The Jade Emperor In Naruto

Chapter 11 - The land of ....

When we reappeared we were in front of a burning castle with people inside screaming.

"Oh wow, this is unexpected" I say

"Indeed" says Zabuza

"What do we do now?" Asked Jugo

"Karin close your eyes" said Naosu while covering Karin's eyes

"We should go and save who we can" i say while spreading my senses looking for survivors, I sensed a little presence running from the back of the castle "Zabuza there seems to be a girl running from the back of the castle, go get her" I say

"Sure" he says while speeding towards her. After a little while Zabuza came back holding the girl who seemed to be fighting back on his shoulder

"Please don't kill, me please" she says with tears

'Oops, maybe I shouldn't have sent Zabuza. He is a little scary' I thought to myself. Zabuza puts her down in front of me and she looks up at me. With short hair tied into two ponytails stood a 9 year old girl

"It's ok we aren't here to hurt you, we're near to help you" i say with a smile

"Your not" she says while wiping her tears away

"Yes, we just want to know what happened here" I ask

"Well some men came and burnt the castle, my dad helped me escape and gave me this necklace" she says while pointing to a hexagonal crystal

'Hmmm, it seems he was ȧssassinated, if I remember correctly it was by daimyo's own brother. Well I guess it's time to end him' I thought. "Thank you for sharing, Zabuza can you go and deal with the men a little to the north" i say

"As you wish" and he dashed to the location of the Daimyo's brother and his men ending the life of the future tyrant, leaving only me to lead.

"The people who caused this are gone now. Your father has passed and no one can lead this country. That's why I'm here, I'll lead and make this the strongest country." I say while looking at Daimyo's daughter "do you trust me?" I ask her while holding out my hand

"If you were able to avenge my father, then I Koyuki Kazahana trust you" she says while grabbing my hand.

"Perfect, first plan of business is to stop this fire" I say while getting ready to use my power

"Hisui if you would let me" said Haku

"Sure go for it" i say

He does a couple of hand signs and large amounts of water comes out of his mouth and covers the entire castle stopping the fire. "Impressive, thank you for that Haku" I say

"No problem" he says.

"Done" says Zabuza as he appears with a little blood on his sword

"That was fast, well guys this country is out home now" i says with a smile

"Yay we did it dattebayo" exclaims Naruto with a large smile

"Im happy to be home then Hisui-sama" says Kimimaro

"So this is it huh?" Says Zabuza

"This place is nice" says Haku

"This, is peaceful" says Jugo

"Is this our new home momma?" Asked Karin

"Yes honey" Replies Naosu

"Well first plan of business is to inform the people of the new management" I say with a grin


"Have you heard? The Daimyo was killed by his own brother Dato who was then killed by an unknown group who have now conquered the country." Said an old man

"Of course I have heard, it's the biggest news in the country. I just pray this new leader isn't an evil man" replies another old man


"An appearance huh? I guess this is time to see who this man really is" says the first old man

"Indeed" replies the other old man.


"It's time Hisui-sama" says Kimimaro looking at the new and improved Hisui who was now wearing his robe of the sage and finally took off his sunglasses

"Indeed it is, thank you guys for believing in me I promise you that I won't disappoint" I say while looking at everyone

"Yeah yeah, now let's just get this over with" grumble Zabuza

"Wait what is our name, we don't have a group name" says Naruto with stars in his eyes

"I got one in mind, how about…


In the center of a village filled was snow was a podium and on that podium was an announcer "PEOPLE OF THE LAND OF SNOW, HERE IS THE NEW LEADER HISUI TENNO" some people cheered expecting some cool strong ninja but what they got was completely unexpected.

The person who walked up was a red haired child in a heavily stylists three piece suit styled outfit consisting of a black waistcoat over an untucked white collared shirt, with orange and magenta colored pants tucked into brown boots. He was wearing a robe jacket that fell all the way to his shins, the rope and bottoms were dark while the middle rest was teal colored, on each shoulder was a large gold colored Ω symbol, with white gloves. His right eye had the Ω symbol and his left eye had the α symbol

"What the hell, is that a kid?" Someone yelled out from the audience

"Hey kid where is Hisui Tenno?" Asked another person

"I am Hisui Tenno" I say in a calm tone

"Yeah right, go get your parents or something" said another villager while laughing

"I guess I need to show you what to do when in the presence of an emperor" I then unleash my presence, the full brunt presence of an emperor, no, a god onto these people. They looked at me with fear and reverence. They felt like they were in the presence of a god which technically they are. They felt like an ant while looking at me.

They all bowed at the same time and said "Forgive us lord Hisui"

"It's ok, what did I expect, I am only seven this year. I just want you to know that even though I'm your new leader I still love you all like my family. I promise you this, we WILL surpass all the other lands and villagers, we WILL have the strongest and smartest ninja, and when the time comes the whole world shall be ours" I say which puts admiration and determination in the eyes of my new subjects

"ALL HAIL LORD HISUI" they all said

"Thank you, and for my first decree I officially change the name of this village and This country" I say while looking at them, they all looked at me waiting for the new name.

"What are we now Lord Hisui" asked one of the villagers

"I officially declare us… The Land Of Nox"

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