"Junior sister! Don't!!!" At the same time, Jing Ke's eyes widened as he stared at the decisive Gongsun Li.

  Sheng Qi's expression also changed. He didn't expect Gongsun Li to be so stubborn and choose to commit suicide in order not to become a burden to Kong Nianzhi.

  It wasn't in his plan that Gongsun Li wanted to commit suicide. Once Gongsun Li succeeded in committing suicide, let's not say that they were completely busy this time, and even put on the master of the dumb slave, which would completely offend Kong Nianzhi, and the consequences. ..

  Thinking of this, Sheng Qi's expression immediately froze, and the naked 30-footer stepped on the ground, chasing after Gongsun Li.


  At this moment, Gongsun Li closed her beautiful eyes tightly, cheering herself up in the bottom of her heart, and bumped into the corner of the hall made of gold and iron, and then hit something with a bang.

  A warm breeze blew past, and the flow of time seemed to slow down a bit.

  Gongsun Li was a little surprised. Is this...is it the feeling of waiting for death?

  everything is over...

  It's just that I'm not reconciled. I haven't lived a good life with Kong Nianzhi, and I haven't had children with him. I have spent a hundred years well, so I ended my life like this. It's good that I didn't become a burden to my husband. A little coziness and satisfaction.

  But... can you still smell your husband when you're about to die? It's great...

  Gongsun Li was a little fascinated by it, and she seemed to feel a little lost... Then...

  "Hey, hey, it hurts, hurts, hurts!" A slight pain came from Qiong's nose, which had been wrinkling and sniffing the smell of Kong Nianzhi, which made Gongsun Li open her eyes a little unhappy, and then saw the hug With his own Confucius...

  I'm... dreaming!

  I'm already dead, how can I still see my husband? !

  Gongsun Li was stunned for a moment, then closed her beautiful eyes again, and opened them again. Gongsun Li found that Kong Nianzhi was still standing in front of her Shen, and couldn't help jumping and screaming!



  "...Ah! Why are you beating me! Kong Nianzhi, you are really my enemy, are you going to come to torture me and beat me even if I'm dead!" Gongsun Li clutched her small leather drum and pouted unhappily looking at Kong Nianzhi.


  "You stupid woman, did you take a closer look at your death?" Kong Nianzhi said angrily.

  "Huh?!" Gongsun Li was stunned for a moment, then raised her toes blankly, and looked back with her own eyes on Kong Nianzhi's shoulders.

  This... looks like it's still your own room? !

  This... looks like it's still your own room? !

  The half-dead senior brother lying on the ground!

  And the terrifying, fierce and ugly guy who was holding a big, terrifying, ugly looking guy, also stood not far away and looked like he didn't dare to come over.

  "I...I'm not dead?!" Gongsun Li still couldn't reflect it, and Kong Nianzhi felt a little helpless with her cute appearance.

  "Nonsense, how did you die when you bumped into my Xiongkou? You said that you are from the family of a little girl, don't think so pessimistic." Kong Nianzhi's eyes were a little unhappy. If he came a step later, he might see It is Gongsun Li's soul, in that case, Gongsun Li can only be reincarnated into a void.

  "I...I...I'm sorry..." Gongsun Li muttered softly with tears in her beautiful eyes.

  Kong Nianzhi did not speak, but gently squeezed Gongsun Li's little face.

  "You...what are you doing!" Gongsun Li was suddenly blushed by Kong Nianzhi's actions and took a few steps back. Kong Nianzhi pressed him step by step, and soon forced Gongsun Li to the front of the pillar. Gongsun Li wanted to turn around and escape, but was stopped by a sudden wall from Kong Nianzhi.

  "You...you, uh!" Gongsun Li still wanted to continue struggling to save herself, and then the moist red robe was seized by Kong Nianzhi. Suddenly smiled.

  "Wait a moment and I'll come and take care of you." Turning around, Kong Nianzhi's expression suddenly became cold. One second he was a warm man, but the next second he suddenly turned into indifference. The appearance of all the gods in the world, this rapid change in momentum made Sheng Qi even more cautious.

  Just now Kong Nianzhi was facing Sheng Qi with his back, and Kong Nianzhi was full of flaws all over his body, as if Kong Nianzhi was just an ordinary person, but Sheng Qi did not dare to do anything at all.

  To be able to suddenly appear in the room without Sheng Qi noticing it at all, this kind of speed is absolutely impossible for ordinary people to have!

  Kong Nianzhi... must be very strong, strong makes people a little desperate!

  But I will never admit defeat!

  Sheng Qi's eyes were firm, and he looked at Kong Nianzhi vigilantly. If his plan was revealed, then he would come straight ahead!

  "Jing Ke, you were beaten a bit miserably." Kong Nianzhi completely ignored Sheng Qi and looked at Jing Ke, who was lying outside and screaming at 693.

  "Brother Kong, it's really time for you to come, solve it quickly and come to save me, I'm bleeding, I'm afraid I have to go to see my ancestors if I have another cup of tea, I don't want to die, I'm still Yuan Yang Zhishen, what's it like if you haven't tried it, besides, I don't have any children yet, so I can't cut off the incense of our old Jing family." Jing Ke screamed strangely, and then found that his blood flowed a little faster, He hurriedly lay down on the ground and pretended to be dead.


  Look down on me!

  "Go to hell!" Sheng Qi's eyes glowed with fierce light, Da Chu curled up slightly, and stepped out, the slate on the ground was cracked and shattered into a spider web, and instantly appeared on the top of Kong Nianzhi's head, on the giant sword. With golden sword energy, he violently slashed towards Kong Nianzhi's head!


  what? !

  The next second, Sheng Qi suddenly froze in place. What did he see? Kong Nianzhi used only two fingers to block his full-strength sword, even no matter how hard Sheng Qi tried. He wanted to take back the Juque sword, but it was difficult to shake it at all, as if not two fingers were holding the Juque sword, but... a mountain!

  How could it be so strong!

  Sheng Qi was a little desperate, and Sheng Qi suddenly felt that he had underestimated Kong Nianzhi too much, and he had underestimated himself too much. .

Chapter 357 The thief will die for me! (for full order)

  Sheng Qi was a little unimaginable, how could such a thing happen.

  The Juque Sword is a famous sword ranked eleventh on the famous sword list.

  This sword is swung, and the sword energy is vertical and horizontal. Although it is huge and heavy, and the blade is thick and blunt, when it is swung quickly, the sword energy emitted is as sharp as a steel knife. It is extremely powerful, but it is difficult for ordinary people to wield it easily.

  This giant tower sword weighs more than [-] jins. Ordinary middle-aged men can only barely lift the giant tower sword. If they want to use the giant tower sword, it's just a joke. How can it be used without even dancing once? !

  Only Shengqi is a natural power or a master who has specialized in cultivating meat can use it. The natural power is combined with the weight of the giant sword and the blessing of Shengqi's own internal power. This sword is definitely not equal to one plus one plus one. Three is so simple, but a geometric improvement!

  Sheng Qi was even confident that even if Xia Kui Tianguang dared to take this sword from him, he would be crippled even if he didn't die.

  But such a powerful sword was taken by Kong Nianzhi with just two fingers...

  "Chen Sheng." Kong Nianzhi sneered, but he didn't have much affection for Chen Sheng, and now he dared to come to catch Gongsun Li, and Kong Nianzhi was not going to keep him.

  "Kong Nianzhi, you are really strong, but our farm has a lot of good players this time. Tian Meng, Situ Wanli and the bone demon will come to support immediately. It's still unclear who wins and who loses!" Sheng Qi's expression Calm down, I have already made up my mind to pay attention, since the matter is exposed, then simply join forces to kill Kong Nianzhi directly!

  "I'm afraid they...you can't protect yourself now, you should take care of yourself." Kong Nianzhi laughed lightly, and suddenly there was a heavy pupil in his pupils!

  Omniscient and Almighty!

  Kong Nianzhi snorted coldly, folded his two fingers hard, and the giant sword suddenly broke into two sections. In the next second, it was as if time and space were shattered and reversed. Kong Nianzhi stood there without moving, and the giant sword With a scream, it suddenly broke into two pieces from the center of the sword and fell to the ground with a clang.

  Sheng Qi was stunned...

  The giant Que sword, which is known as the supreme in the world, was broken like this? !

  This Nima will not be a fake giant sword!

  Sheng Qi felt that he was going to lose his mind, but he immediately shook his head to dispel the thoughts in his mind, and quickly exited the room with the remaining half of the giant sword, looking at Kong Nianzhi vigilantly.

  "What kind of magic did you use just now?! Why did my giant sword break, answer me!" Sheng Qi's eyes were full of anger, and he fiercely questioned Kong Nianzhi.

  "I broke the future of the Juque Sword. Next, the one to be broken is your future." Kong Nianzhi put his hands on Shen Hou, and walked out of the room step by step with a relaxed expression.

  "Left foot." The emotionless words came, and Sheng Qi didn't quite understand it. The next second, the severe pain from the hamstring of his left foot made Sheng Qi understand what Kong Nianzhi meant.



  Sheng Qi was half kneeling on the ground, and the remaining half of the giant sword was inserted into the ground, supporting his Shen Gui, and cold sweat began to drip onto the ground along his forehead, mixed with the dust.

  "Damn! What the hell did you do?" Turning his head and looking at his bloody left hamstring, Sheng Qi's expression became ugly. He didn't see Kong Nianzhi's attack just now, but he But... what is this? !

  "Right foot." Kong Nianzhi's face was expressionless, Sheng Qi's pupils shrank and rolled to the side, but a cloud of blood still erupted from the hamstring of his right foot, as if there was an invisible and transparent attack. As if his hamstrings had already been locked firmly, even Shengqi dodging would have no effect at all.

  "You are a sorcerer! You will not let you mess around!" Sheng Qi took a deep breath and looked at Kong Nianzhi with resentment.

  "Witchcraft? Whatever you think, but when will the peasant family be able to represent a hundred schools of thought, and they want to deal with me? Although you can try it out, the next step is... the left hand!" Kong Nianzhi looked indifferently Looking at Shengqi, he continued to predict where Shengqi would be broken in the future. In the next second, a mass of blood burst out from Shengqi's left wrist, and then it fell weakly.

  "Bastard! You monster! Kill if you want to! Why are you humiliating me!" Sheng Qi roared angrily, then let go of the broken giant sword, and hid his right hand in Xiong's mouth and pressed Shen Xia.

  "Innocent, finally... the right hand!" Kong Nianzhi mercilessly pronounced the death penalty on Sheng Qi's right hand, a muffled groan sounded, and a stream of blood slowly flowed down Sheng Qi's chest.

  For a swordsman, the hand... is the most important partner. It is a partner that is more important than the sword. Without the hand, no matter how good the weapon and the best swordsmanship are for the swordsman.

  Therefore, every swordsman will protect his hands well. The protection of their opponents even exceeds the protection of their lives. At this time, Shengqi, who lost the tetsujin of both hands, completely lost his persistence in life. Will has been destroyed.

  "々' Want me to kill you? It's not such a simple thing. If you take action against someone who is close to me, your fate will be doomed. I remember...you have a younger brother, right." Kong Nian Zhi Zhi propped his chin in his right hand, thought for a while, and said suddenly.

  "You devil! You killed me! This matter is none of Wu Kuang's business! Kill me! Ah! Kill me!" Sheng Qi suddenly became irritable again, as if Like a centipede wriggling on the ground!

  "It turns out that you also have people you care about, so why do you still do such a thing? I don't quite understand it, but forget it, don't worry, I will definitely go to the farmhouse and kill Wu Kuang by the way." Kong Nian Zhi turned a blind eye to Sheng Qi's prayer, (Nuo Ma Zhao) smiled indifferently with deep eyes.

  "And you won't die for the time being. I will send your Juque sword back to the farmhouse, and then hang you... on the city wall as a gift to the farmhouse." When there was movement, Kong Nianzhi stood up, and then saw a veteran who looked in his fifties and had slightly gray hair rushing towards here.

  This is Gongsun Li's grandfather... Gongsun Yu? !

  Kong Nianzhi coughed lightly, patted the robe that was not stained with dust, walked over to meet Gongsun Yu, and then thought about how to speak to Gongsun Yu, but he did not think that Gongsun Yu would speak first, and this opening , I directly gave Kong Nianzhi... scolded him!

  "Playing tricks with me? Want to bully my granddaughter? Little thief, die for me!"

  PS: I'm so sleepy.... I reluctantly made up a rough version of the outline from memory, ahahahahaha.

Chapter 358 Sooner or later, you will have to pay back! (for full order)

  Looking at Gongsun Yu who was rushing towards him fiercely with a sword, and scolding while rushing back, Kong Nianzhi was stunned by the scolding.

  Kong Nianzhi also fantasized about the meeting with Gongsun Yu. It was a very harmonious meeting, or the kind of meeting where the kidnapped granddaughter was very angry, but he didn't expect that this would be a scolding, but this one. What the hell is the posture of hacking himself to death... Let Gongsun Li be a widow? !

  Kong Nianyi had a question mark on his face, he didn't quite understand it, and he still had a headache.

  This is Gongsun Li's grandfather. Kong Nianzhi can't even go up and bring him down with one move. This is too disrespectful to the old man...

  Fortunately, with Gongsun Li's explanation, Gongsun Yu immediately stopped attacking, otherwise, Kong Nianzhi would really have a headache for a while.

  "Cough, actually I know it's not you who want to take Gongsun Li, I just want to see how you are careful, young man, you are good at it." Gongsun Yu put his sword back into the sheath, and suddenly remembered that he was in a hurry. It was thrown directly at the door of the mansion, and it was not returned to its sheath, and was directly inserted into the ground.

  "Cough, it's alright." Kong Nianzhi stared at this old man who didn't want Bilian in a stunned manner.

  "But you, 700, are the kid who secretly fucked my granddaughter and then kept silent?" Gongsun Yu suddenly frowned and asked Kong Nianzhishen.

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