"Little beauty, you are too naive at 22. Everyone is equal? ​​Can you say such naive words?" Tian Heng laughed.

  Duanmurong looked at Tian Heng disdainfully, and at this moment, she thought of a man who seemed gentle but arrogant: "Maybe Kong Nianzhi is right, the weak always like to use these words to show their strength, And the real strong never speak, but use actions to show their strength and don't need words to be intimidating."

  Tian Heng drew his corner: "By the way, I heard that the two of you are master and apprentice? Why don't you two come together, hahaha!"

  This guy!

  Master Xu's eyes quickly became bloodshot, and he could no longer bear the anger in his patience. When he suddenly pulled out the long sword from his waist and was about to charge Tian Heng, a small white jade hand stopped him in front of Shen.

  "Mr. Nian Duan, what do you mean?" Master Xu's voice was a little hoarse, and Quan Shen's murderous aura was frantically condensed.

  "Let me come." Nian Duan answered him with a slightly cold and soft sentence, and Nian Duan took all the appearances of the farmers' disciples in his heart. .

  Master Xu was silent, then quietly returned the long sword to its sheath, took a few steps back, and at the same time turned around and shouted, "All Mohist disciples obey the order and retreat three hundred meters away."

  Maybe others don't understand the horror of Nian Duan and Duan Murong in front of them, but Master Xu has a personal meeting.

  He will never forget Duanmu Rong's terrifying aura that was like heaven's might before, but Duanmu Rong was already so terrifying, so how strong must the Nian Duan be.

  All the disciples of the Mo family did not understand, but still obeyed the order and retreated three hundred meters away, leaving only the disciples of the peasant family who stayed where they were.

  "Haha, is the little beauty coming?" Tian Heng clenched his fists, revealing white teeth.

  "You can say anything you want, but if you say something...you will die." Nian Duanmei's eyes were cold.

  Tian Heng shook his head in disdain: "I'm sorry, there is nothing in this world that Tian Heng can't say, little beauty, here I come!"

  After speaking, Tian Heng took the initiative to charge towards Nian Duan!

  Immediately, a terrifying murderous aura was released, and there was even a strong smell of blood in the room. It was hard to imagine how many people Tian Heng had killed to have such a terrifying murderous aura!


  The terrifying explosion came, and the slate that Tian Heng stepped on was cracked inch by inch as if it had been bombarded by a heavy object, blasting in all directions, but in a blink of an eye, Tian Heng rushed to the front of Nian Duan's Shen.

  "Little beauty, take the call!"



  The tyrannical explosion caused a wave of air in the house, and the khaki-colored internal strength surged wildly, wrapping Tian Heng's whole body, shifting his body, and instantly appeared beside Nian Duan, and at the same time the big hand in his hand condensed into a fist, towards Nian Duan's body. The belly banged in the past!

  If this blow hits, Tian Hengye has no doubt that the beauty in front of her will definitely lose all her fighting power, and she can let him do it at that time.

  too slow!

  Nian Duan's expression was indifferent, as if he was ignoring the bronze giant sword placed on his waist. When the cold and bone-piercing sword edge was about to touch his body, Nian Duan directly shattered like a phantom and disappeared in place.


  next moment!

  The sound of the fist colliding with the slate sounded, and the khaki internal force continuously bombarded the slate, and a small dirt pit was blasted out in the blink of an eye.

  "Beauty, don't run." Tian Heng twisted his neck and made a crisp explosion, grinning at Nian Duan, who was standing not far away.

  At this moment, Master Xu, who was hundreds of meters away, looked at Nian Duan's colder face, but his expression became more and more solemn.

  Are you coming? !

  That terrifying aura!


  At this time, Nian Duan's eyes were so quietly looking at Tian Heng in front of him, if he was looking at an ant, he would be full of contempt and disdain.

  What is this ominous feeling?

  Looking at the slender Nian Duan, Tian Heng suddenly felt an indescribable sense of fear in his heart, which made Tian Heng feel very uneasy, and even his sixth sense was wailing.

  Just when Tian Heng and the farmer were in doubt, the spiritual pressure belonging to Nian Duan... was released!


  A scene like a tornado swept through, and a very terrifying hurricane suddenly rose from the inside of the mountain. At the same time, the blue spiritual pressure beam of light swept away in all directions like a shock wave, and in the blink of an eye, Covers the entire venue!

  "Damn!!! You are a monster! You are not a human being!" Tian Heng, who bore the brunt of the pressure, was the most stressed. Under this terrifying spiritual pressure, Tian Heng's mind began to collapse. Ma Tianheng became a blood man and fell to the ground, not knowing his life and death...

  The blue Reiatsu appeared for a moment and then all disappeared, as if it had never appeared at all.

  When everyone's sight was restored, everyone was stunned in place, and the disciples of the Mo family understood why Master Xu ordered them to retreat three hundred meters away!

  Within a few hundred meters of Nian Duan's body, all the farmers who did not evacuate were lying on the ground.

  Nian Duan lightly opened the lotus step, and at the same time, a pleasant but icy voice sounded as if it did not contain any trace of temperature.


Chapter 638 This stinky woman!


  It was so quiet that even the sound of the wind could be heard clearly.


  The Mo family disciples hundreds of meters away kept swallowing their saliva, their eyes filled with horror.

  The peasant disciples who were still clamoring just now and even thought that their Hall Master Tian Heng could capture Nian Duan with one move, were all lying on the ground at this moment, constantly wailing in pain and losing their combat effectiveness.

  It was just a strange move that brought down hundreds of farmers' disciples. Is this really something that humans can do? !

  Seeing that Hun Shen exudes a light blue spiritual pressure, and Shen Shang didn't even get a trace of dust, as if he was thinking like a god, the Mo Family's office city fell into a strange circle. ,,


  Suddenly, Tian Heng, who had been lying on the ground, twitched, then struggled to raise his head, revealing a blood-stained face that looked particularly hideous and terrifying.

  At this moment, Tian Heng was really miserable to the extreme. The clothes all over his body were basically ragged, and countless wounds cut by the shock wave were all over his Shen, and the secrets of small wounds slowly covered Quan Shen like a big net. The rich blood gathered into a pool, exuding a faint smell of blood.

  With this amount of bleeding, if it doesn't stop bleeding, I'm afraid it won't take a while, and Tian Heng will die of shock.

  "Wait...wait a minute, I was just joking, just joking, let me go... let me go." Tian Heng sighed, spitting out blood in his mouth, his sinister fingers pointed at him. I grabbed the direction Nian Duan came from, and wanted to grab the corner of Nian Duan's pendulum.


  However, when it touched Nian Duan's body, a burst of blue spiritual pressure film burst open like an electric arc, directly knocking Tian Heng back several dozen meters, and tumbling to Tian Zhong's Shenbian not far before it stopped. .

  Nian Duan's expression was flat, but Mei Mu's eyes had a look of disgust that couldn't be resolved: "Joke? A very good reason, but this reason is still too ridiculous, you are in such a boundless hell, slowly Feel what it's like to die~¨."

  This way of dying can be said to be a very cruel way.

  Perhaps for many people, death is just the beginning, and they are not afraid of death.

  But this kind of slowly experiencing the taste of dying little by little is completely different from the feeling of dying instantly.

  First of all, Tian Heng would watch his blood flow little by little with his own eyes, but he couldn't stop the bleeding at all. Then he would feel that he was getting weaker and weaker, and his vision began to blur gradually and then turn black, and finally he lost Quan Shen's vision. Strength and shock.

  But even if this is the case, Tian Heng's consciousness will not dissipate for a while, and he will still be trapped in the dark, constantly facing the torture of death bit by bit.

  "Don't... please... save me, I don't want to die yet, aren't you a doctor's Nian Duan? You can definitely save me, right." Tian Heng spat out a few mouthfuls of blood again, full of hope Wing looked at Nian Duan.

  "Don't... please... save me, I don't want to die yet, aren't you a doctor's Nian Duan? You can definitely save me, right." Tian Heng spat out a few mouthfuls of blood again, full of hope Wing looked at Nian Duan.

  As a warrior, especially a warrior with good strength, Tian Heng also knew that with his current blood loss, he would soon die, and the only one who could save him was Nian Duan, the head of a doctor.

  "Interesting." Duanmu Rong's beautiful eyes were cold: "You seem to have said it before, we are not from a medical family, and my master is not Nian Duan. Now you have changed your mind?"

  Tian Heng was speechless, but in order to survive, he still struggled to raise his head slightly, revealing a blood-stained cheek: "I was wrong, I was really wrong, please save me, head Nian Duan. "

  "Master and I won't save you. It's better for someone like you to die." Duanmurong snorted coldly, "And what if you were rescued? You people are not good people. Heaven's conspiracy and tricks to fight and kill, out of ten, nine and a half will die, and the remaining half will not die this time. Next time, they will go to die. Even if my master and I save people like you, you will still be To die, why should we do our best to thank you."

  cough cough.

  Tian Zhong, who had been sitting on the ground, stood up without cleaning the dust on Shenshang, and said to Duanmurong with a sincere expression: "This must be Mr. Nian Duan's beloved disciple, Miss Duanmurong."

  With the support of a huge farm family, it is not surprising that Tian Zhong knew Duanmu Rong's name.

  "..." Duan Murong glanced at Tian Zhong, then returned to her master Shenbian with a cold snort.

  As soon as he came up, he closed the door, and Tian Zhong's eyes suddenly filled with an irrepressible irritability: "¨¨Sect Master Nian Duan, our farm family doesn't have any ill intentions, we are just worried that some gangsters will come in, so we have to be careful. Handle with care."

  "It turns out that the prudence in the mouth of the farmer's Xiakui is to watch your farmer's hall master bully our two weak women. It's ironic." Nian Duan didn't save Tian Zhong any face, and directly slapped him in the face.

  After listening to Nian Duan's words, Master Xu and Master Class looked at each other in dismay, and then shook their heads speechlessly. These two women were clearly terrifying masters.

  If Nian Duan and Duanmu Rong are considered soft women, what are they? !

  And Tian Zhong's face darkened on the spot, and his face twitched frantically, as if suppressing the terrifying anger in his heart.

  Tian Zhong, as the leader of the peasant family, can be said to be surrounded by thousands of people, and everyone must respect him. With good words.

  (Is it okay) Even if it is a king of a vassal state, if you want to be rude to him, you have to weigh it in your heart now. After all, the more than [-] disciples of the peasant family are not thrown there for nothing. Once the [-] peasant family disciples start Riot, any vassal state will feel very headache.

  But when he arrived at Nianduan, his status and status seemed to be a piece of paper. He was not taken into account by Nianduan at all, and was directly seen by Nianduan in front of the Mo family, other schools of thought, and even some peasant disciples. Slap in the face.

  This is no less than directly inserting a knife in Tian Zhong's heart, and sprinkling a handful of salt on it.

  This stinky woman!

  It's simply shameless!

  A ferocious light flashed in Tian Zhong's eyes, his eyes quickly congested and stared at Nian Duan and Duan Murong like a murderer. .

Chapter 639 Sacred Arrows!

  In the next second, all the murderous aura dissipated, and Tian Zhong, who had a gloomy face, squeezed out a smile again, but the venom in his eyes still couldn't be dissolved.

  Now Tian Zhong can't wait to kill Nian Duan and Duanmu Rong with one sword, but Tian Zhong is a smart man. He is different from other reckless husbands. Before Nianzhi was wiped out, there was a lot of noise in the farmhouse.

  Just look at the terrifying hurricane and shock wave Tian Zhong released by Nian Duan, he is definitely not Nian Duan's opponent.

  The cautious Tian Zhong would never take the lead in attacking Nian Duan until he had not figured out what Nian Duan's power was, whether there were any restrictions, or whether Nian Duan could be released multiple times.

  And most importantly, this power is just too perfect!

  Tian Zhong's eyes were fiery, and he glanced vaguely at Nian Duan's Shen Shang. The Nian Duan in front of him was not only a beauty, but also possessed unparalleled medical skills and such terrifying strength.

  Once you take Nian Duan as your subordinate, or make Nian Duan your own woman, doesn't that mean that you not only get an 830 beauty, but also a healer and a strong person? !

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