The Jade Emperor In Naruto

Chapter 14 - 8 year part 3

(3 years ago)

"Well Naruto it has been a whole year since I've taught you the flying thunder god, so show me how strong you are now" I say in front of of a 9 year old naruto

"Get ready cause here I come" Naruto says as he throws a tri pronged kunai toward me, I dodge it and suddenly Naruto appears to my side with a blue ball of spinning chakra in hand "RASENGAN" he shouts about to hit me

"Repel" he is then suddenly thrown back before he could touch me. "Come on naruto I know your better than that"

"Watch and learn this technique I've created" he says "Kage no bun shin jutsu" and them 100 Narutos appear, they all then bring out a tri pronged kunai and scatter it around the ground "infinite naruto barrage" they all say in unison as they all start teleporting everywhere and anywhere trying to hit me. When I tried to hit one of them they teleported away.

'Impressive he created a technique that makes it so he can attack you but you can't attack him' I thought to myself, but too bad it wasn't enough, "repel" and all the shadow clones disperse. 'Where is he' I thought to myself until I felt energy above me and I saw naruto holding a big sized rasengan above

"ODAMA RASENGAN" he shouts as he is coming towards me with the rasengan

"That's cute, but nothing compared to me" i say as I jump towards him and manage to get behind him, as I'm about to kick him down he suddenly vanishes and appears above me with a kunai in hand

"Try and escape this" he says

'He threw the kunai above before I got to him and teleported as I was about to hit him' I thought to myself with a smile on my face "I'm proud of you Naruto" I say, I then use my telekinesis to suspend him in the air unable to move

"Huh I can't move" he says in shock as the rasengan then disappears

"It was a nice fight naruto, you have grown quite strong" I say as I slowly make him descend

"Really? Watch with my power one day I'm definitely gonna be the strongest ninja Dattebayo" he says with a grin

"Maybe Naruto maybe" I say as I ruffle his hair


(6 months later)

"Are you ready naruto?" I ask Naruto as he is seated in a meditative position

"Yes" he responds with a serious expression

"Now when you meet him, you have to understand that he was treated terribly by humans, like a weapon forever to be sealed inside of them" I say

"I understand, I'll make sure to befriend him" he says

"Good, now clear your mind and sense inside of your body, look for another chakra signature inside of you and focus on it and you will be taken to him" i say

"Ok" he says, as his eyes are closed.

"Good luck naruto"


(Pov: Naruto)

It was dark and the floor was wet like it was a sewer. I walked around for a few minutes until I stood upon a red cage with a slip of paper on it, as I approach it a giant red eye appears which makes me take a step back

"Kid come closer" says a dark gruff voice, the eye moves back to reveal an orange fox with bunny eyes and nine tails behind it. I then start walking toward it again but I sense danger and move back to see how claws were where I was originally

"So your the Kyuubi" I say while trying to stay calm and confident with my arms crossed

"You have guts coming here kid, why don't you take that paper off" he says trying to coerce me into freeing him

"Not a chance, I can't have you destroying things. I know how humans have treated you over the years and I want to say sorry" I say to him. This shocks him greatly and makes him angry at the same time


"I found myself a family, people who will be there for me, a place that I can call home. I place where I am loved. I know you didn't have that so that's why I'm here, I wanna be your friend" I say with a smile. This makes the eyes of the nine tails widen

"I DON'T WANT YOUR FRIENDSHIP NOW GO" He shouts, throwing my consciousness out of the sewer-like place and back to reality. I open my eyes to see my brother Hisui staring at me with wonder


(POV: Hisui)

"So how did it go" I ask Naruto when he suddenly opened his eyes, I could sense how the nine tails energy flared up in there

"He hates me and wants me to release him, but other than that pretty good" he answers back to me

"Just keep in talking to him, he is most definitely alone in there and a friend would be a great help" I tell him

"I will, starting now I will talk to him every single day Dattebayo" Naruto declared

"That's good Naruto, that's good" I say while ruffling his hair

"Stop that, you know I hate it" he says to me

"Yeah sure you do" I reply while still ruffling his hair

(Another 6 months later)

"So you all you guys can easily handle 15x gravity, I'm proud" I say to the team as they are all on the ground exhausted from the training

"Are we finally done with gravity training? I don't think I can do anymore" complained naruto

"Please Hisui-sama, this training is too much" cried Kimimaro

"Your a little monster" said Zabuza with fear

"I don't think I can handle this" says haku

"Please, stop this" Karin said on the verge of tears

"This is just torture" said Jugo

"Oh suck it up guys, I'm not gonna stop giving you this training until you can handle 50 times gravity, so come here tomorrow at the same time and make sure to get some rest" I say walking away from them as they all ġrȯȧnėd.

"How are you?" i say while looking at the man with short, unkempt, dark colored hair, black eyes and a broad nose.

"I'm fine now lord Hisui, I've mastered these new eyes you gave me" the man says while bowing toward me

"You don't need to bow, your family now. The others all see you as family too" I say to him

"Lord Hisui if I may ask, when can we get revenge on that man" he asked with hate on his face

"Soon, Once the boy and his brother are ready" I respond

"As you wish. So how did the training go with the others?" He asked me as his hate eased up

"It went well, your going to start joining them on the training also, starting tomorrow" i say

"Ummm do I have too? I would very much like to avoid it" He says

"I'm not asking, I'm preparing all of you for the future with this training. I'm telling you this now, in the future you will all thank me for being so harsh and training you all so well" I say

"If that's what you wish then so be it" said the man with a dejected look

"Well rest up, after all tomorrow is your first day of hell" I say with a smile

"Goodnight Lord Hisui" he says

"Goodnight...Shisui" I respond

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