The Jade Emperor In Naruto

Chapter 12 - 8 years part 1

In a magnificent Japanese's style castle, sat what looked to be a Sixteen year old boy with flowing red hair and mysterious eyes on a throne. Standing next to him was a similarly aged white haired boy with two dots on his head. This was Hisui and kimimaro

"Kimimaro is everyone ready?" I asked while laying my head on my hand and sitting crossed legged

"Yes Hisui-sama" answered kimimaro

"Perfect, then it's time to go to konoha" I say with a smile.


(8 years ago)

After giving out my speech I walked off back where the others are at.

"That was a great speech Hisui-sama" says kimimaro with admiration

"Yeah Hisui that was so cool" says naruto with stars in his eyes

"Thanks guys" I saw with a chuckle

"So what do we do now" asks Zabuza

"Well first I need to establish some new rules and change a few things around here" I answer

"Well what's the first thing on your list" asked Jugo

"Well it's time to get rid of all this snow" I said

"How will you do that" asked Naosu

"Well koyuki is gonna help me with that" I say as I go up to her "can I see that necklace you showed me from before" I ask her

"Well as long as you give it back" she says as she hands it to me.

"Thank you very much" I say back to her as I take the necklace and spread my senses until I find it. "Come along guys, and you'll see" I say and the others follow me as I go to a specific location. After a little while we stood in front of it

"What is this" asked Zabuza

"A heat generator" I reply, "and this necklace is the key to turning it on"

"So that's why" said Haku

"Yes, now let's turn this on" I say as I put the key inside the keyhole and turn, after some rumbling and lights it started getting warmer and warmer around the entire country. Slowly but surely the snow was melting

"Wow" said Karin

"Magnificent Hisui-sama" stated Kimimaro

"Now let's go back to the castle and get some rest, by tomorrow there should be no more snow" I say while yawning. Even though I rarely need to sleep I still like doing it

"Yeah I'm exhausted" said Naruto while walking behind me

"I can take a nap" said Naosu

"I am also tired" replied Kimimaro

"Let's just go" said Zabuza

"Sleep would be very much appreciated" Haku replied

(7 years ago)

"Well naruto it's time for me to train you, haku, kimimaro, and Jugo are all being trained by Zabuza while Karin is being trained by her mother. Leaving you to me" i say standing in one of the training ground in front of naruto

"Yeah finally, so what will I learn? The gravity thing? Maybe even how to use a sword?" He asked me with excitement

"Well before you learn techniques you need to have control of your chakra, so here take this leaf, make it stick on your forehead and rotate with chakra" i say to him with a leaf in my hand

"Awww but that's so boring" he complains

"Well when you learn how to properly control your chakra I'll teach you a cool technique" I say to him

"Really? Then I'll master this chakra control then" he says while grabbing the leaf and sticking it on his forehead, only to have it fall down. "It's not working"

"Well you have to use your chakra, you know what before we get to controlling it let first learn to sense it" i say

"How do I do that?" He ask me

"Well meditate and look deep inside yourself until you feel some sort of energy in your stomach" I say

"Ok" he say as he gets into a cross legged position and closes his eyes

"I'll be back in a little bit" I say while walking away

"Ok" he answers. I then walk back to the castle and into the throne room. Contemplating on what to do next. All the snow has melted from the entire land making it a nice spring like country. I've even made a better ninja teaching system than all the villages. There is the Regular academy and the shinobi academy, the shinobi academy is split into three classes. The Fighters, The sealers, and The medics, your put into one of those based on a test given when you're about to enter the academy. If you want to change your classification you take a test for it and if you pass you are allowed to transfer.

The fighter class learns how to fight with weapons/taijutsu and how to mold and use chakra from day one, Sealing class learns how to mold and use chakras to make seals from day one, while the medic class learns how to mold and use chakra to heal. Even though they are in those classes doesn't mean they can't learn other subjects, a medic class can still learn stuff about fighting or sealing but that won't be their main focus. Also even though they are in the shinobi academy they will still learn a little bit from the regular academy. From the shinobi academy students will learn how to properly use chakra so the moment they graduate they can walk on water and walls, even know some ninjutsu. From the moment they graduate they will be at least mid-genin level. The more talented ones can even be chunin level. To graduate you need to be able to stick on any surface and either perform a D-rank jutsu/ heal a fish/ create a storage seal.

Rather than in konoha where the genins can't even walk on water yet mine will already be stronger than at least Iruka and Mizuki in pure taijutsu, ninjutsu, seals, weapons, anything. They start academy at the age of 6 and finish at the age of 12-13, they are then put into a five men group including a jounin, with two fighters, one sealer, and one medic. Our village symbol is obviously the Ω and our colors were blue, black, and gold.

The hardest part of it all was having to write down all the information I got from konoha into scrolls, took me an entire day. We also have a shinobi and civilian council but they have no power, I just listen to some of their suggestions and choose if I should implement it or not, but if they dare try and order me they will be stripped of their council ship and if bad enough I will just nip it at the bud, I'm not gonna have a danzo in my village. The ones who have the most power other than me are Zabuza, Naosu, and eventually Naruto, kimimaro, Jugo, haku, and Karin, but even so they wouldn't go against me.

The title I've been given is 'The king of Nox' which has a nice ring to it, I like it. Zabuza is 'The sword of Nox' which he secretly likes but never admits it. 'I wonder what the other will be called in the future.' I think to myself, "well let's go check on Naruto" I say as I walk back to the Training ground.

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