The Jade Emperor In Naruto

Chapter 13 - 8 years part 2

(6 years ago)

"Well naruto you have great chakra control, reaction speed, and strength. So I guess it's time to teach you a Jutsu" I say which makes Naruto smile in excitement

"REALLY YES! What am I gonna learn?" He asks me while looking giddy

"An awesome technique called shadow clone jutsu" I respond

"What does that jutsu do?" He asks me

"It makes a real clone of you that isn't just an illusion and it can even increase your training speed" I say

"Wow teach me it" he says, I then show him the hand signs to perform it and after 10 minutes he got it down perfectly "wow there's so many of of me" says naruto and all 50 of his shadow clones while laughing

"Well 30 clone narutos will spar with each other while the other 20 will meditate" I say to the shadow clones

"Huh? Why should we" asked the clones

"Because I didn't ask" I respond in a serious tone

"Ok, ok " the clones says while getting into the formation I told them

"What should I do?" Ask Naruto

"You will spar me, go all out" I say

"Really? HERE I COME!" Naruto shouts while dashing towards me


(6 months later)

"Ok guys you have been trained separately and now it's time for me to train you" I say while standing in front of Naruto, kimimaro, haku, Jugo, Zabuza, and Karin

"Why am I here" asked Zabuza

"Well your gonna train too, did you think you were safe just because your stronger than them" I reply

"What kind of training are we doing Hisui-sama" asked Kimimaro

"Gravity training" I answered

"What's gravity tr-" naruto didn't get to finish his sentence when an unknown pressure suddenly hit everybody making them all stumble

"This is gravity training, right now this is 2 time gravity. You will train in this until you can move around like normal" I say

"Don't you think this is a little much" said Naosu beside me

"In the future they will face opponents beyond comprehension, no where close to my strength of course but still insanely strong. So how could they be pillars of this country if they're not insanely strong themselves" I answer back to her

"Well if you think so, just please don't go too hard on Karin" she said

"It's ok, I know she can handle it. After all she will be the greatest medic the world has ever seen one day" I say back to her

"Well if that's true then I trust you" answers Naosu

"Guys get up and start doing push-ups and sit-ups, after that start sparring" I command the others

"I'm gonna be the strongest Dattbayo" says Naruto's he forces himself to get up while the Zabuza, Jugo, kimimaro, and haku are already up

'I can't be a burden to them, they saved me and mom so I must be strong for them' though Karin to herself as she also pushes herself to stand. I look at them with a smile

'I'm proud of you guys' I thought


(Another 6 months later)

"Ok you guys are done with 5 time gravity. Now we will focus on your reaction speed, fighting ability, and teamwork. So all of you come at me" i say

"Are you sure about that Hisui-sama? That is after all six on one" Kimimaro asked against the idea

"It's ok, don't forget how powerful I am, so come one come at me with all your strength" I say

"If you say so" said Zabuza while clenching his sword and dashing toward me

"I'm sorry Hisui" Haku said while also dashing toward me holding senbon needles

"This time I'm gonna win" Naruto told me while also dashing to me

"DIE" shouted Jugo with a maniacal expression

"Forgive me Hisui-sama" said kimimaro while making a bone spear and dashing toward me

"Ummmm ok" Karin mumbled while dashing to me. They were all slow and to show them how weak they are I'm going to end this fast

"Repel" and they are all sent flying backwards, before they can get settled I dash toward Karin and appear behind her, giving her neck a karate chop knocking her out, I then go to naruto which give him a shock and he tries to move but it's too late as I knee him in the stomach also knocking him out. Jugo throws a punch at me and I catch it and kick him to the side of his abdomen sending him flying and knocking him out. I go to haku and punch him right his gut making him drop to his knees and I hit him in his neck knocking him out. Moving on to Kimimaro who tried to stab me with his spear but I dodge it and grab his face and I slam him to the ground knocking him out.

"It's just me and you Zabuza" I say with a smile

"How easy are you going on us" he asks me

"Pretty easy" I say with a smile. He then frowned and dashed toward me with his sword and I dodge all his swings. "You've gotten stronger and faster, that's good" I say to him while appearing behind him and slamming his face to the ground, which doesn't knock him unconscious but he doesn't get up as he knows he can't win. After a few minutes everyone woke up and were disappointed that they lost that fast

"Wow so we really are that weak huh" said Zabuza

"It's ok, that's why I'm training you guys. One day you will all be super strong just know that. Don't give up" I say to them trying to encourage them

"Yeah one day I'll be even stronger than you Dattebayo" said Naruto

"You won't ever be stronger than me if you don't train, so starting now you will all fight me with six time gravity, and don't worry I'll hold back" I say as they all ġrȯȧnėd at me.

(4 years ago)

"Naruto everyone has started training with Zabuza again so it only leaves me and you again" I say to him on a training ground

"What will you teach me this time?" He ask me

"It's called the rasengan and it was created by your father" I say

"Wow, I'm gonna learn my dad's technique" he said in disbelief and excitement

"Well first you need to pop this water balloon by spinning your chakra inside of it, then pop this rubber ball by increasing the volume and density of the chakra inside, and do the first two steps without popping this regular balloon" I say as I pull them out

"Sounds easy enough to give them here" he says and I hand them over. As he grabs the water balloon and sends his chakra to it, it gets really lumpy when it pops

"You did it wrong, pop it without it being lumpy" I say handing him another water balloon

"Fine" he says while trying to pop the water balloon without lumps, but again he failed "this is hard" he says

"Don't forget you have shadow clones" I say

"Yeah your right" he then does the hand signs and 100 shadow clones appear "you all know what to do" he says as I hand them all water balloons. And then 101 narutos start trying to pop balloons


(1 week later)

"HISUI I DID IT" shouts Naruto as he runs to me

"Let me see" I ask, and then he puts his arm out and open his palm, a small ball of spinning chakra then appears. "Good naruto, keep practicing until you can do it's easy to you" say

"Watch, I'm gonna beat you with the rasengan one day" he says as he starts practicing it some more


(2 months later)

"Watch this time" Naruto says as he puts his arm out and opens his palm until a medium sized spinning ball do chakra appears

"You did it naruto, I knew you could" I say while rubbing his hair

"I will after all be the strongest ninja something like this is easy to me Dattebayo" he says with a large grin

"You know what this means right?" I say to him

"Another jutsu? What is it this time" he ask me all excited

"It was your father's signature Jutsu, it was the thing that made him so famous. It's called The flying thunder god jutsu"

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