothing to say.

  At this time, Ying Zhengdu was stunned, and Gao Jiao looked at the murderous Concubine with some twitches.

  "You can't fight! Marquis of Changxin, retire for this palace." Zhao Jiteng stood up abruptly, and scolded him slightly nervously.

  The person named Kong Nianzhi in front of him has long been recognized by Zhao Ji as his own private property, so how can he be allowed to hurt him.

  "Queen Mother, please don't interfere in this matter, I will be merciful, and you, Mr. Kong, do you want to hide from women..." Turning around, Ao sneered sarcastically, but suddenly said Indifferent words interrupted.

  "Gon." An indifferent and somewhat terrifying voice sounded, and there was a faint coldness in Kong Nianzhi's eyes.



  "What did you say?!" Aoyu's eyelids twitched, and then she narrowed her eyes slightly, and her bloodthirsty aura locked onto Kong Nianzhi's body.

  Auntie stared at Kong Nianzhi with some sinister eyes, a mere white face, how dare to be so arrogant.

  It's been so many years, I haven't heard anyone dare to humiliate her in front of her face, not even Lu Buwei, not even Ying Zheng... not!

  To be honest, Aoyi's talent is not outstanding, and she has passed the best age for martial arts. After joining Lu Buwei's prime minister's house and becoming Lu Buwei's diners, although she learned a good practice, and after gaining power, she used her huge resources. It is used to practice martial arts, and in the end, only after the initial stage of becoming a super master, the cultivation base will no longer be able to advance.

  But Aunti believes that it is not easy to kill a small white face with her own strength, although this small white face also has some strength.


  "Be careful‖!"

  The long sword was unsheathed, purple sword energy hovered on the body of the sword, and there was a ferocious smile hanging from the horns. Amidst Zhao Ji's exclamations, I stabbed at Kong Nianzhi!


  Kong Nianzhi looked coldly at the stabbing sword, his right hand rested his chin, and a dark pupil suddenly appeared in Kong Nianzhi's eyes!

  Omniscient and Almighty!

  The invisible field spreads, and time and space seem to be stopped at this moment!

  Everyone maintained the posture of the last moment and stood still.

  Zhao Ji, who was screaming, Lu Buwei, who looked stunned, Ying Zheng, who looked indifferent, everyone who looked flustered, and the tip of the sword that stopped less than ten centimeters in front of Kong Nianzhi!

  All stopped at the origin!

  The silence of the space is a bit terrifying, the noisy sound outside Zi Lan Xuan completely disappeared, and the whole world seemed to be completely in a state of stillness!

  An illusory figure escaped from Kong Nianzhi's prudence.

  Doesn't it mean that it is big enough to turn the wheels?

  Kong Nianzhi smiled coldly, and then kicked heavily on the lower part of the concubine.

  In the next second, the illusory figure shattered, time began to pass again, and Lei, who was rushing towards Kong Nianzhi, seemed to be hit by something invisible, and exploded in the opposite direction at a very terrifying speed. Out, staggered for dozens of meters, but did not damage anything.

  In the next second, the illusory figure shattered, time began to pass again, and Lei, who was rushing towards Kong Nianzhi, seemed to be hit by something invisible, and exploded in the opposite direction at a very terrifying speed. Out, staggered for dozens of meters, but did not damage anything.


  The wine glass in his hand fell to the ground.

  Lu Buwei looked bewildered.

  Just... what happened? !

  Equally at a loss, there was Zhao Ji, who was about to stab this Kong Nianzhi to death in the moment just now, but the next moment, Aoyi flew out by herself?

  At this moment, a strange voice sounded, awakening them from their daze.

  "Ho...ho...ho." The voice of sucking in the cold air sounded, and Ao's face turned red in pain and hugged her brother, like an earthworm that had been cut off, winding on the ground in pain. meander up.

  In this way, you don't need to think about it to know that the most important part of the man must have been terribly injured, and that will make the woman look like this.


  "Today is the day of Zilan Xuan's great joy. I don't want to see blood, but I have to teach you a lesson. Otherwise, if you are a cat or a dog, you can come to our Zilan Xuan to be wild." Kong Nianzhi stood slowly. He got up and put his hands behind his back leisurely, looking down at Concubine and said.

  Under the terrifying pain, the aunt lying on the ground had already lost her consciousness.


  A cat or a dog? !

  Changxin Hou Conan is a cat and a dog, so what are we? !

  The ministers present glanced at each other, their hearts were full of ghosts, and they wished they could hold their breath and not make a sound to prevent this evil star from noticing them.

  The ministers felt bitter in their hearts, they knew that they would find a reason not to come to Zilan Xuan to join in the fun!

  This Confucius!

  Absolutely not to provoke!

  Zi Lanxuan, you have to make a good offering in the future!

  It is also from today that in Zilan Xuan, no one dares to make trouble in it.

  Changxin Hou Congyu has been beaten and has lost the function of prudence. Who else dares to make trouble here? !

  Moreover, the city defense troops who were on duty nearby seemed to live near Zilanxuan. Every time Zilanxuan made a big noise, (Li Zhaozhao) they would rush to calm down.

  Of course, that's all for later.

  At this time, after Kong Nianzhi finished speaking, he nodded to the crowd with a gentle smile, and then walked back to his seat.

  Upon seeing this, the ministers stood up one after another, bowed their heads respectfully to Kong Nianzhi, as if they were afraid that Kong Nianzhi would give him such an invisible attack.

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