The Jade Emperor In Naruto

Chapter 16 - 8 Years Finale

(1 year ago)

"So guys, you have finally mastered 50x gravity, I'm very proud of you all. No more gravity training" I say to the team, this time Shisui is included

"FINALLY, THANK YOU KAMI" shouts Naruto to the sky and the others all agree with him

"Now we will spar every single day until exhaustion so get up and get ready" I say. They all groan as they are tired of this training "get up, Naruto vs Zabuza, Haku vs Karin, and Kimimaro vs Jugo. Shisui, you get the pŀėȧsurė of fighting me" I say to them. They all get up and get ready to fight their ȧssigned partner

"Are you ready for this Lord Hisui" says Shisui

"You come at me Shisui of the body flicker" I say and everyone starts fighting, Shisui dashes towards me with his tanto in hand. I've been waiting for a fight so I can test out the martial technique I've created. With mixing the fighting style of Hashirama, Madara, Guy, and the styles from anime that I can remember like History strongest disciple, Baki, and Kengan ashura, I've created a technique that surpasses even that of renewal taekwondo. It's called Kami no ken.

"I've been waiting to see how strong you are" says Shisui as he is in front of me ready to slash with his blade, I move to the side dodging the downward slash and do a high kick towards his side. He avoids it by flickering behind me, I duck at his attempt to hit my head, then I try to do a low kick to his legs which makes him jump and so I flip into the air and try to do a heel kick which he avoids by flickering away

"No wonder why you were called a teleporter, that flickering jutsu is very powerful in your hands" I say with a praise

"Thank you for the kind words, but I know your not serious yet" he says to me

"I'm not, try and doge this please or else you may die" I say as I jump into the air and ċȯċk my arm back "Kami no ken: Judgement day" I say as I start falling towards him. To shisui it looks as though the golden arm of god is coming towards him, a fist that can destroy everything in its presence, a fist with no equal. He gulps and activates his sharingan

"Susanoo" he says as a green rib cage surrounds him, arms and a head then sprouts from the rib cage which then tries and blocks the fist. When the fist makes contact the arms are able to defend for a little while until they fully crack and get destroyed, just as it is about to hit shisui it suddenly stops

"Sorry, sometimes forget my own strength" I say with a chuckle

"Yeah right, your a little monster you know" he says with a sigh

"I get that a lot," he says.

"Wow that was intense" says Naruto who was watching us

"Aren't you supposed to be fighting" I ask looking at him

"Yeah but I lost" he says with disappointment "but one day I shall be the strongest ninja dattebayo" his smile then comes back

"Yeah right" says Zabuza

"DON'T DOWNPLAY MY DREAM, I DEMAND A REMATCH" he say while dashing toward Zabuza ready to fight him again

"Oh so you want another beating huh brat?" Says Zabuza while drawing his blade and dashing toward naruto

"Those two huh?" I say while looking at shisui

"Indeed" he says while a chuckle


(Present day)

"Lord Hisui a message has been sent form the leaf village" said a messenger a bowing messenger, in my throne room

"What does it say?" I ask sitting on my throne with my head on my hand

"We are asked to participate in the chunin exam this year, we are allowed to bring one team" he says

"Oh really? Tell them I accept" I say with a smile 'so we're acknowledged as a great village huh? Well considering how strong my ninjas are and our success rate of missions, it's not a surprise'

"As you wish" he replies while walking away to send them a letter accepting. Using my telepathy I send a message to everyone "meet me in the throne room" and they appear a minute later

"What is it Hisui-sama" asks kimimaro

"Well We have been invited to the Chunin exams, even though you all have surpassed that level years ago, I want 3 of you to be a team during it" i say

"I'll do it" says Karin always ready to help

"Count me in" says Naruto looking to explore

"Sure why not" says Haku with excitement

"Excellent, Kimimaro and Zabuza shall be my guards then" I say

"Being your shield is an honor Hisui-sama" says Kimimaro

"Sure" says Zabuza in his dark voice

"Shisui I also want you to come but become a shadow" I say to him

"As you wish Lord Hisui" he says

"How about me" asks Jugo

"I need someone to protect the village when we're gone, if someone tries to attack Don't hesitate to kill" i say

"My pŀėȧsurė" he says in a dark twisted smile

"That's perfect, we leave in a month" I say


"Kimimaro is everyone ready?" I ask while sitting in my throne

"Yes Hisui-Sama" he responds

"Perfect, then Let's go to Konoha" I say with a smile

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