"Why, are you afraid?" 4.2 Kong Nianzhi noticed Yu Ziqi's abnormality, and the angle gradually evoked a slight arc.

  Although Yu Ziqi's femininity is outstanding among children, he must have never experienced such a terrifying moving speed.

  Moreover, Yu Ziqi's prudence quality is not enough to support him to move at high speed. Under the protection of Kong Nianzhi, he can follow him unscathed. Otherwise, Yu Ziqi would have been torn apart by the air pressure.

  "..." Yu Ziqi didn't speak, but shook his head with a firm look, his little hand grasped Kong Nianzhi's big hand unconsciously, but his little heart began to throb.

  So... is this what it feels like to be strong? !

  One day, I will become such a strong man.

  Looking at Kong Nianzhi's back, Yu Ziqi's heart suddenly began to heat up. .

Chapter 491 Diving Jiao!

  No matter what kind of thoughts Yu Ziqi has, he is just a little boy now, and he is also a dragging oil bottle.

  Carrying two oil bottles, Kong Nianzhi and Fei Yan's speed was much slower. After all, although they could prevent Shi Lan and Yu Ziqi's Shen Ge from being hurt by wind pressure, the speed was too fast. The damage to their spirits is not small.

  So after rushing for a while, you have to stop and rest for a while, and these two children have to eat three meals a day, so...

  Chu country.

  A lively town.

  The streets are very lively with people coming and going, and you can see hawkers and bargaining customers everywhere.

  From time to time, a team of officials patrolled past, and then you could see some merchants offering something to please, and the officials accepted it with no surprise.

  Everyone turned a blind eye, or was used to it.

  There was an inn on the side of the road, the environment seemed to be fairly clean, so there were a lot of guests. Kong Nianzhi and Feiyan brought Shi Lan and Yu Ziqi to the lobby on the first floor, eating some homely meals.

  Kong Nianzhi and Fei Yan stopped after taking a few bites. Their appetites were whetted by Zilanxuan's chefs, not to mention that Kong Nianzhi had now forcibly captured a cook from Songhai, and they would eat them naturally. Can't eat these tasteless and tasteless meals.

  However, Shi Lan and Yu Ziqi enjoyed their meal very much. The food in front of them was something they had never eaten on Mount Shu.

  "Eat slowly, don't choke." Fei Yan gently took the strands of Shi Lan's hair to the back of her head. Kong Nianzhi was about to speak when she heard a loud noise from outside.

  The very harsh insults could not stop, and Kong Nianzhi was unhappy, and he couldn't help frowning.

  "Husband." Fei Yan's beautiful face showed a hint of helplessness.

  No matter what time it is, this world is like this. There are all kinds of states in the world. The weak eat the strong. The weak can only hate their own weakness, and then suffer the bullying of the strong.

  The strong can make the rules of the world to limit the weak and make themselves above the rules.

  What happens outside is happening in countless places in this world, Feiyan's heart is very indifferent, or except for Kong Nianzhi, Feiyan is indifferent to this world.

  So Feiyan didn't want Kong Nianzhi to be distracted by these unrelated things. She was such a woman.

  Kong Nianzhi's brows gradually eased, and with a light smile, he grabbed Fei Yan's small hand with a hint of coolness, and kept playing with it.


  It was so embarrassing in public.

  Feiyan's eyes panicked and she struggled to withdraw her hand, but Kong Nianzhi held it tightly, and Feiyan could only helplessly let Kong Nianzhi take advantage of her.

  Everyone's eyes were a little crazy, and they looked at the shy Feiyan with dull eyes, and then, in a man's instinct, they began to use their eyes to kill Kong Nianzhi, the guy who could have Feiyan.

  "Why are you so embarrassed, ah? Han Xin? I heard that your old lady is going to die?"

  "Hahaha, don't say it so badly, you can say things like that if your old lady is going to die."

  "What do you mean, is his mother going to ascend to heaven?"

  "What do you mean, is his mother going to ascend to heaven?"



  Suddenly, a burst of wild and wanton laughter sounded, and when the people in the house were unhappy, they couldn't help frowning, but they wouldn't mind their own business. But it's not good.

  At this time, Kong Nianzhi's silver pupils suddenly turned cold, because if I heard correctly... it seems that someone called Han Xin just now? !


  The super-sense was completely released, covering the city, and what happened on the streets outside also appeared in Kong Nianzhi's perception.

  It was a young man with gloomy eyes, with a look of indifference on his face, as if he had completely ignored the dozen or so hooligans who were abusing him in front of him.

  Shen Gao was about [-] meters tall, with long hair tied back in a messy way. Shen Shang was wearing a coarse cloth shirt with dense patches on it, and a pair of very tattered black cloth shoes under his feet.

  A pair of thin folds were sipped tightly, and his head was slightly low, seemingly low, but Kong Nianzhi could sense that the deepest meaning in his eyes was cold and arrogant.

  And behind him, there is a long sword on his back. The material of the hilt seems to be wood, and the bronze scabbard looks like a layer of rust has accumulated. If you look at the sword as a whole, it is clearly ... the shape of a dragon!

  This is a reckless young man with a fierce heart, sniffing roses!

  "Brother, you said that this kid Han Xin is still carrying a sword. He can't be a swordsman, right?" A younger brother sneered suddenly.

  "Are you kidding me, I'm a swordsman with a sword on my back? Then am I a swordsman with a sword on my back?" Another little brother hummed disdainfully.

  "Yes, Han Xin, seeing as you carry a sword on your back all day, why don't we make a gesture. As long as you can beat us, we will let you go." The elder brother in the younger brother's mouth patted Han Xin's cheek, and then suddenly Start laughing.


  They...830. This is courting death.

  Kong Nianzhi suddenly laughed, although he didn't know if the person in front of him was the Han Xin he thought, but the few of them were probably not enough for this swordsman to kill with one strike.

  Fei Yan on the side also noticed the unusualness of this swordsman. She also followed Kong Nianzhi's Shen Hou with great interest and walked out of the inn.

  "Get out of the way... My mother is ill, and I'm going to buy medicine for my mother." Not far from the inn, Han Xin opened a pair of dead fish eyes with no emotion, and said in a flat tone.

  Han Xin's mother suffered too much when she was young and fell into the root of her illness. Han Xin came out this time to get medicine for his mother.

  As for the prescription, it was not far from Shen Hou of these hooligans. Obviously, these hooligans would not let Han Xin go so easily.

  This street was already prosperous, but now that this incident happened, more people began to gather. They stood together in twos and threes, pointing at Han Xin and the gangsters, but no one went up to help Han Xin speak. .

  "I said, Han Xin, what are you pretending to be a big-tailed wolf here?! Brothers, who don't know what you are, bah!"

  "If you want me to say, you useless waste should hurry up and die.".

Chapter 492 Dead!

  When there were more onlookers, the local hooligans became more enthusiastic, as if they had been beaten with blood, and they wanted to stick their heads to the sky.

  "Han Xin, we know that your mother is ill, don't say we won't give you a chance, aren't you carrying a sword? If you win us, everything is easy to say, if you can't win, hehe..." The elder brother sneered.

  Han Xin's face was expressionless, as if completely numb, allowing them to be humiliated.

  "Husband...he, why didn't he do it?" Fei Yandai frowned, wondering in her heart.

  This Han Xin is obviously a swordsman with terrifying swordsmanship. The gangsters in front of them may still have some deterrent power to ordinary farmers, but in front of people who know martial arts, it is only a few punches and a few kicks. Knocked down crooked melon and cracked jujube.

  Not to mention the top swordsmen, I am afraid that Han Xin can send them all to the sky with one sword.

  Fei Yan couldn't understand, a master has the pride of being a master, how could he endure the humiliation of a few clowns.

  Put yourself in the shoes and think about it, if Feiyan was humiliated like this, they would be burned to death directly.

  "Because his mother is sick, he can't take action, and he can't take action." Kong Nianzhi's eyes were slightly cold, and he sneered softly.

  It turned out to be the case.

  Feiyan's IQ is definitely not under Tian Yan's, so after Kong Nianzhi finished speaking, Feiyan thought about it for a moment and understood.

  Han Xin is just a powerless and powerless commoner. Han Xin may be able to kill these hooligans and those who insulted him unscathed, but once Han Xin takes action, he will violate the laws of Chu and will be imprisoned.

  The army is just a joke in front of the real masters, not to mention that Han Xin just killed a few hooligans. The army will never come to arrest him. of going to jail.

  If Han Xin resists, or kills the official jailer, then he can only escape from the state of Chu, and his sick old mother can only wait to die.

  As for why he didn't run with his old mother, that's a better explanation.

  His old mother has become so ill, and he ran with his old mother. That was because his old mother died too slowly.

  Feiyan glanced at Han Xin, who had been humiliated by all kinds of humiliations and did not resist, and knew it in her heart.

  It turns out that this Han Xin...is a dutiful son.

  "Get out of the way." Han Xin shook his head, obviously not planning to take action.

  "Hey, you useless bastard." The elder brother snorted coldly and punched Han Xin directly in the face, knocking Han Xin to the ground.


  The fist in front of him was as fast as a turtle, and Han Xin could dodge it casually, but Han Xin let him punch him in the face, and then fell to the ground with a thud.

  "This guy is really trash, he doesn't even dare to resist." A person who didn't seem to know Han Fei sighed.

  "You don't know about him? We are just a scumbag, but we are just a pitiful worm."

  "You don't know about him? We are just a scumbag, but we are just a pitiful worm."

  "Oh? What's the matter, let's hear it?" The man who started talking suddenly became interested.

  "This person's name is Han Xin, and we are famous for bragging. People are incredible when they were young. They say every day that they want to be a high official, a general or something. We can't support them, and we ordinary people can't understand the idea of ​​this "grand official" and "general"." The man explained with a sneer.

  Everyone pointed at Han Xin, and looked down on Han Xin's appearance.

  "Enough, let me go." Han Xin turned a blind eye to everyone's contempt, wiped off a trace of blood from the horns, and slowly got up, his eyes without a trace of emotion just stared at the ruffians.

  This eldest brother's scalp was numb when Han Xin looked at him. He felt as if he was being stared at by a fierce beast. He couldn't help but take a few steps back.

  "Bah, you bastard." The elder brother's footsteps stopped abruptly, thinking that he was actually scared back by a useless look, he suddenly accelerated and hit Han Xin in the face again.



  A dull thump sounded, and a terrifying wave of air disappeared in a flash. The big brother seemed to have been hit by a train and flew out, knocked down a wall in front of him, and fell into the rocks. life and death.

  What a great speed!

  Han Xin's pupils shrank, and his right hand was placed on the scabbard behind his back at some point.

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