".々Your Excellency... Who is this person?" Seeing a slender and careful shadow standing in front of him here, Han Xin was as vigilant as he was facing a great enemy.

  In the faint smoke filled with the collapse of the house, Kong Nianzhi's back was looming.

  There was a dead silence around, and everyone stared at Kong Nianzhi who suddenly appeared in front of Han Xin, especially the hooligans, who seemed to have seen a ghost.

  "A strong person should look like a strong person, not let this group of ants humiliate." Kong Nianzhi turned around and looked at Han Fei with a smile.

  A slender body, exuding a dusty temperament, and his clothes are obviously made of the most expensive materials, obviously a person in the top class.

  A person with a slightly hunched body and a very humble appearance, and Quan Shen's clothes made of the worst fabrics, is obviously the person at the bottom.

  The two looked at each other, but Han Xin didn't see any pretence (of money) in Kong Nianzhi's eyes, and even Han Xin couldn't feel any contempt for himself at all.

  "I can't shoot." The long sword returned to its sheath, and Han Xin's eyes suddenly felt a little turbulent. Han Xin hadn't seen anyone who helped him for too many years.

  Over the years, all Han Xin has seen is contempt, alienation, contempt, indifference, even vicious words, beatings and insults. No one, not even a single person, believes in Han Xin, he can really do what he wants to do. .

  "You are only limited by the rules. The strong should make rules and enjoy the rules, not... be bound by the rules." Kong Nianzhi shook his head, and at this moment, there were exclamations of other local ruffians. Voice.

  "No... No gas, big brother is dead!" Amidst the rubble, the local hooligan shouted in horror, causing everyone to fall into panic.

  dead... dead? ! .

Chapter 493 Hundreds of good filial piety first!

  Among the rubble, the arrogant eldest brother was like a piece of boneless meat, lying on the ground twisted in a very strange posture, a large piece collapsed on the chest, and the five internal organs were already full. was blasted to pieces.

  Blood was constantly spilling from his nose and mouth, and he even spit out a lot of meat foam and pieces of internal organs at the side of his mouth.

  These hooligans are just scoundrels in the villages and towns. They usually fight at most and steal chickens. If they really want to kill people, they don't have the guts to give them kitchen knives.

  Now, seeing that their big brother didn't take in much air, it was obvious that he was going to die completely soon, so he collapsed and ran away.

  The people around were even more panicked. One second, it was still full of lively and crowded people. The next second, it disappeared from the alleys and streets like water.

  "I'm not strong enough to be strong enough to make rules." At this time, Han Xin certainly wasn't panicking. After hearing Kong Nianzhi's words, he shook his head calmly and objectively.

  Kong Nianzhi glanced at Han Xin, shook his head, and walked to the destroyed house.

  "Are you the boss?" Kong Nianzhi saw a middle-aged man shivering under the table, and asked casually.


  How did this murderer get into my place, didn't he want to kill me too!

  When the boss saw Kong Nianzhi, he almost didn't cry.

  "It's not mine, it's not mine, I... I passed by, really, I passed by." The boss was so excited that he began to speak at a loss.

  "You can rest assured that I won't kill you. Calculate how much the broken thing is, and I will pay you." Kong Nianzhi gave Feiyan a very innocent look, is he so scary, to scare this person like this .

  Feiyan couldn't help but burst out laughing, and then she felt that she suddenly felt a little gaffe, and then gently covered her crystal petals with her small hands.

  "Sir, don't want money, don't want money, really." The boss wanted to cry without tears, how could he dare to ask for money, and wished Kong Nianzhi, the mobile disaster star, would leave quickly.


  Seeing this, Kong Nianzhi sighed helplessly, then threw out a coin, pinned it to the wall, and turned around and walked towards Han Xin.

  "Let's go." Kong Nianzhi smiled, then waved at Yu Ziqi and Shi Lan who were standing at the door of the inn, and the two little guys immediately ran over obediently.

  "Where are you going?" Han Xin looked at a loss, and with the emotionless dead fish eyes, he looked a little cute.

  "Go to your house, isn't your old mother sick?" Kong Nianzhi replied casually, Han Xin suddenly looked at Kong Nianzhi with a sigh of relief, his eyes flashed, and he led Kong Nianzhi towards a small path walking.

  "Why don't you look down on me like those people." Han Xin asked casually.

  Han Xin has been very sensitive to other senses since he was a child. No matter how well a person hides and performs well, as long as Han Xin takes a look, he can see whether this person is deliberately approaching him or looking down on him, whether it is a false feeling or a falsehood. pretend.

  It has always been able to see through with just a glance, like a natural intuition, so Han Xin never approached people easily.

  It has always been able to see through with just a glance, like a natural intuition, so Han Xin never approached people easily.

  But today, Han Xin could feel that Kong Nianzhi did not have any hypocrisy, nor did he look down on him, nor did he intend to approach him, which made Han Xin curious.

  "Because you are very filial, this reason is enough." Kong Nianzhi replied with a smile, and Han Xin was suddenly speechless.

  Han Xin is indeed very filial. In history, after his mother died, Han Xin could not afford a good tomb and was too poor to pay for the funeral, but he looked for a high and spacious cemetery, so that the surrounding area could be settled down. The next thousand.

  Finally, after becoming famous, he returned to his hometown to repair the cemetery for his mother, fulfilling his promise at that time.


  Soon, everyone passed through the town and entered a very dilapidated small village. The dilapidation of this village could no longer be described in words. It was like a difficult village.

  Walking on the country road, Kong Nianzhi also began to recall the information about Han Xin.

  Han Xin was a depressed young swordsman from Chu State, and his talents could not be reused.

  In the original book, after the death of his mother, Han Xin left the state of Chu, and then started his own layout of the world.

  Although Han Xin was affiliated with the farmhouse Gonggongtang, he secretly received money from Liu Ji (Liu Bang) to work for Shennongtang, and was actually a shadow guard sent by Zhang Han to the farmhouse.

  Kong Nianzhi now recalls that when he first learned about Han Xin's identity, he couldn't help but sigh. Han Xin is a domestic agent with unlimited identities to hide his true identity.

  After the fall of the Qin state, Han Xin first defected to Xiang Yu, but Xiang Yu did not reuse Han Xin. In the end, Han Xin met Xiao He and became Liu Bang, that is, Liu Ji's staff.

  It can be said that a large part of Liu Bang was able to conquer the world thanks to Zhang Liang, Xiao He and Han Xin.

  It's just that Xiao He and Han Xin didn't have a good end in the end, because after Liu Bang conquered the world, Han Xin and Xiao He ended up in a miserable end, especially Han Xin, because of the high power and the master, Liu Bang found a reason to kill him directly. , Xiao He was finally relieved of his rights by Liu Bang.

  Only Zhang Liang was the most wise. After helping Liu Bang to conquer the world, he quickly retired, resigned from his official position and military power, and returned to his hometown, saving his reputation and the lives of his family.

  In the end, Zhang Liang was posthumously named Marquis of Wencheng after his death.

  Since ancient times, the family of the ruthless emperor shook his head, Kong Nianzhi came back to his senses, and looked at a somewhat dilapidated hut in front of him.

  I am afraid that this hut cannot be found in this village that is worse than it. There is air leakage everywhere. If it rains, I am afraid that it will leak everywhere. It seems that a gust of wind may blow it down.

  Pushing open the door, an old Ouzheng with a thin face and gray hair was lying on the bed in a sullen state. He coughed a few times from time to time. There was still a pool of blood on the bed, which seemed to have just been coughed up.

  He was obviously in his [-]s, but he looked like he was in his [-]s or [-]s. There was no blood on his face, and he was probably [-] to [-] jins.

  Confucius could see at a glance that the old man's Shen Ge was terminally ill, or... he was terminally tired.

  PS: Happy National Day, readers (a blessing from a single author).

Chapter 494 Benefit!

  In fact, when I think about it, I also know that Han Xin's father died early, and Han Xin's mother alone said that Han Xin had been pulled up by hardships and hardships, and there was no way to tell outsiders about the hardships she suffered.

  Moreover, Han Xin has been studying and practicing martial arts all these years, and he has not participated in farming. All the burdens are placed on this woman, Shen, as a result, his mother is only in her [-]s, but she looks like she is in her [-]s. Old and withered, it seems that it will let go at any time.

  Han Xin's mother was too tired, and her strength was the most hurtful. She couldn't see anything when she was young, but when she got older, the hidden ailments in Shenxue would emerge little by little, becoming Shenxue. part of the reason for the crash.


  "You're back." At this moment, hearing the movement in the house, the old woman lying on the bed slowly opened her cloudy eyes, and suddenly became loving after discovering that it was Han Xin~.

  "Mother, I'm back." Han Xin nodded, and immediately ran to the old woman's Shen front to clean up the blood on Shen's body for the old woman.

  "Silly child, go buy medicine. Are they embarrassing you again? You don't have to go to buy medicine. Mother's Shen Qianniang knows that mother's time is running out." The old woman's tone was very weak, but her tone Full of concern and love for Han Xin_.

  And it was impossible to tell from her words that Han Xin was often humiliated and embarrassed by the local rogues nearby.

  "It's alright, mother, I must let you live." Han Xin's tone was firm, and he was no longer the emotionless look he had before. Kong Nianzhi could hear a feeling of gloom and despair, look It looks like... Han Xin himself probably doesn't believe that his mother can survive.

  After all... Han Xin is only a master, not a doctor.

  Fei Yan sighed, being infected by this atmosphere, she couldn't help but take the initiative to stretch her small hand into Kong Nianzhi's big hand, grasping Kong Nianzhi's big hand, and her beautiful eyes looked at it softly like a wave Confucius thought of it.

  "He's so pitiful." Fei Yan didn't know what to say, and a thousand words converged into this sentence.

  "Han Xin is not pitiful at all, and his mother is not pitiful at all. They live very happily." Kong Nianzhi shook his head. Although the situation of Han Xin and his mother was not good, but over the years, their mother and son have depended on each other for life and lived well. very happy.

  Although life is not good, but they are very happy, they do not need the pity of others, it is a humiliation to them.

  "Okay, I will live, don't go to buy medicine, waste money." The old woman and Han Xin said a few words, then tiredness surged up, closed her eyes again and fell into a deep sleep.

  Han Xin was silent.

  He kept kneeling on the ground, holding his mother's hand tightly, and Kong Nianzhi and Fei Yan just stood there watching quietly, not bothering Han Xin.

  After a long time, Han Xin carefully let go of his hand and stood up, looking back at Kong Nianzhi.

  "Can it be cured?" His tone was low, but Han Xin's eyes were firm as iron. His only wish now is to cure his mother. He has owed her too much over the years.

  "No." Kong Nianzhi shook his head, Han Xin's eyes suddenly dimmed and despaired, and then he heard Kong Nianzhi speak again.

  "Don't be in a hurry to be sad, you listen to me first, your mother doesn't need treatment at all, she just got sick from overwork, as long as she recovers her strength, repairs the dark wounds in her, and then takes a good rest to recover." Kong Nianzhi glanced at Han Xin's mother, then turned his head and said to Han Xin with a smile.

  Han Xin was suddenly overjoyed, but immediately began to smile bitterly.

  Kong Nianzhi's words are simple, but it is... difficult to do.

  Not to mention how many precious herbal supplements are needed to restore vitality, how many people can do it just to repair the dark wounds in the body? !

  Not to mention how many precious herbal supplements are needed to restore vitality, how many people can do it just to repair the dark wounds in the body? !

  Although Han Xin is not a doctor, Han Xin understands that the doctors who can repair the wounds in Qiannei are definitely holy hands with a great reputation. Why should he work hard for his mother?

  "But where do I go to find such a doctor?" Han Xin laughed at himself, and now he is like a mouse crossing the street, everyone shouting and scolding.

  Even if he took the money to go to the medical center to get medicine, the doctors seemed to ignore him, let alone find a top doctor.

  "I can temporarily repair your mother's dark wounds and Shenxuan, so that she can maintain a healthy Shenxuan for a period of time, but if you want to truly recover, you still need to find a doctor's help." Kong Nianzhi put his hands behind Shen's back. , with a smile in his silver eyes.

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  The reason why Kong Nianzhi wanted to help Han Xin was not because of cherishing his talents, nor because he wanted to recruit Han Xin or something.

  To be honest, there is really no shortage of men like Han Xin, Kong Nianzhi.

  The reason for helping Han Xin is actually very simple. Han Xin is filial, and this is enough.

  A filial person can't be bad no matter how bad, but an unfilial person can't hide the evil in his heart no matter how good he is.


  "Sir, help me!" Hearing Kong Nianzhi's words, Han Xin knelt on the ground directly at Kong Nianzhi, and even the force was so great that it knocked the slate on the ground into cracks, and his entire knee sank into the ground. Among the rubble, a little bit of blood began to seep into the sackcloth and sackcloth and flowed out.

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