This is simply a rare good thing!

  Thinking of this, Tian Zhong coughed lightly, hid all his emotions in his heart, and said to Nian Duan with a smile: "I still want to ask Mr. Nian Duan to save Tian Heng, after all Tian Heng is our farmer's Liutang. Hall Master, and he should have paid the price for his words by now."

  Nian Duan's eyes were as plain as water: "He must die."

  Tian Zhong frowned: "Isn't the doctor's mission always to save people? In that case, why did Mr. Nian Duan refuse to rescue Tian Heng, and Mr. Nian Duan wanted to kill him."

  "Some people can save some people can't, and some people kill him to save more people." Nian Duan's beautiful eyes flickered, and then he remembered what Kong Nianzhi had said to him.

  In this world, not all people are worth saving, and sometimes, killing people is also a way of saving people.

  Some people are worth saving, but if some people are bad people, saving them may cause more good people to die.

  Killing one bad person might save ten good people, a hundred good people, or even a thousand good people.


  Suddenly, a sound like a broken bellows was pulled into the ears of everyone, looking in the direction of the sound, only to see Tian Heng at the moment, Shen Kui kept twitching, his palms kept on the ground, as if he wanted to. Grab what's like a life-saver.

  Tian Heng, who once murdered and committed evil, finally tasted the fear brought by death. He remembered the death of those who were killed by him, and the miserable cry of countless girls. He deeply understood the pain of death. The frightened heart was beating fiercely.

  His Shen Gui trembled. At this time, Tian Heng had completely lost his sight and was trapped in the boundless darkness.

  In this darkness where he can't see his fingers, Tian Heng kept struggling to escape, trying to find a trace of light, or to hear a human voice.

  But this world is too quiet, as quiet as Tian Heng can only hear his own breathing, and the breathing is still getting weaker, until it becomes inaudible...

  Everyone looked at Tian Heng who was struggling in the end.

  "You also accompany your Hall Master Tian Heng on the road." Seeing that Tian Heng was about to die, the gentle Nian Duan Shenshang seemed to be infected with a bit of ill-will, and he felt a little more heroic.

  The spiritual pressure released by Nian Duan just now is mainly aimed at Tian Heng, and the others are just incidental.

  Therefore, the disciples of the peasant (ccab) family who were lying on the ground at the moment were not dead, but they had lost their ability to fight.

  Therefore, the disciples of the peasant (ccab) family who were lying on the ground at the moment were not dead, but they had lost their ability to fight.


  Hearing Nian Duan's words, Tian Zhong suddenly shrank his pupils, then turned back to look at the farmer's disciple lying on the ground.

  Among them are Tian Zhong's cronies. If these people are allowed to be killed by Nian Duan like this, Tian Zhong will also feel a pain in the flesh.

  Holy Slayer!

  Just when Tian Zhong wanted to speak to dissuade Nian Duan, he saw Nian Duan slowly raise his slender fingertips, and a blue light began to gradually condense.

  what is that? !

  Tian Zhong was dazed and full of doubts!


  In the next second, a blue arrow with a streamer flashed away in the dark environment!

  So fast!

  In the retina, there is an afterimage left by the arrow. When Tian Zhong's field of vision looked in the direction of the arrow, an earth-shattering explosion sounded like a thunderbolt from the blue!


  The thunder-like sound suddenly sounded inside the city, and the terrifying sound wave swept through everything with an unimaginable shock wave. Under this gust of wind, everyone was blown to the side, and they could only grab the things of Shenbian. , more unfortunate people were directly thrown out!

  A mushroom cloud like a nuclear bomb exploded in the place where the arrow exploded, and the whole earth began to vibrate, and circles of earth waves spread in all directions, which was amazing!

  The Mojia Organ City was located inside the mountain. This sacred loss had already shaken the mountain. On the top of the dome, boulders kept falling.


  The gravel on the ground splashed, like the sharpest arrows, directly nailed into the wall. If you were hit by such a flying stone, you would definitely punch a blood hole in Shen!

  Everyone was worried. On the one hand, they needed to be careful not to be blown away by the strong wind, but also to be careful not to be killed by boulders and shock waves. The scene was very shocking.

  At the center of the explosion, dozens of meters away, whether it was the slate on the ground or the wall, all turned into fly ash under the explosion of the Reiatsu.

  The peasant disciples in it were the most miserable. In this terrifying explosion, they had no time to escape, and they were all killed before they even knew what happened...

  The huge sound waves rolled, constantly echoing inside the mountain, everyone's ears were buzzing, their heads were completely in a state of daze, and there would be no way to recover for a while.

  In the end, Master Class and Master Xu, who were covered in dust, were the first to come back to their senses, then shouted aloud, and ran in other directions.

  "Don't be stunned, save people!!!".

Chapter 640 You look down on women too? !

  While constantly rescuing the farmer disciples who were hit by the shock wave or the air wave, Master Xu recalled in horror what Nian Duan had just done.

  What the hell did she just do? !

  If I remember correctly, it seems that I just saw Nian Duan raised a finger, and then a blue arrow was formed on Nian Duan's fingertip, and then a blue light flashed away, causing this ~ Horrible destruction!

  This... it turned out to be just a strange arrow fired from a finger - the destruction? !

  The chaotic thoughts gradually became clear, Master Xu turned around and glanced at Nian Duan who was still standing there. He really couldn't imagine how such a terrifying _power could be hidden in such a delicate and careful mind!

  The destruction of such power!

  It's beyond Master Xu's imagination!


  At this moment, Nian Duan also grew up cutely and looked at his little hand.

  Sacred Destruction is also the first time Nian Duan used it, because Nian Duan used the power boost and spiritual pressure brought by the still blood to directly crush the enemy before, and never tried to use the advanced skills of the Quincy.

  This time using Divine Destruction is also Nian Duan's first attempt, and this terrifying destructive power has exceeded Nian Duan's imagination.

  Nian Duan originally used Divine Destruction just to kill those disciples who spoke foul language with Tian Heng. Nian Duan also remembered the faces of those people, but the destructive power of Divine Destruction has exceeded Nian Duan's imagination, and those were not humiliated. Nian Duan's peasant disciples also went to poach their Hall Master Tian Heng.

  This... can only be said that they are unlucky!

  Time passed little by little, and the dust in the air gradually dissipated.

  What remained at the very center was a huge pothole with a depth of more than ten meters. It stretched for dozens of meters or even close to a hundred meters, and it continued to spread in all directions.

  The faint smoke and dust filled the air, and there were traces of blue spiritual pressure that occasionally flickered in the air like electric arcs, and more were the stumps left by the hundreds of farm disciples, which looked extraordinarily bloody and bloody. Terrifying, just like Shura hell.

  "Just... what happened?!" Tian Zhong's eyes were blank, and his brain was still in a trance state.

  At this moment, Tian Zhong looked like a beggar, with a disheartened face, and the clothes on Shen Kui were also torn, as if he had experienced some terrible catastrophe.

  The shock wave formed by the explosion that just happened hit Tian Zhong, and the terrifying sound wave not only made Tian Zhong's ears and brain still buzzing, but even his consciousness was temporarily unable to return.

  After a long time, Tian Zhong, who was sitting in the ruins, slowly stood up against the wall, looking at the huge pit in front of him in disbelief.

  As the head of a doctor, Nian Duan has such terrifying power? ! ! !

  Tian Zhong was terrified at first, because he was almost killed by the explosion just now, but in the next second, Tian Zhong felt another burst of ecstasy!


  It was so good!

  The stronger Nian Duan's strength is, the more terrifying it is, and the more ecstatic Tian Zhong is!

  The stronger Nian Duan's strength is, the more terrifying it is, and the more ecstatic Tian Zhong is!

  As long as he can control Nian Duan with such power, then Lao Tzu can claim to be invincible in the world, what kind of army, what kind of master, who can stop Nian Duan? !

  With Nian Duan, what is I afraid of, whether it is money, beauty, or power, all of them are at your fingertips!

  Tian Zhong looked at Nian Duan who was still standing in the same place, the last trace of fear on his face disappeared completely, and his eyes became more hot and greedy!

  Soon, the sly smile on Tian Zhong's face gradually disappeared, and then he looked at Nian Duan sincerely: "Sir, you have done what you want to do, and hundreds of disciples and hall masters of our farm family have paid for their lives. Mr. Nian Duan can now Satisfied."

  "Hypocrisy! Master, let's go!" Duanmu Rong took the lead directly, snorted coldly, and directly pulled Nian Duan towards Master Class and Master Xu who were still busy.

  I have to figure out a way... figure out a way to make Nian Duan work for me!

  Looking at the slender backs of Nian Duan and Duanmu Rong, Tian Zhong suddenly showed a weird smile.

  At this time, Tian Zhong didn't notice that in the dark corner, there was a farmer's disciple looking at him with a smile, and then the blackness filled the air, and the farmer's disciple also disappeared.

  · · · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?

  "From the Mo family, didn't you ask my master to rescue a man named Robber Zhi?" Duanmurong frowned slightly, with a hint of disgust in her eyes, and shouted at Master Xu.

  Compared with the farmer who had just made rude words and provoked them, Duanmurong's sense of the Mo family was not much better.

  It was obvious that the Mo family invited them to come here to save people, but there were still people looking for their master and apprentice because of this.

  Duanmurong was originally disgusted with the Mo family because of the lies before Nian Duan, and now she dislikes the Mo family even more.

  "Rong'er, don't do this." Nian Duan glared at Duanmu Rong, then dignifiedly said to Master Xu and Master Class, "I made the two commanders laugh, now the two commanders can take me to see Thief Zhi, After all, the earlier the treatment, the more certainty.”


  "Yes, what Mr. Nianduan said is." Master Xu smiled respectfully, and then said with shame: "I really didn't expect that Mr. Nianduan, who is only a girl, has such terrible strength, it really is the world. Rare."

  To be honest, Master Xu suddenly sweated for himself.

  Master Xu was fortunate that when he went to look for Nian Duan, he treated each other with courtesy, there was no rudeness at all, and he did not offend Nian Duan anywhere.

  Otherwise, with Nian Duan's terrifying strength, he wouldn't have beaten him to death with two punches, and then demolished the Mo Family's Organ City.

  Not to mention anything else, seeing Nian Duan beat up the farmer's people like this, and even killed a farmer's head, even Tian Zhong didn't dare to say anything, Master Xu suddenly felt an inexplicable relief.

  "What's wrong with women, do the people of your Mo family look down on women as much as the people from the peasant family?" Duanmurong was not happy when she heard Master Xu's words. She was a strong girl, and she didn't think women were any worse than men.

  "Rong'er." Nian Duan frowned and scolded Duanmu Rong helplessly again.

  "This... Miss Rong, I didn't mean that, old man." Duanmu Rong choked on him for a while, and Master Xu's expression froze immediately, not knowing what to say. .

Chapter 641 This must be a dream!

  Seeing this, Nian Duan sighed helplessly again.

  She knew that what Master Xu just said was not actually looking down on women.

  But this era has been like this since ancient times, women have always been vassals of men.

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