"Five cities, as long as there are five cities, then this Su Mi will be handed over to the King of Chu."

  "When the King of Chu investigates everything clearly and gives Qin and King Qin an explanation, these five cities will be returned to Chu."

  Gan Xin stretched out his five fingers and said loudly.

  In fact, this is purely to say nice things. If Chu State really gave Qin State five cities, would it still be possible to return it?

  If it really goes back, then the people of Qin are sick.

  And not to mention, both sides are well aware that this Su Mi was sent by the Chu State to assassinate Ying Zheng, how come to explain it, it just can't be said.

  "Five cities? This is impossible!"

  "Only one city at most!"

  King Chu of Chu naturally knew what Gan Xin meant, and also understood that if the city was handed over, it would really become Qin's country, so how could he agree to exchange five cities for Su Mi, and he must minimize losses as much as possible . .

Chapter 1056 The sudden interest of Kong Nianzhi!

  At the same time, in a restaurant in the Ying capital of Chu State.

  "The taste of the dishes here is really unpalatable. Sure enough, my appetite has been made by Pao Dingyang."

  After eating the dish with two chopsticks, Kong Nianzhi frowned and threw the chopsticks aside, because this meal was really hard to swallow, and there was no taste at all.

  Although there are many ingredients in this era, there is no way to compare the seasonings with later generations, so most dishes are actually difficult to eat.

  And Paoding is the exception. The dishes he cooks are no worse than those made by top chefs in later generations, and even more delicious. Moreover, with some seasonings provided by Kong Nianzhi, Paoding's cooking skills have grown in a rocket-like manner. It can be called a god of food.

  Therefore, Kong Nianzhi, who was used to eating food made by Pao Ding, could not eat the food from these restaurants, even if this restaurant was the best restaurant in Yingdu.

  "Okay husband, if it doesn't taste good then don't eat it."

  Seeing this, Tian Yan gently wiped the horns for Kong Nianzhi, and put down her own bowls and chopsticks, because she couldn't swallow these meals either.

  After resurrecting Tian Yan's mother Jingsa, Kong Nianzhi brought Tian Yan, Jingsa, and Tian Hu back to Zilan Xuan.

  After taking a short rest, after introducing Jingzhao and explaining the whole story to the crowd, Kong Nianzhi brought Jingzhao and Tian Yan to Chu State, because Kong Nianzhi had promised Ying Zheng that he would personally attack Chu State, shorten the time of Ying Zheng's unification.

  The people accompanying him included Xuan Jian, Han Xin and Zhong Limei.

  Originally, Kong Nianzhi didn't want to take Han Xin and Zhong Limi with him, but Han Xin heard that Kong Nianzhi was going to Chu. Look at the state of Chu, that's why Kong Nianzhi brought Han Xin.

  As Han Xin's childhood sweetheart, Zhong Limei naturally refused to leave, and followed Han Xin's gully directly, and the group came directly to Chu State through the space channel.

  Of course, in the space channel, there is no need to say much about the embarrassment of Zhong Limei and others. Just think about it with your head and know what ordinary people will behave when they experience this kind of scene.

  "It's delicious, how can it be as bad as you say 々~"

  Zhong Limei looked at a few people with strange eyes, and then continued to lower his head and devoured it. He had never eaten at such an expensive place before.

  The current Zhong Limei is not a general in the future, he is qualified and capable of eating good food.

  He is just a nobody now. He still grew up with Han Xin in a small village. Where did he eat something so good? He also worked in a restaurant in Qin State. Although the owner of the restaurant took care of Zhong Limi's food and lodging, he still Can you expect others to make Zhong Limi eat so well?

  It doesn't exist, it's good to be able to eat light meals and side dishes.

  As for the food in Zilan Xuan, although Zhong Limi knew Han Xin, he had never tried it.

  So the food eaten in this restaurant today is already the best food Zhong Limei has ever eaten in his life. Zhong Limei feels that he can remember this taste for a lifetime.


  Han Xin didn't have any expression on his face, after glancing at Zhong Limei, he said disdainfully.

  Xuan Jian, who was leaning against the wall, took his eyes back from the window, looked at Kong Nianzhi and said respectfully, "Your Majesty, it seems that a lot of things have happened outside. I heard that it is the Xiang family..."

  Xuan Jian, who was leaning against the wall, took his eyes back from the window, looked at Kong Nianzhi and said respectfully, "Your Majesty, it seems that a lot of things have happened outside. I heard that it is the Xiang family..."

  "The Xiang family was wiped out by the whole family, I know that." Kong Nianzhi turned the water cup in his hand and said playfully, "I didn't expect Xiang Ning to attack so quickly and so ruthlessly that he directly wiped out the entire Xiang family. already."

  "So Your Majesty knows it."

  Xuan Jian was stunned for a moment, then shook his head helplessly. He almost forgot that the souls of all those killed by Quincy would become Kong Nianzhi's "food", so Kong Nianzhi should have known about these things long ago. , and was the first non-participant to know about these things.

  "Well, but there are still two people missing, Xiang Yan's son Xiang Liang, and his grandson... Xiang Shaoyu."

  Kong Nianzhi squeezed his fist, and the quilt in his hand seemed to be erased out of thin air, without making any cracking sound, and was completely wiped out by Kong Nianzhi's spiritual pressure into nothingness.

  In a short period of time, Kong Nianzhi "eats" a lot of souls, and naturally he can consult their memories at will, and clearly know what happened at that time, and through Xiang Yan's memory, Kong Nianzhi learned about it. Xiang Liang and Xiang Shaoyu are currently in the Jiangdong generation, but Xiang Yan does not know the exact location.

  "It's interesting, it's interesting, it has escaped the disaster caused by Xiang Ning's genocide."


  "Or the so-called atmospheric luck bonus of the son of luck."

  "If I kill this so-called Child of Luck, what will happen?"

  Thinking that Xiang Shaoyu had escaped this catastrophe, Kong Nianzhi suddenly showed a slightly meaningful smile.

  When he was still weak, Kong Nianzhi might still be in awe of the so-called plot characters, but with the improvement of his strength and the broadening of his horizons, the so-called plot characters are no longer the same as ants in Kong Nianzhi's eyes. any difference.

  Between backhands, Kong Nianzhi can kill countless plot characters.

  As for Xiang Shaoyu, Kong Nianzhi did not have any favor.

  Perhaps Xiang Shaoyu has the reputation of the Overlord of Western Chu and is a proper overlord, but Xiang Shaoyu is an extremely tyrannical person.

  Killing monarchs, kidnapping girls, robbing and robbing, and even slaughtering the city (good), so there is no favor for him at all, even if Xiang Shaoyu is still a child at the moment.

  Kong Nianzhi wanted to try it out, what would happen if he killed this Son of Luck, who was said to be absolutely incapable of harm and hostility.


  But just when Kong Nianzhi was still thinking, an extremely indecent voice suddenly interrupted Kong Nianzhi's meditation.

  "What did you say? The Xiang family was exterminated?! What the hell is going on here!"

  "And just now... Mr. Kong actually said that only Xiang Shaoyu and Xiang Liang were left alive in the Xiang clan, doesn't that mean that General Xiang Yan is also dead!"

  Zhong Limei was almost choked to death by a sip of wine, and almost spit the drink out. Fortunately, in the end, Zhong Limei forcibly endured and spit all the wine on the ground. .

Chapter 1057 Kill the Son of Luck!

  As a native of Chu, and a native of Chu, Zhong Limei's loyalty to Chu need not be questioned.

  Seeing that this guy was desperate to bring Han Xin back to the state of Chu to confess his guilt, he knew how important the state of Chu was in Zhong Limei's eyes.

  But now, the Xiang family, who was like a shield and a spear to Chu, was exterminated, and even the general Xiang Yan was killed. This was no less than an earthquake in Zhong Limei's heart.

  "What's going on here? How could the Xiang clan be exterminated, and what happened to the Xiang Ning you mentioned!"

  After wiping the water stains on his horns, Zhong Li stood up abruptly, staring at Kong Nianzhi and Han Xin with wide eyes.

  "Little brother, be careful, the news of the Xiang family's extermination has not spread yet. If the patrolling adults hear you talking about the Xiang family, I'm afraid you are dead!"

  The people who were eating in the hall heard Zhong Limei shouting so loudly, and couldn't help but interrupted, saying that they had been paying attention to this strange person for a long time.

  Especially the young man at the head, there were two beauties with extremely similar appearance sitting beside the gully, which made them look at them with envy.

  "What exactly is going on."

  Zhong Li smiled embarrassingly, then sat down and asked in a low voice.

  "They do the wrong things and then pay for the wrong things."

  Han Xin took a sip of tea and glanced at Zhong Limei lightly.

  "What kind of answer is that?"

  Zhong Limei's brows furrowed deeply, and a trace of unhappiness flashed in his eyes, but since he had said Han Xin, he couldn't beat the current Han Xin, so he could only hold back the unhappiness.

  "Yo, this brother is so lucky. He actually brought two peerless beauties by himself, which makes people jealous."

  At this moment, a somewhat frivolous voice suddenly sounded in the hall.

  A man slowly walked down the second floor from the stairs, glanced around, and saw Kong Nianzhi's table at a glance. After all, Kong Nianzhi and the others could not attract attention.

  At first glance, the man doesn't look like an ordinary person in luxurious clothes, but his face is a little pale, and his footsteps are unsteady. At first glance, he looks like the kind of boy who has been addicted to alcohol for a long time and doesn't exercise much, and has hollowed out his clothes.

  And behind the man's gully, there were three or four people who were also dressed in extraordinary clothes, not like ordinary people's families. In the end, they were surrounded by darkness, with about twenty guards protecting them.

  Kong Nianzhi didn't even glance at him, and sipped the hot tea in his hand gently. Although this tea was incomparable to Zilan Xuan or the tea in the Qin Palace, it was barely able to be eaten.

  "I said that you guys don't talk at all. I really don't give you face. Come to the beauty, I will introduce you to these good brothers by my side."

  It's just that this young man has no eyesight at all. He has been completely attracted by Tian Yan and Jing Salamander. His eyes shone with astonishing light, and he took his people to Kong Nianzhi's gully.

  It's just that this young man has no eyesight at all. He has been completely attracted by Tian Yan and Jing Salamander. His eyes shone with astonishing light, and he took his people to Kong Nianzhi's gully.

  This group of people is the second generation of officials in the capital of the king of Chu. The man at the head is Zhang Heng. He is the eldest son of the general defending the city of Yingdu. He is spoiled by his mother, and his father is a general with real power. Wang Heng relied on his father's relationship and protection to mix well in this Yingdu.

  However, this guy is also very clever. He has long remembered that in this Chu country, those people can be offended by him, and which ones are not offended by himself, so there has never been anything wrong.

  Now, seeing Tian Yan and Jingzhao, the two stunning beauties, Zhang Heng suddenly moved his thoughts.

  After discovering that he had never seen Kong Nianzhi and these people, and that they must be his foreigners, Zhang Heng suddenly became more confident.

  However, Zhang Heng (cbdh) glanced at Xuan Jian, who had been leaning against the wall and hugging his arms while carrying two swords on his back, and suddenly moved his mind, quietly leaning against the gully of one of his own guards, whispering. After muttering a few times, the guard left the restaurant.

  As for Han Xin, who was also carrying a sword, and Kong Nianzhi, who was hanging a sword diagonally, Zhang Heng completely ignored them.

  After all, compared to Xuan Jian's appearance, Han Xin, who looked like a salted fish, and Kong Nianzhi, who looked very mild, didn't seem to be very powerful characters.

  "People are sitting at home, and the pot is falling from the sky. I just thought about killing the son of luck, so I started to be targeted by this world right away."

  Kong Nianzhi sighed helplessly, then put down the teacup in his hand, extremely innocent.

  To be honest, Kong Nianzhi was really doubtful, whether this was the will of the world, he just said that he was going to kill Xiang Shaoyu, and he immediately came to look for something.

  "Why are you so lacking in vision, didn't you see that the brothers have something to say to these two beauties, and you are still occupying a place here?"

  Zhang Heng's face was slightly cold, and he glanced at Kong Nianzhi with disdain. Although he couldn't understand who Kong Nianzhi was sitting at home, the pot fell from the sky, and the son of luck, Zhang Heng was sure, Kong Nianzhi was making fun of him.

  Especially when he found that Kong Nianzhi was taller, handsome and had a good temperament, Zhang Heng was even more unhappy.

  "Zhang Heng, these two beauties are good, what, do you want to meet?"

  "Yo, it's really beautiful, why didn't I notice it just now, what's the matter, you guys are also interesting? If you don't have any ideas, then I'll go."

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