
  Kong Nianzhi almost spat out a mouthful of old blood and spit out Gongsun Yu's face. Did this old man speak so directly?Can you say this directly? !

  "Grandpa! What nonsense!" Gongsun Li was immediately angry.

  "Why am I talking nonsense, let me tell you, grandpa is someone from here, grandpa..." Gongsun Yu told his own experience seriously.

  "Shut up!" Gongsun Li angrily grabbed Gongsun Yu's beard and taught Gongsun Yu a lesson.

  "Okay, okay, grandpa doesn't say it, grandpa doesn't say it." Gongsun Yu was relieved immediately, and now he can cure Gongsun Yu, except for King Wei, who is also his precious granddaughter.

  "Hey, I said, stop chatting now, okay? There's a wounded here! If you don't come to stop the bleeding, I'm going to die!" Jing Ke realized that he was completely ignored, and then let out a scream unwillingly.

  "Shut up brat! Look at your screams so full of energy, you won't die in a while!" Gongsun Yu scolded Jing Ke angrily, and then caught sight of Sheng Qi, who was also lying on the ground.

  And at this moment, Jing Ke's mind is full of words echoing, he can't die in a while, he can't die in a while, and he can't die in a while...

  Is there such a person as a master!

  I was injured to protect your granddaughter!

  Jing Ke suddenly had the urge to cry, and then felt that it was time for him to betray his teacher...

  "You planned to kidnap my precious granddaughter, right?!" Gongsun Yu approached Sheng Qi's Shenbian, but Sheng Qi, who was desperate, ignored Gongsun Yu, but this did not affect what Gongsun Yu wanted to do.


  A dull crash sounded!

  "Want to arrest my granddaughter?!"

  "Want to arrest my granddaughter?!"


  The dull crash sounded again!

  "Tiaohu Lishan, right?!"


  The sound of fisting to the flesh kept ringing, and soon, Sheng Qi was beaten beyond recognition, plus the limbs whose tendons and hamstrings were torn off, it looked really sad for those who saw it and those who heard it weeping. Kong Nian was afraid of Gongsun. Mr. Yu really beat Sheng Qi to death, and hurriedly stopped Gongsun Yu.

  "Why stop me?" Gongsun Yu wiped the sweat from his forehead, and this moment made him feel bad.

  "This guy can't die yet, I'm going to take him away and hang him on the city wall." Kong Nianzhi said.

  "You don't have to take it away, just hang it on the wall of my Puyang City." Gongsun (dbbc) Yu made a decision directly.

  "..." Has the old man been so dazed all the time?Kong Nianzhi suddenly felt that with such a master, it was not surprising that Jing Ke had such a temper.

  At this time, there was another sound from the corridor in the distance.

  Yan Lingji, who was dressed in flame patterns, had two small hands behind Shen Hou, and walked towards the place where everyone was with a sweet smile.

  But behind her, a group of soldiers pressed Tian Meng, Situ Wanli and Gu Yao to follow her with their heads down.

  Although they also want to see more of this beautiful and charming woman in front of them, the reason in their hearts tells them that they must not see more things that should not be seen.

  Just now, this beautiful and seemingly delicate woman actually hanged Tian Meng, Situ Wanli and Gu Yao who had beaten them up and beat them. This kind of woman is not something they can covet. , one more look, it may even be the cause of their death...

  A dozen steps apart, Yan Lingji smiled and waved her hand to greet Kong Nianzhi, and then trotted all the way to Kong Nianzhi's side.

  "I have left all of them alive, what should I do?" Yan Lingji raised her head, first glanced back and forth at Gongsun Yu and Gongsun Li's Shen Shang, especially Gongsun Li, and then looked at Kong Nianzhi .

  "Tsk tsk tsk, in order to catch Gongsun Li and deal with Brother Kong, your farm family really took great pains. Hall Master Kuiwei wins Seven, Hall Master Lieshan Hall Tian Meng, Hall Master Situ Wanli of Siyue Hall, plus Dumb Slave and Bone Demon. You are a good hand, you actually dispatched five masters to deal with a weak woman who is not good at martial arts." At this time, Jing Ke, whose wound was treated by the soldiers, looked a little pale, but looked much better.

  "Win the king and lose the bandit, if you fail, you fail. There's nothing to say." Tian Meng snorted coldly, looking rather tough.

  "You don't seem to have said that at the time, did you forget who escaped from Xinzheng with his tail between his legs?" Kong Nianzhi asked jokingly.

  "You...!" Tian Meng's eyes widened, and Shen Ge was trembling with anger.

  "You will have to pay it back sooner or later. Some things cannot be done." Kong Nianzhi shook his head and sighed, Tian Meng knew what Kong Nianzhi was talking about. The meaning of the sentence is to say that even if there is hatred, you can't put the hatred on this person's family. If there is a grievance and a debt, you can find someone who should be found. Otherwise, people in the world will kill if they can't find an enemy. After his relatives, the rivers and lakes have long been in chaos, and the farmer has broken this unspoken rule.

  Moreover, Kong Nianzhi's headache is that Tian Meng is Tian Yan's father, so what should he do with him...

Chapter 359 Little Fox! (for full order)

  Although it is said that Tian Meng is not very good to Tian Yan, it can even be said that he is quite bad, and he doesn't have much affection for Tian Yan at all, but Tian Meng is also Tian Yan's father.

  But for Situ Wanli and Bone Demon, Kong Nianzhi doesn't have to think so much.


  Kong Nianzhi glanced at the bone demon with the mask of the evil ghost, and then drew his sword directly, piercing the heart of the bone demon with one sword~.

  The long sword was returned to its sheath, and the bone demon seemed to be frozen in place. After a few seconds, bright red blood began to shoot towards the outer spring with the broken heart, splashing several soldiers who were too late to escape. Covered in blood, they glanced at each other with a wry smile, then let go of the bone demon in their hands, only to see the bone demon twitch a few times before falling to the ground.

  His shyness would sometimes twitch a few times like a conditioned reflex, and when he was completely calm, the bone demon would truly die.

  Tick ​​tock!

  Tick ​​tock!

  At this moment, the cold sweat on the foreheads of Tian Meng and Situ Wanli began to flow continuously. They did not expect that Kong Nianzhi would be so decisive, killing the bone monster without saying a word. This was not what they thought...somewhat different. what! ~

  Seeing Kong Nianzhi slowly walking towards him, Situ Wanli's fingertips were still trembling. He was a gambler, not a desperado. Situ Wanli was very afraid of death, so he kept choosing more Good forces join in, so that you can always win.

  It just seems that this gamble ended in failure.

  "Wait, wait! Don't kill me first!" As Kong Nianzhi approached, Situ Wanli became more and more flustered.

  "What other last words do you have?" Kong Nianzhi stopped and looked at Situ Wanli, who was burnt by Yan Lingji.

  "You can't kill me, I'm still useful, I still have a big role! Don't you want to know who is behind me, and who wants to deal with you?" Situ Wanli wanted to take a few steps forward, but was caught The soldier grabbed the rope and pulled it back.

  "Situ, you...!" Tian Meng turned his head and looked at Situ Wanli in astonishment. Hearing Situ Wanli's words, he obviously betrayed the farmer.

  "Tian Meng, Hall Master, that's why I said, you don't understand gamblers at all. I'm a gambler, and I'll put my chips where I should, not a gambler. I'll put all my chips in one place. If there is a change in the strength of the two sides, the gambler will change his position wisely." Situ Wanli explained to Tian Meng, who suddenly felt that he didn't understand this brother who had been with him for many years.


  "Interesting to say, if you want to say that the person behind you is 嫪毐, then you'd better save it until after 嫪毐 dies and tell it to 嫪毐, oh no, you have no chance to say it to 嫪毐. That's it." Kong Nianzhi clapped his hands and smiled indifferently.

  "You...how did you know!" Situ Wanli was stunned, not many people knew that he and Ai Yu had joined forces.

  "This is not something you need to know." Kong Nianzhi turned around and walked in the direction of Gongsun Li. Just after Situ Wanli thought that Kong Nianzhi was going to let him go temporarily, a black phantom suddenly disappeared. Then the sword light flashed, and Situ Wanli also looked at the hole in Xiongkou unwillingly, and fell to the ground.

  "Okay, boy, it's ruthless." Gongsun Yu raised his brows and looked at Kong Nianzhi with scrutiny. Now he knew that Kong Nianzhi was the boy who harmed his granddaughter Gongsun Li.

  "It's alright, the old man should be strong, didn't he kill them to throw away their armor and armor?" Kong Nianzhi smiled, and then walked towards Gongsun Li.No one doesn't like to listen to good words, Gongsun Yu likes to listen to good words even more. Hearing Kong Nianzhi's words, his impression of Kong Nianzhi suddenly improved a lot.

  "I'm sorry to keep you waiting." Kong Nianzhi glanced at Gongsun Li apologetically.

  "Humph!" Gongsun Li snorted proudly, squinted at Kong Nianzhi, and ran straight to the backyard.


  "Don't come with me!" Kong Nianzhi just wanted to chase after him, and then Gongsun Li yelled fiercely, and he was suddenly stunned in place, not knowing what to do.

  "Don't come with me!" Kong Nianzhi just wanted to chase after him, and then Gongsun Li yelled fiercely, and he was suddenly stunned in place, not knowing what to do.


  At this time, Yan Lingji suddenly laughed out loud, covering her belly and laughing too hard.

  "What are you laughing at?" Kong Nianzhi looked at Yan Lingji's little drum with some resentment, wondering how to clean up this little girl.

  ・・・ Flowers・・・

  "Why are you still standing there, go after it!" Yan Lingji's beautiful eyes flowed, and she looked at Kong Nianzhi softly.

  "But Gongsun Li won't let me go there." Kong Nianzhi looked strange.

  "Oops! Husband, you...! If she told you to go, you won't go! Are you stupid!" Yan Lingji stomped her feet and said reproachfully.


  Kong Nianzhi's eyes lit up at the moment, that's not what girls are like, and she said she didn't want it, but in fact her heart and Shen Xue were...

  Thinking of this, Kong Nianzhi turned into a breeze and chased after Gongsun Li's disappearance.

  "The relationship between the girl and this kid is not normal." Suddenly, Gongsun Yuruo said something to Yan Lingji with a deep meaning.


  "How can it be called unusual, I don't quite understand it." Yan Lingji looked at Gongsun Yu with a smile, with clear blue eyes.

  Little Fox!

  Gongsun Yu cursed inwardly.

  Yan Lingji smiled leisurely and did not answer Gongsun Yu any more, but a wisp of crimson firework suddenly ignited on her fingertips, a ray of red light flashed across, and then a flame suddenly exploded in the air.


  Just when Gongsun Yu was a little puzzled, there were a few piercing sounds in the air. In the blink of an eye, there were several more men with bird feathers on their shoulders and wearing strong suits.

  "Who?!" The soldiers nervously picked up their weapons and surrounded them.

  "Don't move! Retreat!" Gongsun Yu raised his right hand to block, and they could only retreat in confusion.

  "You guys, send Sheng Qi's Juque Sword to the farmhouse. This is a gift to the farmhouse. I hope they like it." Yan Lingji's slender index finger pointed to the giant sword that was broken in two on the ground. Que sword.

  "Yes, my subordinates obey!" The leading man nodded, then they looked at each other, and walked over to each with half of their giant swords raised!


  The moment they were lifted, an unexpected weight caused them to stumble a bit. They hurriedly used their internal strength to stabilize their bodies, and then disappeared into the courtyard. .

Chapter 360 Young people should take it easy! (for full order)

  "I didn't expect that there are people from you in our small country of Wei. It seems that your plans are not small." Gongsun Yu's eyes were deep, and Gu Jiao smiled.

  "I'm just a weak woman who goes with the flow, as long as I follow in my husband's footsteps, the rest is out of my control." Yan Lingji's eyes were leisurely, and a smile that turned all beings upside down made everyone present. All the soldiers lost their minds, and it took a long time for them to regain their senses.


  And at this moment, in the deepest part of General Gongsun Yu's mansion, in Gongsun Li's boudoir.

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