The Jade Emperor In Naruto

Chapter 15 - Welcome to Nox

(7 years ago)

On a cliff stood two boys, a 16 year old with unkempt dark hair and a missing eye, and a twelve year old with jet-black hair that was pulled back in a low ponytail "Please protect the village and honor of the Uchiha name" said Shisui as he removed his left eye and gave it to Itachi

"I accept it, what will you do now" Itachi states as he commanded a crow to go and get it from shisui

"If I die several circumstances will change, i already left a note" said shisui as he walked backwards toward the edge of the cliff

"SHISUI WAIT" shouted Itachi trying to stop him from killing himself

"Don't stop me Itachi" said Shisui as he fell off the cliff into the water dying at peace. Or that was what he expected until suddenly his body just stopped, he wasn't falling nor was he flying, he was suspended into the air.

"I can't have you dying on my watch Shisui, so let us go" said a voice and a bright light covered everything and then they were gone.


Inside one of the castle rooms were 7 people, this was obviously Naruto, Kimimaro, Zabuza, Haku, Jugo, Karin, and Naosu. "He said he would be back at this time" said Zabuza

"Give it a minute Zabuza" replied Kimimaro

"It's been 2 days" stated Zabuza, then a bright light appeared and two people came out of it, this was obviously Hisui and Shisui

"And we're back, too bad this was the last use" I said watching the talisman crumble away

"Is this him?" Asked Naruto while staring at a knocked out Shisui

"Yes, his name is Shisui Uchiha, and starting now he will join us" I reply while laying him down on the bed "Naosu can you heal him or something? He has been poisoned and lost blood" I ask

"I'll try my best" she said as a green light shoned on her palm over Shisui's body "this poison is too severe, at my level I can't do anything I'm sorry. At most I can heal the injuries he received" she said to me

"It's ok, I have a way to heal him but I never tried it before" I say to her

"What is it" she asked me

"I can heal him but that would take a lot of energy that I don't seem to possess, but using all of your chakra guys I could heal him, so do you guys agree?" I told her

"sure" they responded back to me

"Perfect, since Karin and Naruto still don't know how to manipulate chakra they don't have to do this. You guys to hold my back and send your chakra through me" i tell them and they comply 'to use this power, I would usually need the rough energy stones, but they don't exist here, since these guys aren't energy stones I'm gonna need them to willingly give me energy'

"Ok we're ready" said Zabuza as all their hands were on me

"Then start" I say feeling energy entering my body. Energy even in different worlds are similar, so even though chakra is not vital energy, I feel like I could still manipulate it with vital energy manipulation. Using the manipulation I made the chakra enter his body and willed it to heal all his injuries and the poison "and that's it" i say

"Whew that took a lot out of me" said Naosu as she went and sat down

"Indeed, I'm gonna need to rest after this" said kimimaro and they all nodded in agreement

"Yeah, healing takes a lot out of me also, it's ok you can all go rest" I tell them, they all nodded and went to their rooms for some sleep. After a couple hours Shisui eyelids moved but did not open. He then got up into a sitting down position and asked

"Where am I?"

"Your in the Nox village, on the land of Nox" I answer

"Nox? that's the new name of the conquered Land of Snow" he tells me

"Oh so you heard of us, that's nice to know." I tell him

"How did I even get here" he asked

"Well when you were about to kill yourself I chose to save you so you can join my village" I blatantly tell him

"I won't ever betray the leaf" he says with a now serious expression, ready to fight

"It's ok you don't have too, but I can't have you going back there because they think your dead and danzo is gonna come after you" I tell him

"How do you know so much?" He asks

"I have my ways, now rest up and tomorrow I can introduce you to the others" I say walking out of the room

"And if I escape?" He asks

"That's gonna be hard with no eyes" I say back to him, he agrees and goes back to sleep. 'I can't let him go back to the village before the massacre, that's the only way I can convince to join me' I thought while going to my room


"So guys meet shisui, shisui this is Naruto, Kimimaro, Zabuza, Haku, Jugo, Karin, and Naosu"

"Hello" he says to them

"So do you really have no eyes?" Asks naruto

"Yes" he answers

"How does it feel" asked naruto

"I don't know how to explain it, it's like thinking that you have the, but you actually don't" he replied

"Woah" said naruto

"So Naruto why don't you take Shisui around the village" I say

"Sure, cmon shisui" Naruto said taking a hold of shisui's hand and helping him stand up

"Have fun" I say

"We will," he replies while holding shisui's hand and walking out.

"So what will you do next" asked Zabuza

"I'll Wait"


(1 year later)

"I want to go back to the village now, I've been here for a year" said shisui

"Fine, if you really want to so badly, I'll take you. You know what I'll even give you a little gift" I say as I put my hand where his are supposed to be "open them"

"What?" Says Shisui in shock as he opens his eyes and is able to see for the first time in a year "you have the ability to make me new eyes?" He asked me

"Yes, I didn't know how to control it before but now I do. You even have the ability to activate the mangekyo without the blindness and I increased some of its abilities. It should take a while to get used to" I say to him

"Thank you for all the hospitality and kindness you have shown me" he says to me while bowing

"It's nothing, helping good people like you makes me happy" I say with a smile

"Your younger than I thought" he says to me

"I get that a lot, now let's go then" I say as I use one of my new skills, portal creation. I visualize konoha and a portal opens to it

"You created a gateway from here all the way to the village? How powerful are you?" He asked me

"Pretty powerful, now let's go" I say as I walk through the portal and he follows me. We appear at the outskirts of the village, shisui is excited and enters the village surprised at how it looks empty

"Where is everyone?" He asked me

"I have no clue, but I can sense a lot of people in that direction. Let's go, don't forget to keep yourself hidden" i say as I walk toward where all the villagers were and he follows me. After a few minutes we are in a cemetery with everyone there in black. Many coffins are there and ready to be implemented into the ground

"A funeral? Was there some sort of attack? Why are there so many coffins?" Shisui asks, but his question is answered when the hokage says

"The death of the Uchiha clan is tragic event"

"Impossible! How can this happen?" Shisui says in shock and sadness "all of them? All my friends and family are all dead? How did this happen?" He says on his knees while crying

"Itachi Uchiha" i say

"What?" He says

"Itachi Uchiha massacred his entire clan only sparing his little brother, he then ran away becoming a missing-nin" I answer


"Danzo shimmer forced him too, he had to make a choice either his entire clan is killed or he kills his entire clan and let's ȧssume live" I say to him

"But why, why would a village elder want such a thing?" Asked shisui

"Two reasons, he has a hatred toward the Uchiha and he wants sharingans to implant inside himself to become stronger" I tell him

"Why didn't the hokage stop him" questioned shisui

"He could have, but that man is weak. He lets Danzo command him out of weakness, he talks about this will of fire but stands by as an entire clan of his village is killed. Do you truly believe that the hokage didn't know what was going on? You told me that you would never betray the leaf, but tell me where was the will of fire when Danzo attacked you? Where was the will of fire as your clan was blamed for the nine tails attack and ostracized? Where was the will of fire as many of your clansmen were killed by Danzo for the sharingan? Don't you see, this is a village of hypocrisy and traitors" I say to him

"I will get revenge" says shisui with his mangekyou activated

"You should, the best way to do that is by joining me. I strive for a world of peace and family, instead of this world full of death and greed. With your help I know I will achieve this goal, I will unite the world into one where everyone is helping each other rather than fighting each other, where children don't have to go to war at a young age, where parents can see their child grow up rather than die in a pointless war of greed. So that's why I ask you this now Shisui Uchiha, will you join me?" I say to him

"I will" he answer back while bowing to me

"Then welcome to Nox"

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