In fact, the state just now, strictly speaking, does not stop the time and space of the world. The omnipotence and omnipotence cannot stop the time and space of the whole world, but Kong Nianzhi intercepts the future fragments, and then selects the fragments that will happen in the future. now.

  Hence the scene just now.

  At the same time, Ying Zheng also took a deep breath and stood up!

  PS: Do not accept Zhao Ji, do not accept this broken shoe!It's coming soon... Shao Si Ming Black and White and Da Si Ming, cough cough....

Chapter 282 Jealous Feiyan! (please subscribe)

  The sunset in the evening slanted on the horizon, dyed a red glow, and also covered the land of Shenzhou with a layer of red.

  The air was inexplicably depressing, as if a storm was about to come.

  "Mr. Kong, it's getting late, and the widow has a lot of government affairs to deal with, so I will go back to the palace first. You are welcome to come and chat with the widow at any time." Ying Zheng stood up and stared directly at Kong Nianzhi. eyes said.

  This kind of fiery gaze, if Kong Nianzhi knew that Ying Zheng was a lover of women, or if he wanted to listen to his advanced knowledge and opinions again, he would have mistaken him for a homosexual.

  "Let's talk another day, I won't send you off." Kong Nianzhi waved helplessly, not treating himself as an outsider at all.

  The ministers were stunned again. In the minds of everyone present, the words "nine sixty" kept repeating this sentence, I will not send you...

  Ying Zheng had long been accustomed to it and didn't get angry, nodded, turned and walked towards the deep corridor. Behind him, the civil and military officials hurriedly followed. The face reluctantly put up the embarrassment, and kept up with the team going out.

  In the end, only Zhao Ji was left, and she kept looking back at the slender figure standing in front of the window.

  Just now with Kong Nianzhi's dashing appearance and the way he instantly defeated Ao Yu, Zhao Ji strengthened his determination to accept Kong Nianzhi as a male pet.

  After walking a few steps, Zhao Ji couldn't bear the itch in her heart, she gritted her silver teeth and ran behind Kong Nianzhi like a trot.

  "I heard that Zheng'er mentioned Mr. Kong's name. I am really grateful for Mr. Zheng's help. By the way, do you know who I am?" Zhao Ji asked coquettishly with a charming smile.

  Ok? !

  what's the situation? !

  Hearing the voice behind him, Kong Nianzhi, who was condescending and admiring the moving scenery in front of the dancers, turned around in a daze, and then saw... Zhao Ji who was making waves at himself.

  "Cough, I know, Zhao Ji is right behind the scenes of Ying Zheng." Kong Nianzhi took two steps back slightly, opened a little distance from Zhao Ji, and then said.

  Even from Kong Nianzhi's perspective, he had to admit that Zhao Ji was indeed a beauty, and Zhao Ji was only in her thirties at this time, but Shen Ge was like a twenty-year-old girl.

  If Kong Nianzhi didn't know that Zhao Ji was a sloppy woman, maybe Kong Nianzhi would really be interested in her. Now that he knew that Zhao Ji was such a woman, Kong Nianzhi, a straight man with cancer , of course it is impossible to have the slightest interest in such a woman.

  At this time, Zhao Ji was inexplicably excited, because Kong Nianzhi... actually knew her name!

  This suddenly made Zhao Ji feel a little inexplicably throbbing, and Shen Xia became even more wet...

  "I admire Mr.'s talent very much. You are welcome to come to my bedroom at any time and talk to me all night!" Zhao Ji chuckled softly, especially on the words "anytime" and "talking all night". tone.

  This guy has no sense of propriety, righteousness and shame in his heart, and he has already told Confucius about his intentions aboveboard.

  Afterwards, Zhao Ji took a step forward with a frowning expression, as if she was going to take advantage of Kong Nianzhi on purpose, but was interrupted by a sudden soft cough behind her.

  "Cough, husband, are you tired? Let Feiyan come and give you a massage." The crisp footsteps sounded, Feiyan said softly, and at the same time stared at Zhao Ji with a dark gaze, Zhao Ji stared at some of his scalp numb, and then put his eyes back on Kong Nianzhi.

  "Uh, it's alright, actually I'm not tired." Kong Nianzhi was sweating secretly, except for secretly hiding Feiyan and the others with a wave of Luna, it seems that he is really not tired today.


  Sao Fox!

  Glancing at Feiyan a little unhappy, Zhao Ji looked back at Kong Nianzhi and spoke again.

  Glancing at Feiyan a little unhappy, Zhao Ji looked back at Kong Nianzhi and spoke again.

  "Mr. Kong, it's getting late today, and Mr. Kong has been busy all day. I won't disturb Mr. Kong's rest, so I will go first." With Feiyan present this time, Zhao Ji also withdrew that In the appearance of a sub-little girl, she started calling herself this palace again.

  "Oh, yes, sir, you must remember what Ben Gong just said." Just as she was about to leave, Zhao Ji turned around suddenly, her pinky slipped across Kong Nianzhi's hand secretly, and then she was satisfied went out.


  "Let's see! Everyone is gone! Otherwise, husband, you can go with her!" Fei Yan noticed Zhao Ji's last little gesture, and she rose up with a little dissatisfaction, and said angrily like jealousy.

  "I was actually taken as the head of the face..." Holding Fei Yan's soft body in his arms, Kong Nianzhi muttered at Fei Yan a little angrily.


  Immediately, Fei Yan laughed out loud in Kong Nianzhi's arms, until she laughed a little sour and Kong Nianzhi's big hand moved around her body, before Fei Yan spoke again with a blushing face.

  "My husband is really good-looking, so it's no wonder that Zhao Ji would have such a hateful idea." Feiyan smiled coquettishly while grabbing Kong Nianzhi's big hand.

  Facial head is not a good adjective, it is usually used to describe a handsome man.

  It can also be said to be a male concubine, a male pet.

  Someone actually wanted to accept Kong Nianzhi as a concubine, male pet, how could Feiyan not laugh.


  "You're still laughing?!" Turning Feiyan around, Kong Nianzhi slapped Feiyan's beauty heavily.

  "...Ah! But husband, it's really funny." Feiyan couldn't help but laughed again.


  "Still laughing?!" Kong Nianzhi said fiercely, adding a bit of strength again.

  4.1 "...Really." Fei Yan tried to defend again, but was beaten by Kong Nianzhi again.

  Then Feiyan learned to be obedient and kept silent.

  The two tearful and pitiful looked at Kong Nianzhi like a small beast.

  "Husband, I won't laugh anymore, please spare me." Seeing Kong Nianzhi's big hand waving again, Fei Yan hurriedly closed her beautiful eyes and said in a low voice, the whole person seemed particularly aggrieved.


  Husband is really hateful. He even threatened people with force to prevent them from laughing.

  After secretly refuting a sentence in her heart, Feiyan felt that she was a little damp, Feiyan suddenly felt so ashamed that she was being beaten by her husband's skin drum...

  PS: I won't accept Zhao Ji, I won't accept broken shoes, I won't accept broken shoes, I will say important things three times.

Chapter 283 Made a green hat! (please subscribe)

  Under the blood-colored setting sun, a pair of bi people leaned against each other and leaned against each other by the window, quietly watching the sunset gradually fall and disappear in front of them.

  Outside the Zilan Pavilion, the ceremonial and music team has long since retreated, and most of the guests have dispersed. There are only a few guests who are not enjoying themselves. They still stay in the Zilan Pavilion, enjoying the enchanting dances and songs of the dancers. The moving voices of the girls.

  "It would be great if time could stop at this moment." Looking at Xianyang, where the lights were gradually lit outside the window, Fei Yan retracted into Kong Nianzhi's arms, and his little hands tightly clenched Kong Nianzhi's shirt, lightly whispered softly.

  "That can't be done. If time stops at this moment, how can we make a villain." Kong Nianzhi said with a smirk, gently stroking Fei Yan's smooth curve.

  Immediately, Feiyan couldn't help herself, she raised her head and glared at Kong Nian angrily, and then Feiyan snorted like a demonstration.

  The next second, 14, Feiyan was suddenly silent.

  "Husband, you... Are you saying that we are useless? We have so many sisters, yet we have not given birth to a child for your husband." Fei Yan's beautiful eyes were dim, her mood was inexplicably low, and she said with self-pity.

  "Feiyan, I'm afraid I can't hang up with you. It's very likely that my bloodline is somewhat special, so it's difficult to have children." Kong Nianzhi hesitated, but decided to tell Feiyan the truth.

  "Ah?! How could this be, how can this be done?!" Feiyan heaved a sigh of relief when she heard that it was not her and her sisters' fault, and the next second, Feiyan's heart followed Kong Nianzhi's words. in the air.

  Feiyan was a little panicked, if Kong Nianzhi couldn't give birth to a son and a half daughter...

  "Don't worry, I haven't finished yet, what I said is that it is difficult, not impossible, as long as we do more, there will always be one day." Kong Nianzhi quickly comforted Feiyan and explained.


  Hearing what Kong Nianzhi said, Fei Yan's heart in the air suddenly fell down again, and while he was relieved, his complexion became inexplicably crimson.

  "Then husband, shall we do it tonight?" The determination to have a child for her husband overcomes all hesitation, and Feiyan can't be shy at this time. Since her husband has already said it, it is difficult to have a child. By doing more to increase the odds, every day's opportunity can't be missed...

  "Of course you can." Fei Yan had already asked for a fight, so Kong Nianzhi had no reason to refuse, so he readily agreed.

  "By the way, Feiyan, can you do me a favor?" Kong Nianzhi said as if he suddenly remembered something.

  "Hmm, even if your husband says, Feiyan can do anything for her husband." Feiyan's beautiful eyes were always on Kong Nianzhi's body. Hearing Kong Nianzhi's words, she agreed without hesitation.

  "...I want you to help me make a green hat now." Injustice, Kong Nianzhi sighed and said in a faint voice.

  green hat? !

  Fei Yan was immediately stunned.

  "Husband doesn't hate green the most, doesn't he have a disease that causes him to die when green appears on his body?" After a while, Fei Yan asked with some doubts.

  Kong Nianzhi once said to Tian Yan that he hates green.

  After Tian Yan joined Zilanxuan, Feiyan and other women also knew about it, so Feiyan did not use any green needles and thread when making this robe for Kong Nianzhi.

  "...It's not for me, it's for others." Kong Nianzhi said with a light cough.

  "Oh, then I'll do it now." Fei Yan nodded and left Kong Nianzhi's warm embrace with some reluctance, and walked towards her room.




  The whole world fell into a dead silence, and in Xianyang City, there were basically no places where the lights were still on.

  Only a group of city defense troops are still performing their patrol tasks with due diligence.

  Above Wa Shuo, a slender figure stepped through the sky and leaped into the palace of the Qin Kingdom.

  Compared with the royal palaces of South Korea, there is one place that Kong Nianzhi likes the most, that is, the palace of Yingzheng of Qin State is too conspicuous, and Kong Nianzhi does not need to be afraid of getting lost!

  Bypassing several patrolling soldiers, Kong Nianzhi entered the hall with ease.

  At this time, Ying Zheng should not have finished his government affairs.

  Kong Nianzhi took a few steps forward quietly, and he found Ying Zheng crouching at the desk that was as bright as day, handling political affairs diligently, while Gai Nie was leaning against a pillar in the shadows as always.

  Speaking of which, Ying Zheng is really thankless.

  Ying Zheng's whole life in power, he dealt with political affairs in person every day, and it was common for him to not rest in the middle of the night in order to deal with political affairs. That's why Ying Zheng suddenly collapsed when he was at the peak of his body in his forties. .

  It was also at that time that Ying Zheng yearned for immortality like never before. Ying Zheng still had too many ambitions to achieve, and he did not want to die.

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