

  The sound of two sword qi slashing into the flesh sounded, one sword qi burst into a blood flower on Jing Ke's back, and the other slashed at the dumb slave's Shen Shang!

  The dumb slave's eyes were unwilling. The dagger had already fallen to the ground. Both hands tightly covered the torn artery on his neck. The red blood flowed down his fingertips like a fountain, which could not stop the coming of death at all. .


  The dumb slave turned around and looked at Jing Ke with a bleak expression. He muttered something, but in the end he twitched a few times and then fell to the ground.

  This one is really too fast, in other words, Jing Ke's ten-step will kill, within ten steps, so that the dumb slave can't react at all, he will be instantly killed by a sword!


  Seeing that the dumb slave was already lying on the ground, waiting for death to come, Jing Ke secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and then spit out a few mouthfuls of blood.

  Shenzi has been...

  Jing Ke's expression was a little dignified. Just in order to kill the dumb slave, Jing Ke used his back to pick up a sword energy from Sheng Qi. Although most of it was blocked by him, the rest was blocked by the scabbard on his back. That sword energy still shattered the scabbard on Jing Ke's back, and left a long and narrow sword wound on Jing Ke's back that slanted through the entire back!

  The sword qi penetrated into the flesh, and the meridians were in a dull pain. Under this kind of injury, Jing Ke's strength has been affected!

  "Jing Ke's swordsmanship is really strong enough, and the dumb slaves were killed by you with one sword, but you are no longer my opponent, let's get out of the way, my target is not you, and I will not hurt you. Your junior sister." Sheng Qi's eyes were deep, the huge giant sword was slanted on the ground, and he seemed to turn a blind eye to the death of the dumb slave.

  "If you say it won't hurt, it won't hurt? Then I also said that if you put down the sword, I won't kill you. Would you do this? If I believe you, then there is a ghost!" His mood was obviously much more relaxed, but he had promised Kong Nianzhi to protect Gongsun Li well, although Jing Ke was also a little bit puzzled, why he had to promise an outsider to protect his junior sister, but there is definitely nothing wrong with protecting his junior sister.


  The persuasion was fruitless, and Sheng Qi gave up the small abacus in his heart. He tore off Shen Shang's coat and threw it aside, revealing his terrifying muscles that exploded. Come running!

  So fast!

  Jing Ke's pupils shrank. He thought that the speed of Shengqi's body type should be very poor, but now it seems that although Shengqi's speed is a little worse for his strength, it is only a little bit!

  Jing Ke's pupils shrank. He thought that the speed of Shengqi's body type should be very poor, but now it seems that although Shengqi's speed is a little worse for his strength, it is only a little bit!


  What a heavy force!

  When the two swords met, Jing Ke's complexion instantly became a little ugly. The strength of this victory was something that Jing Ke did not expect!

  Under such terrifying power, Jing Ke was instantly blown away by surprise!

  At this time, Sheng Qi showed a stern smile, and in just one breath, he came to a position less than two meters in front of Jing Ke Shen, who was still in the air. In the next second, Sheng Qi's huge Shen Ge suddenly After a pause, he directly kicked Jing Ke out!


  A wave of air exploded at the place where Jing Ke was kicked, and Jing Ke spit out blood and flew out of the corridor. It didn't stop until it hit the rockery more than ten meters away.

  "Senior brother!" Gongsun Li, who had been paying attention to the battle, didn't know whether Jing Ke was alive or dead after receiving such a blow, and instantly became nervous.

  0 asking for flowers

  "Don't be nervous, the kick just now shouldn't kill your senior brother, but his internal organs should have been displaced now. In this state of serious injury, he can't move for the time being." Sheng Qi's eyes were filled with joy. , put the Juque Sword on the ground, and dragged it in the direction of Gongsun Li step by step. In the yellow-orange sparks, a deep ravine was plowed out by the Juque Sword!

  "Who are you, and what do you want to do? Let me tell you, my husband is Kong Nianzhi. If you dare to mess around, he...he will never let you go!" Gongsun Li said in her heart Frightened, but still clenched his teeth and held on.


  "I...what?!" Sheng Qi still wanted to speak, but a sound came from the dusty rockery, making him swallow the rest of the words back in his stomach.

  Under such a heavy blow, how could he still move? !

  Sheng Qi turned around with a serious expression and looked at the dust that was beginning to dissipate.

  I saw there, Jing Ke's forehead was hit by the rockery and several wounds were created. The blood flowed down his eyelids, dripping on the ground, the long sword in his hand was stuck on the ground, and more blood flowed down under his feet. into a small puddle.

  Those trembling hands and feet and the trembling Shenxue all show that Jing Ke's current state of Shenxue is absolutely terrifying!

  "Why do you have to stand up?" The sword qi began to accumulate on Sheng Qi's Juque sword. Although he did not understand it very well, it did not affect Sheng Qi's killing of Jing Ke.

  "Because...the promise." Jing Ke smiled brightly, revealing teeth that were stained with blood. Jing Ke's eyes were full of war. Although he was overwhelmed, he still had a last resort. This trick...isn't quite perfect yet!

  "You are a man, out of respect for you, I will use all my strength with this sword." Sheng Qi's pupils shrank, and then sprinted towards Jing Ke again!


  In the sound of breaking the air, Jing Ke still stood there, but at this moment, the thought in Jing Ke's heart was...

  Come closer...

  A little closer....

Chapter 355 Gongsun Li's Decision! (for full order)


  Ling Lie's strong wind and sharp sword stabbed Jing Ke's cheeks with pain. In a short moment, Sheng Qi was already less than ten meters away from Jing Ke, but Jing Ke was still standing there motionless, just in Sheng Qi. When he thought that Jing Ke had already accepted his fate, Jing Ke... moved!

  It's now!

  ...five steps!


  Looking at Sheng Qi who was already standing within five steps of him, and even when the tip of the giant sword was not even an inch away from him, Jing Ke's originally dull eyes suddenly burst into a dazzling light, blue sword energy. Wrapped around Jing Ke's long sword stuck on the ground.

  In the next breath, Jing Ke just disappeared in place, yes, just disappeared!

  Like a teleportation, Jing Ke just disappeared from Sheng Qi's eyes!

  not good!

  What is "five six three"? !

  Sheng Qi's pupils shrank in an instant, looking at Jing Ke who suddenly appeared in front of him, and the long sword in Jing Ke's hand had already pierced into Sheng Qi Shen Kui, Sheng Qi's expression became solemn and forced to change his move, and the giant Que sword swung in the air was facing it. His own sanctuary was cut off!


  At the same time, in the nearby military camp, Gongsun Yu, who came over, also saw the bone demon who was causing a riot.

  "Who is that person?" Gongsun Yu asked, pointing at the bone demon who watched the soldiers surrounded by nothing.

  "Reporting to General Gongsun, the subordinates don't know who this person is, but this person just suddenly rushed into the military camp, and then began to kill the soldiers." A deputy general explained.

  "To attack the soldiers? Didn't you attack the generals in our army?" Gongsun Yu was a little puzzled, and he suddenly felt that something was not right.

  "This...reporting to General Gongsun, this person did not take action against our general. He seemed to kill for the sake of pure killing." The lieutenant expressed his opinion.

  "No!" Gongsun Yu frowned and denied the lieutenant's opinion. What was wrong? Gongsun Yu felt that he had caught some traces, but he couldn't think of it for a while.

  "It's not good! This is a trick to turn the tiger away from the mountain! Leave him alone, come and bring someone back to my mansion!" After thinking for a while, Gongsun Yu's expression suddenly changed, no wonder he always felt something was wrong .

  If this assassin really came to target him, he and the generals in operation should be assassinated now, not these ordinary soldiers, and this person's whereabouts have been exposed, but he still refuses to retreat. Clearly delaying time.

  And the purpose of delaying time is... Gongsun Li!

  Li'er...you must...don't have any trouble!

  Otherwise, how could grandpa explain to your parents!

  "Hurry up, hurry up! It's all him, don't worry about him, if you hear my order, follow me!" Gongsun Yu's pupils were rapidly bloodshot, with an uncontrollable anger in his eyes, and he whipped the war horse violently. The leader quickly rushed towards his mansion.



  At the same time, in the depths of Gongsun's mansion, Sheng Qi looked at the long sword stuck into his shoulder and was speechless for a long time.

  "You are very strong." After a long time, Sheng Qi tore out the long sword that went deep into the bone, and the blood flowed out along with the bone fluid, but Sheng Qi's brows did not wrinkle.

  "...hu...hu...but I still lost..." On the ground, Jing Ke, who was covered with blood and dust, looked pale, and a huge wound ran across his chest. , You can see the bones deeply, although he didn't cut his Shen Kui into two pieces, but with the current amount of bleeding, I am afraid that Jing Ke will lose too much blood and die soon.

  "No, you won just now. If it wasn't for the attack on me at the beginning, it was me who killed me with this move. What is this move called?" Sheng Qi shook his head and asked curiously.

  The sword just now, even Sheng Qi was a little scared. If it wasn't for Jing Ke's severe injury, the long sword shifted a little distance with his hand shaking at the last moment, and the last sword was cut off, it must be Sheng Qi. throat.

  "I call this sword a five-step lore." Jing Ke sighed, then winked at Gongsun Li secretly.

  "Five steps... a lore?!" Sheng Qi murmured, a lore within five steps was indeed ruthless!

  Turning around Shen Lai, Sheng Qi continued to walk towards Gongsun Li, Jing Ke's already pale complexion became even more inhumane!

  "Junior sister, let's go!" Jing Ke roared angrily, trying to struggle to get up, but fell to the ground again with a thud, and the speed of blood loss was also a little faster.

  "Who are you, and what are your goals! I told you just now that my husband is..." Gongsun Li stepped back, she wanted to run, but with her three-legged cat skills, how to run... .

  "I know, your husband is Kong Nianzhi." Sheng Qi evoked a bloodthirsty arc, the giant sword on his shoulders.

  "Do you know? Could it be that... your purpose is to catch the husband I used to threaten me!" Gongsun Li was a smart woman, she instantly guessed Sheng Qi's plan, and Mei Mu pointed at Sheng Qi in astonishment.

  "That's right, this is our purpose, don't worry, we won't hurt you." Sheng Qiyi chopped the door that was a little low for him, and walked in.

  "You...you're shameless! You guys actually want to use me as a weak woman to blackmail my husband. You are despicable, nasty, dirty, dead scumbags, weak souls..." Gongsun Li's beautiful eyes were a little flustered, but she was still calm Accusing Shengqi, and scolding all the swearing words that he knows at Shengqi, but these words are simply... not lethal to Shengqi.

  "Whatever you say, according to our investigation of Kong Nianzhi, he is a person who values ​​friendship. As long as I use you to threaten Kong Nianzhi's suicide, I will let you go." Sheng Qi is a person with a firm mind. How could it be possible? If Gongsun Li scolded him for a few words, he would find out in his conscience, otherwise he wouldn't be able to search all over the seven kingdoms in order to find his half-brother Wu Kuang, or even lead an uprising.

  "I won't let you get your wish on 4.2!" The panic in Gongsun Li's beautiful eyes disappeared and she became firm. Gongsun Li would never allow herself to be a drag on her husband, if that's the case...


  Gongsun Li took a deep breath and bumped into the corner of the hall made of gold and iron...


  At the same time, at the gate of the mansion, Gongsun Yu led a group of troops and rushed back first. Seeing the wide open gate and the sound of fighting in the mansion, his complexion suddenly changed.

  "Come in with me, if you see an assassin, kill me!" Gongsun Yu was really angry at this moment. In his life, there are two things that he cherishes the most, one is defending the country, and the other is his granddaughter... Gongsun Korea!

  This group of people put their crooked thoughts on Gongsun Li's head, which is a complete touch of Gongsun Yu's inverse scale! .

Chapter 356: Wall Boom! (for full order)

  The sun began to tilt.

  The temperature was just right for the day, but at this time, the strong bloody smell evaporated in the General Wei's mansion. As the cold wind mixed into every trace of the air, this fishy smell made the war horses fight a little uneasy. His nose squeaked, and his four hooves kept stomping on the ground irritably.

  Just when Gongsun Yu was leading the densely packed soldiers to fight against Tian Meng, Situ Wanli and the bone monsters who came back, there was suddenly a furious cry from Jing Ke in the backyard, which made Gongsun Yu's complexion instantly turn a little bit darker. pale...

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