The Jade Emperor In Naruto

Chapter 10 - Jugo of the Scales

In front of a cave a bright light shone and seven people appeared. These are obviously Hisui and others.

"Where are we this time" asked Zabuza

"I don't know where, but this is where our last ally is" I said while pointing inside the cave

"So let's go in then" said naruto impatiently

"Well this one has a little a problem, he can goes berserk when fighting or angry, so make sure to act calm" I say

"And you want him to join you" questioned Naosu while holding Karin's arm

"Yes, because even though he goes berserk he is still a kind person at heart" I reply

"As long as he doesn't hurt Karin" she says

"Hisui-sama's judgement is never wrong, if he says that he is a good person than that's what he is" said Kimimaro with a hint of annoyance at Naosu

"Enough we don't have time for arguments, you guys stay here while I go and get him" I say

"But Hisui-sama what if you get injured or that person attacks you" says Kimimaro with worry

"It's ok kimimaro, don't forget how strong I am" I answer

"But aren't you just a child?" Asks Naosu with confusion on why I seemed to be the leader rather than Zabuza

"I am a child, but I am beyond the grasp of mortals" I answer in a ċȯċky tone.

"What does that mean" she says

"You'll see" I say while walking into the cave

"GOOD LUCK" shouts Naruto

"Please stay safe" says Kimimaro with worry

"Hurry it up" says Zabuza with no expression

"I hope you do well Hisui" says haku with a smile

"Yeah do well" says Naosu with hesitation

"Thanks, I'll be back in a minute" I say as I fully enter the cave. It was dark but not dark enough to fully blind someone. I can sense a huge amount of sage energy deeper inside and so I follow it.

After a few minutes of walking I found him. Sitting in front of me was a boy who seemed to be about 8 years old with spiky orange hair and red-orange eyes, and he is wearing a yellow shirt with blue shorts. "Jugo of the scales" I say while looking at him

"Who are you, you should leave" he says looking at me with concern

"You don't have to worry about me, I know that you can't control that power of yours. But believe me when I say with my help you will be able to" i say to him

"Impossible this is a curse that I have to live with" he says with sadness

"Trust me when I say that at your strongest you're at the level of my weakest" I say

"That's not possible your just a kid how strong can you really be" he asks

"Why don't you come and find out, and if I win you have to join me, and become part of my future village" I say

" Deal, but don't regret it when you're dead" with a maniacal smile. His iris become pale yellow while his sclera becomes black. His skin turned dark and his arm became a piston like ram and charged at me. I easily dodge the attack and send a kick to his abdomen sending him flying. He growls and charges back at me and I dodge his attack. He then makes his fist into an axe intending to cut me but before he can even touch me

"Repel" and he is sent flying. 'He won't give up, I should just end this' I thought.

As Jugo gets up and readies himself for another attack he suddenly collapses to the ground, not able to move. "Gravity x30" struggles and uses more sage energy turning him more insane. But because his transformation got stronger he was able to move a little bit and right when he was about to get up "gravity x50" and again he collapsed. I walk in front of him and say "give up you've lost"

I stop the gravity and He gets out of his transformation and looks at me with shock "you managed to stop me" he says "can you truly help me control myself" he asks

"Of course I can, so will you join me?" I ask while reaching my hand out in front of him

"Yes" he says while grabbing my hand and picking himself up

"Wonderful, let's go meet the others" I say with a smile

"Others?" He asks


"Hasn't it been a little too long" says kimimaro with a worried face

"I can sense a battle going on" says Zabuza

"Damn we must go inside immediately" says kimimaro as he is about to go inside the cave

"No need for that" I say as I walk out " here is our new member, his name is Jugo"

"It's a pŀėȧsurė to meet you" he says with a little bow

"Likewise" kimimaro. After the introductions it was finally time to go, it was time to go establish the village

"It's time, time to establish our village" I say with excitement. Everyone has a smile on their face and is also excited

"Where is it?" Ask Zabuza

"In the land of snow" I respond while pulling out the paper talisman

"Are you sure the daimyo would allow that" asked Naosu

"It's no worries, after all we're about to see him now" and like that a bright light surrounded us and we disappeared?

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