It is precisely because of Ying Zheng's mentality that Yun Zhongzi, that is, Xu Fu, had the opportunity to deceive Ying Zheng, and finally the time of burning books and beating Confucians happened.

  To put it simply, Ying Zheng spent sleepless nights every day dealing with government affairs, ruining his body, and as a result, he left a bad name in history.


  "Cough cough." In the quiet environment, a 680 light cough suddenly came, which made Ying Zheng's heart suddenly startled and raised his head. When he found out that the person was Kong Nianzhi, Ying Zheng breathed a sigh of relief. .

  "Mr. Kong visited late at night, I don't know why?" Putting down the pen in his hand, Ying Zheng moved his stiff body and asked in confusion.

  "Two things, one of which, I have already made the paper." Kong Nianzhi stretched out two fingers.

  "Mr. Kong's words are true?!" Ying Zheng's eyes suddenly lit up, and he stood up in surprise.


  A thin wisp of thing slid in front of Ying Zheng's body with a cracking sound. Ying Zheng raised his right hand and grabbed the thin and smooth thing.

  When he unfolded it, Ying Zheng found that this kind of paper could indeed be used for writing, and all the processes of papermaking were recorded on it with a brush. Looking at the raw materials of this paper, it turned out that they were all very cheap items!

  And a piece of paper can record more things than even a bamboo slip!

  How much space can a piece of paper take up, and only a few cents in weight, but what about a bamboo tube!

  Ying Zheng immediately folded the piece of paper and hid it with a dignified expression on his face, then walked out of the desk, and bowed slightly to Kong Nianzhi with a solemn expression!

  PS: Ask for full order, all kinds of requests....

Chapter 284 Give Ying Zheng a green hat! (please subscribe)

  Qin called the common people the head of Guizhou, implemented a policy of ignoring the people, did not allow the common people to have knowledge and culture, and used a set of systems to restrain and control the common people. At that time, in addition to the nobles and commoners, there were also many slaves, migrants and other people with lower status, and they were treated to them. The supervision is even more severe, so very few people in the lower classes are literate.

  To put it simply, in order to maintain their status and not be replaced by the poor, the nobility, writing, knowledge, and theories of a hundred schools of thought are all mastered by the nobility. The low-status and the poor are not qualified to go to school at all. is an ordinary person.

  And don't watch the hundreds of schools of thought promote their own ideas and theories all day long. They only teach them by their mouths, and they don't teach their members to read at all.

  Even in the peasant families in the seven countries, who claim to have the most disciples among the hundreds of schools of thought, there are only a few people who are literate and literate.

  Among the hundreds of schools of thought, only the most important people are qualified to read and learn knowledge.

  Of course, only a very small number of members of the Hundred Schools are basically literate, and that is... Confucianism.

  There is also the Zongheng family who is known as the common people are painted, the world is dazzling, there are hundreds of schools of thought, and only I am vertical and horizontal!


  Papermaking is one of the four great inventions of the Celestial Dynasty, which gave the poor and the poor the opportunity to become gentry. This is an invention with trans-epoch significance, and paper was only officially invented in the Western Han Dynasty.

  Regarding whether the Qin Dynasty had paper, the official history records that the Qin Dynasty did not have paper, and the Qin Dynasty used things like bamboo slips and expensive silk and silk.

  The Qin Dynasty mentioned in the unofficial history already had rough paper, anyway, Kong Nianzhi has never seen it.

  Therefore, the emergence of the technology of papermaking will instantly break the monopoly of knowledge by the gentry, and will definitely be targeted by the gentry.

  If you want to completely promote paper, there will definitely be many resistances.

  Ying Zheng, on the other hand, will not be afraid of the resistance of the gentry. He is an emperor with foresight and ambition. As long as it is something that can enhance the national strength, he will definitely do his best to implement it.

  Only a domineering emperor like Ying Zheng could completely suppress the hundreds of schools of thought. When Ying Zheng was alive, the schools of thought would not be able to make any big waves...

  The bright moon was hanging high, and the cold wind in the middle of the night became a little manic.

  In the empty hall of the Qin Palace, there was a voice of discussion.

  "Come to me tomorrow, remember to bring some reliable craftsmen, and then I will take you to a place and tell you how to make paper..." Kong Nianzhi grabbed a bamboo tube on the table and found that it said There was a cold disaster in one place, and I immediately threw it back with no interest.

  When Kong Nianzhi saw political affairs, Ying Zheng was not angry.

  "Mr. Kong's help to Ying Zheng, Ying Zheng will keep it in mind!" Ying Zheng got up and looked at Kong Nianzhi a little excitedly, but the second thing Kong Nianzhi said immediately was directly in Ying Zheng A basin of cold water was poured on his head, extinguishing the fire of excitement that had just been lit...

  "Brother Ying Zheng, don't be in a hurry to be happy. I have a second piece of news to tell you. Listening to me, I guess you can't be so happy." Kong Nianzhi waved his hand quickly to calm down the excited Ying Zheng.

  "Brother Ying Zheng, don't be in a hurry to be happy. I have a second piece of news to tell you. Listening to me, I guess you can't be so happy." Kong Nianzhi waved his hand quickly to calm down the excited Ying Zheng.

  "Interesting, Ying Zheng would like to hear, what is the news from Mr.'s mouth that will make Ying Zheng unhappy now." Ying Zheng suddenly became interested and looked at Kong Nianzhi curiously.

  "Actually... the thing is like this, I want to give you a gift." Kong Nianzhi sneered.

  "Gift? Don't worry, as long as it's a gift from Mr. Kong to Ying Zheng, no matter what it is, Ying Zheng promises that he will never be angry." Ying Zheng was a little stunned at first, and then assured with a smile.

  not angry? !

  I'm afraid you won't just be angry for a while...

  Kong Nianzhi secretly complained.

  "My present is a hat." Kong Nianzhi slowly took out a green hat from behind with some hesitation.

  "This hat... not bad." Ying Zheng took it over in confusion, but found that Kong Nianzhi was holding on to the corner of the hat for a long time and did not let go.

  At this time, there was still the term green hat, so Ying Zheng didn't think there was anything abnormal about the green hat that would make him unhappy.

  "The whole body is made of top-quality silk, and the workmanship is exquisite without the slightest gap. This must be made by a skilled craftsman." Ying Zheng took the green hat in his hand, and then carefully looked at it for a while before opening his comments. road.

  "Cough, that's natural." Someone praised Fei Yan for her good workmanship, and Kong Nianzhi suddenly smiled smugly.

  "... Since the material and craftsmanship of this hat is top-notch, then Ying Zheng doesn't understand a bit. Why is it that Mr. Ying Zheng gave Ying Zheng this hat, and Ying Zheng will be unhappy." Ying Zheng was very puzzled.

  "You first listen to me tell a story, I have a friend, he came to me once, and his mother came with him at the same time, and then my friend's mother seemed to like me, but I really Yes... he didn't like his mother." Kong Nianzhi's expression was a little tangled, and after thinking about it for a long time, he said with a big head.

  "There is such a strange thing?! That husband's friend's mother is really a little... ignorant of etiquette, righteousness and shame, and if the husband and the friend's mother are together, what about this generation." Hearing this kind of talk about Kong Nianzhi's interesting gossip, Ying Zheng, who had been dealing with government affairs overnight, was a little sluggish and suddenly regained his spirits.

  In the dark, Genie closed his eyes closed and rested his eyes, and suddenly opened his eyes, a sharp sword intent dissipated, and then looked at the two people in the field with interest.

  This kind of gossip is mainly related to Kong Nianzhi, even if it is Gai Nie...

  "Cough, I don't know how to talk about seniority, and I feel that I am so involved with my friend's mother, I am really sorry for my friend, but I don't know how to remind my friend. , his mother has a crush on me, after all, it would be too embarrassing to speak directly." Kong Nianzhi whispered.

  "Hmm~ It's really a little troublesome, how did the gentleman do it in the end?" Ying Zheng pondered for a moment, became more interested in the follow-up of the story, and asked curiously.

  "I struggled for a long time, and finally decided to give my friend a hat, a green hat, to tell him that his mother had some thoughts on me." Kong Nianzhi looked at Ying Zheng with a deep gaze. , said meaningfully. .

Chapter 285 Is it a good life? (please subscribe)


  what? !

  In the darkness, Dian Qing did not hear anything outside the window, and sat quietly on the ground, meditating quietly.

  On the other hand, Gai Nie sucked in a breath of cold air with a stunned expression on his face, and a penetrating coldness spread to his limbs and bones along the Xiongqi, making him a little stiff in place.

  If you say that, the woman in the picture of Kong Nianzhi is... the Queen Mother of the Qin state... Zhao Ji? !

  And the friend he mentioned was... Ying Zheng!

  Isn't this bullshitting!

  The cold sweat immediately trailed down Genie's forehead, and tick tock fell on the ground.

  Gai Nie has been protecting Ying Zheng closely during this period of time, so he is naturally clear that what happened to Zhao Ji is a scary scar in Ying Zheng's heart, and something Ying Zheng tried so hard to hide. ...

  The lights were still flickering, but the hall fell into a dead silence.

  After a long time, Ying Zhengcai broke the silence.

  "Ying Zheng's mother... it really made my husband laugh." Ying Zheng's expression was a little gloomy, and he said hoarsely.

  Ying Zheng clenched his fists tightly, a blue vein appeared, and some loud bangs of the joints suddenly sounded in this silent hall, the blood vessels on his forehead bulged high, the bloodshot eyes spread, and the shocking anger was brewing in Ying Zheng's heart 843 !

  Ying Zheng's mood at the moment was a bit extreme, the fiery anger like a volcanic eruption, and the extreme cold that had been injured by Zhao Ji filled his heart, making Ying Zheng feel as if his heart was about to explode at any time.

  At this moment, Ying Zheng felt as if he was in an ice cellar, the endless darkness and terrifying cold swallowed him up bit by bit...

  Ying Zheng knew exactly what kind of woman Zhao Ji was, but no matter what, Zhao Ji was also Ying Zheng's biological mother, so Ying Zheng had been enduring it.

  But Zhao Ji has been challenging Ying Zheng's bottom line, step by step... forcing Ying Zheng to the point where he can no longer retreat!

  To be honest, Ying Zheng thought he was tolerant enough to his mother, Zhao Ji.

  Having an affair with someone, and more than one, Ying Zheng endured it.

  But Zhao Ji has intensified his efforts and even joined forces with Aiyu and dealt with him together. This has touched Ying Zheng's bottom line!

  Besides, the cooperation with Kong Nianzhi is the most important thing in Ying Zheng's mind. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the most important thing for Ying Zheng. Thinking of the harvest as the head? !

  Once Zhao Ji really succeeds and gets involved with Kong Nianzhi, how will Ying Zheng face Kong Nianzhi in the future?

  cooperate? !


  When things got to that point, Ying Zheng had no face to cooperate with Kong Nianzhi anymore.

  Once the cooperation with Kong Nianzhi and the invisible empire breaks down, it will be an unbearable loss for Ying Zheng!

  And to be honest, Ying Zheng is also very self-aware, Zhao Ji... really is not worthy of Kong Nianzhi.


  "That's nothing, it's nothing, it's just to let you know something in your heart." Kong Nianzhi said with a tangled face, the current Kong Nianzhi, there are ten hundred embarrassments in his heart that can't be described.

  "Ying Zheng has something in his mind." Under the lights, Ying Zheng's expression was a little gloomy, and he gritted his teeth and said word by word.

  "Okay, I'm here tonight for these two things, I'll know Zilan Xuan, and you can come to me tomorrow." Kong Nianzhi nodded, yawned and turned into a breeze, and instantly disappeared into the hall.

  "Okay, I'm here tonight for these two things, I'll know Zilan Xuan, and you can come to me tomorrow." Kong Nianzhi nodded, yawned and turned into a breeze, and instantly disappeared into the hall.

  The air suddenly became a little dull and oppressive.

  Just when Gai Nie was worried that Ying Zheng would become violent and insane, Ying Zheng's cold voice without any emotion suddenly came over.

  "Mr. Gai Nie, what do you think a widow should do?" Ying Zheng slowly walked back to the desk and sat down on the golden dragon chair, which symbolizes supreme kingship. to the shadows in the hall.


  Crisp footsteps sounded, some dim lights flickered, and Gai Nie's slender figure slowly became clear in the looming darkness.

  "Forbearance." With both hands hanging by his side naturally, a sword slanted across his waist, Gai Nie raised his head and looked directly into Ying Zheng's eyes, and said in a deep voice.

  "Mr. Gai Nie's ideas coincide with those of the widow, but the word forbearance is easy to say, but there are a few people who can do it." Ying Zheng sighed and said with deep sympathy.

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