"How can it be your turn? Stay behind. This must let me get to know these two beauties first."

  Hearing Zhang Heng's words, several young masters immediately discovered her appearance, her temperament and squat material were completely perfect Tian Yan and Jingzhao. When have they ever seen such a beauty, even if this kind of appearance is in the harem of the King of Chu, I am afraid Can't find one.

  And the most important thing is that these two peerless beauties in front of them are so similar in appearance that they seem to be sisters of their compatriots, which makes their hearts even hotter.


  A dull voice suddenly sounded, Zhang Hengyiba slapped the table, shook the food on the table, and then slowly raised his hand and pointed at Kong Nianzhi.

  "You, get up!".

Chapter 1058 Don't hurt that girl!

  Zhang Heng and the others are the powerful and powerful second-generation or rich second-generation. They usually cause harm to the common people. I don't know how many things they have done to bully women, so they don't put Kong Nianzhi and others in their eyes at all.

  The commotion here immediately attracted the attention of others in the hall.

  "These young people are so bad, they actually got into trouble with Zhang Heng, a playboy. A few days ago, they just finished tossing the daughter-in-law of the old Wang's family in the west of the city and ruined their family. I'm afraid there is no way to do this."

  Thinking of what happened to the old Wang family in the west of the city, some people had a look of intolerance on their faces, and they wanted to go up and help, but thinking of the identities and backgrounds of these people, they could only endure it in the end.

  "Who said it wasn't, you got into trouble with these beasts. You said that this young man has nothing to do so arrogantly, and brought two beauties to such a place to eat."

  "Having a beauty without the strength to protect the beauty is also a sin in a troubled world."

  Someone sighed that he no longer had any doubts about what happened next. The gentle-looking gentleman in front of him looked like a younger brother, but how could he even be compared to the backstage of these beasts.

  "I'm just sitting here, swaggering!"

  With Kong Nianzhi's strength, their whispers were almost like speaking in Kong Nianzhi's ear.

  So when Kong Nianzhi heard their muttering, he was speechless. What happened when he came out for a meal, and swaggered when he came out for a meal?

  "Young Master, Young Master, don't be angry when you see this is fine, we have something to say."

  The owner of the hotel rushed over, sweating profusely, and smiled at Zhang Heng with a shy face, but the smile was extremely stiff.

  Although the backstage of his restaurant is not small, it is still a little worse than the group of sons and brothers in front of him. Moreover, when opening a restaurant and doing business, stability is the most important thing.

  No one wants to make all kinds of farces when they are eating, right, so the people who open the restaurant are the most disgusting people.

  "Go away, there's no reason for you to speak here. If you still want to open this restaurant well, treat it as if you didn't see anything." Zhang Heng sneered and repelled the restaurant owner, just about to turn his head and continue looking for Kong. Nianzhi's matter, but found that Kong Nianzhi had already stood in front of him at some point.

  "You're a little bit of eyesight, go out now and disappear from my sight."

  Zhang Heng said to himself, but he didn't notice that the gentleness on Kong Nianzhi's face gradually disappeared, replaced by thick coldness and contempt for everything, and even the sky began to gradually become gloomy.

  "Tsk tsk tsk, it's been a long time since no one pointed a finger at me." Kong Nianzhi chuckled, then stared at Zhang Heng and said, "You know, even if your King of Chu is standing here, you would never dare to stretch it out like this. Point your finger at me."

  After finishing speaking, when Zhang Heng didn't react at all, he gently squeezed Zhang Heng's hand, and suddenly the sound of broken bones reached everyone's ears.

  "Ah!!! My hand!"

  Zhang Heng was stunned for a second, and then the sudden pain made him widen his eyes, and let out a tragic howl as if killing a pig.

  His hands were not human-shaped at all, how terrifying Kong Nianzhi's power was, if it wasn't for Kong Nianzhi's restraint, he would have squeezed Zhang Heng's hand.

  But even so, Zhang Heng's hand that pointed at Kong Nianzhi was completely deformed, and the bones inside were all crushed into scum by Kong Nianzhi, and the soft drooping there was no possibility of recovery.

  But even so, Zhang Heng's hand that pointed at Kong Nianzhi was completely deformed, and the bones inside were all crushed into scum by Kong Nianzhi, and the soft drooping there was no possibility of recovery.

  "Oops, this young man dared to take action against Zhang Heng, I'm afraid it's going to be a big mess today!"

  The people who came to the show heard Zhang Heng's screams, and then discovered the tragic state of Zhang Heng's arm, and suddenly showed a horrified expression, today this thing is going to go bad.

  Thinking of this, it was clear that the temperature was already very high, but they felt cold all over, and cold sweat began to appear on their foreheads.

  "Grass, it actually broke my hand, it hurts me to death!"

  Big sweat kept dripping, Zhang Heng was just a dude who had never suffered any hardships, and he was used to being arrogant and domineering, and he had never suffered any loss. How could he endure this kind of pain.

  · · · Flowers · ·

  The pain of being crushed almost didn't make Zhang Heng faint on the spot, Zhang Heng's eyes were red: "What are you still looking at, hurry up and catch him!"

  "Remember! Live!"

  "The woman is not allowed to get hurt, I want this guy to see with his own eyes, how did I play with his woman!"

  For Kong Nianzhi, Zhang Heng has already hated it to the extreme. If eyes can kill, then Kong Nianzhi has died countless times.

  The meaning of Zhang Heng's words is even more obvious, that is, to leave Kong Nianzhi's life, as for the disabled in the process of capturing, then he will be disabled. Anyway, in the end, he also has to torture Kong Nianzhi well. of.

  And most importantly, Zhang Heng turned out to be a psychopath.


  A few days ago, Zhang Heng, the daughter-in-law of the old Wang's family in the west of the city, played her alive with a group of sons and brothers in front of their father and son, and finally killed the broken-eyed and grief-stricken Wang's father and son.

  "Boy, you dare to hurt our son, no matter who you are, you are destined to never get out of the door of this restaurant!"

  The twenty guards had smirks on their faces, and smiled at Kong Nianzhi with sinister eyes. They were not good people, and if they were good people, they would not follow Zhang Heng.

  Zhang Heng knew that what he had done was causing anger and resentment, so the twenty guards were all looking for the kind of murderer who would do anything as long as they were given money to protect him all the time.

  Moreover, Zhang Heng is also a generous person. He not only gave them a lot of money, but also often turned the woman he had finished playing and threw it to these twenty guards. among.

  Usually, they offer delicious and delicious food. They basically don’t have anything to do with them. They can still show off with Zhang Heng all day long, and they have a lot of money to take. The most important thing is to play with beautiful women from time to time. The kind that cares about the way it is played or if the woman survives.

  Therefore, these twenty guards have always followed Zhang Heng's gully. Now that they have seen the damage of Kong Nianzhi who has been covering up their gold master, they can no longer sit idly by. .

Chapter 1059 False justice!

  "I can't stand out of this restaurant?" Kong Nianzhi's expression suddenly became strange: "Why, do you want me to go out lying down?"

  "Please, these are the remaining routines that have been played a long time ago, can't we change something new?"

  "Enough to play, enough to make trouble, Xuan Jian."

  "Kill them."

  Kong Nianzhi had no intention of calming things down. When these playboys did such a thing and said such words, they put their minds on Tian Yan and Jingzhao. How could Kong Nianzhi let them go.

  As for the consequences of killing them, it was nothing more than offending their respective families and backgrounds.

  Will Kong Nianzhi be afraid?

  Just kidding, the purpose of Kong Nianzhi's visit this time was to solve the state of Chu, not to mention these little "eighty-nine-zero" little playboys, it is to completely destroy the borders of the state of Chu. For Confucius, it is also a very easy thing.

  "As Your Majesty wishes."

  Xuan Jian nodded, he had long wanted to kill the group of people who were looking for Kong Nian's affairs, but because Kong Nianzhi did not have an order, Xuan Jian was not good to make an assertion.

  Now that he received Kong Nianzhi's order, Xuan Jian could no longer bear it.

  In everyone's eyes, Xuan Jian raised his hands, placed them on the hilt behind his back, and slowly pulled out his black and white swords.


  The icy murderous aura and the biting chill filled every corner of the air.

  No one could see exactly what happened, and no one knew what Xuan Jian had done.

  Just waiting for them to react, Xuan Jian had disappeared and appeared beside Zhang Heng's group of sons and their guards, slowly doing the action of returning to the sheath.

  Time seemed to freeze at this moment, Zhang Heng, who was still screaming just now, froze in place, and the group of young masters who were also screaming were also motionless, even the grinning man walking towards Kong Nianzhi and others. The guards also stopped moving.

  Their time seemed to be suspended, completely stopped.

  "This... what's going on, why are they suddenly motionless."

  There were curious guests next to him, and he couldn't bear his curiosity. He lightly clicked on a guard who was standing still next to him, but he didn't think about it. This actually caused an amazing change!

  The guard who had been standing still was slightly touched by the guest, as if there was some kind of chemical reaction, and immediately fell to the ground, while the rest of the guards, including Zhang Heng and others, fell to the ground at the same time.

  The faint blood line on the neck is so dazzling, they have all been wiped off their throats, so they will stay still!

  "There is no blood to kill, and even in an instant, one sword kills nearly thirty people at the same time. What a terrible swordsmanship!"

  Looking at the scene that suddenly turned into an Asura field, a guest stood up abruptly, watching in horror as he had already retracted his sword and stood silently behind Kong Nianzhi's gully, like a most qualified bodyguard. Xuan Jian.

  "Who the hell is this swordsman, I've never heard of anyone in a hundred families who can possess such terrifying swordsmanship!"

  "And what kind of sacredness is a young man who can command such a terrifying master!"

  "And what kind of sacredness is a young man who can command such a terrifying master!"

  "The most important thing is that the swordsman's adoring eyes and respectful attitude towards the young man, this... what kind of big man is he to have such a subordinate!"

  Someone murmured with a wry smile, it turned out that they had been clumsy just now, and they didn't see who was the real big man.

  They suddenly felt that they were really ridiculous, and they even thought that the young man in front of them had no ability to protect these two women and came out to sway the market.

  In fact, they are the ones who have been watching the sky all the time.

  "Clap! Clap! Clap!"

  "Xuan Jian, your swordsmanship is as sharp as ever."

  Kong Nianzhi clapped his hands lightly, not paying attention to the scene in front of him at all. For Kong Nianzhi, this was indeed a small scene. Tens of thousands of people died, hundreds of thousands or even more people died. It's not that I haven't seen it, it's not a big deal with only [-] or [-] people.

  "Your Majesty is joking. If it wasn't for the power that Your Majesty gave me, it would have been impossible for me to achieve this level with swordsmanship alone."

  Xuan Jian's expression did not change, but there was still a flash of joy in his eyes. Obviously, Xuan Jian was very happy to hear Kong Nianzhi's praise... .

  "Let's go." Kong Nianzhi smiled helplessly, and suddenly stopped after walking a few steps: "By the way, boss, I will compensate you for the loss here."

  "Look, we didn't cause any damage either, you just hire some people and dispose of these bodies."

  "Oh, yes, I also broke a cup."

  "That should be enough."

  Kong Nianzhi has always been a reasonable person, so Kong Nianzhi directly threw a piece of gold into the arms of the restaurant owner and was about to leave.


  After taking the gold thrown by Kong Nianzhi, the restaurant owner almost didn't cry.

  Indeed, Kong Nianzhi and the others did not cause any damage, and hiring a few people to dispose of these corpses would not cost a lot of money, which means that the owner of the Jinzi Restaurant was purely earning.

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