The Jade Emperor In Naruto

Chapter 17 - Call me ‘The Jade Emperor’

"Yeah let's go dattebayo" said Naruto Inside the throne room with his yellow spiky hair, three whiskers marks on his face, and a forehead protector with the Ω symbol. Wearing a black jacket with blue on the sides and sleeves, and Ω on each shoulder, with the Uzamaki crest on his back, and black pants, with Kuni a pouch on it. (imagine his outfit in Shippūden, but the orange is black and the black is blue).

"Being your shield is an honor of mine." said Kimimaro with flowing white hair reaching his back, he had two dots on his forehead, hanging from his neck was the forehead protector. He was wearing a blue kimono with a golden Ω on the back, underneath he was shirtless and only had pants.

"Let's go already" Zabuza said in his blue pants with a Ω on each knee, he had a strap for his sword on his ċhėst and had a slanted forehead protector on his head.

"I'm excited." Haku said, wearing an outfit similar to Kimimaro, a blue kimono with a Ω in its back, with a black shirt and baggy black pants underneath, he had his forehead protector on his head.

"I'm also excited to go" Karin told us with her short red hair and eyes with glasses, she was wearing black shorts and a blue top with a Ω on the left shoulder, she also had the Uzamaki crest on the back. She was wearing her forehead protector on her head.

"I shall be in the shadows" spoke shisui wearing an all black outfit consisting of shorts and a shirt with a Ω on the right shoulder and the Uchiha crest on the back. He also wore his forehead protector on his head.

"Then let's go, Jugo keep the village safe while we're gone" I said while opening a portal to the outside of konoha

"My pŀėȧsurė" he said with a twisted smile, with unkempt orange hair and a forehead protector on his head, he wore a blue kimono and had baggy black pants.

"Then it's time for the chunin exams everyone" I say while walking through the portal, everyone followed me through and we were all outside konoha

"Wow I haven't been back here in a while" Naruto said

"Me too" replied shisui

"Well let's just go in" Zabuza mumbled

"Indeed" I say walking to the gates. A guard was there an asked for the invited or the exams and I showed it to him, walking inside Konoha everyone looked around

"Not as pretty as our village" said Karin somewhat disappointed with the village

"Not what I was expecting from the so-called strongest village" Kimimaro told us. I told everyone where me and naruto came from which made everyone dislike konoha.

"Well Naruto, Haku, and Karin you guys go have 3 hours until you have to go and register so go explore if you want, just don't bring unnecessary attention to yourself. Kimimaro, Zabuza we're going to go see an old face, shisui stay in the shadows" I commanded

"Yes, let's go guys" said Naruto while grabbing the hands of haku and Karin and running off.

"Where are we going Hisui-sama?" Asked Kimimaro while following me behind me

"To meet the old and wise third hokage" I hummed with a smirk

"I thought you hated him, oh wait your being sarcastic aren't you?" Zabuza asked

"Bingo" I answer

"Why do you want to meet him?" Zabuza asked me

"I just want to give him a little warning and put him in his place" I say with a bright smile, after all I've been waiting years to do this

"If you say so" replied Zabuza



(Flashback 8 years ago)

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN NARUTO HAS DISAPPEARED?" Shouted Hiruzen to a random Anbu, he then went on his crystal ball but no matter where he looked Naruto wasn't there "CALL DANZO HERE NOW" he continued to shout

"Hiruzen what is it?" Said Danzo with no respect toward the hokage, he was full of bandages, on on his arm and one covering his left eye

"Danzo I'm going to ask you calmly, where is Naruto?" He asked radiating anger

"What do you mean? Hiruzen don't tell me you have lost the jinchuriki, you must find that boy this instant" responded Danzō in a commanding tone

"So your saying, you don't know where he is? How about that boy you sent?" Hiruzen asked again

"What boy? Stop with this nonsense" he answered getting angry


"The boy with chakra reserves less than that of a baby? Why the hell would I know that boy? Are you accusing me of kidnapping the jinchuriki?" Asked Danzo angry at Hiruzen

"Who else could it be? How could that boy know so much? Unless, no it couldn't be him, Orochimaru" said Hiruzen with killing intent

"I'll send root looking for the boy, obviously keeping him under your care was a mistake as I knew it would be" Danzo said as he walked out of the office. Hiruzen sat down with a massive headache

'Minato, Kushina I failed you' he thought to himself "Cat, go out and report that the locating of Naruto Uzamaki is an SS class mission" he declared

(Flashback end)


"Hokage-sama, The leader of the land of Nox would like to meet you" said a secretary as she walked in Hiruzen's office

"Send him in" he told her. He sat up straight prepared to show respect to a fellow leader. Three men entered, one was a man wearing a bandage on his face like a mask, while the other had long white hair. But when he saw the face of the sixteen year old boy in the middle he was shocked

"Well hello there Hiruzen, did you miss me" I said with a smile. His face then goes from shocked to anger

"It's you, Hisui Tenno, did Orochimaru send you?" He asked filled with hate

"That weak little snake? No. I came here because my village was invited to participate in the chunin exams, and I just wanted to say hi" I reply back

"What have you done with Naruto" he said trying to stay calm

"Well conquering a country at the age of seven is no easy feat, I needed allies and I saw how this village treated Naruto and so I took him with me and raised him as my little brother" I answer calmly

"YOU BETTER BRING HIM BACK OR-" he didn't get to finish his sentence when a bone spear was suddenly on his neck

"Who allowed you to speak that way to Hisui-sama?" Asked Kimimaro with anger in his tone. Hiruzen was ready to fight, so he jumped back and removed his hokage attire, donning his all black battle outfit

"If it's a fight you want then it's a fight you'll get" he says

"I'm not looking for a fight, I just came to tell you That Naruto is here" I say to him. He looks at me with shock

"He's here? I must meet him" he says with excitement

"No you don't, I came here to warn you, you better not try to take Naruto back or interfere with my village during the exams, or I swear to you that the village you Hokages worked so hard to protect shall vanish" I say while unleashing my aura on him. It shocks him on how I can be so strong, seeing that a fight would lead to the destruction of Konoha he agrees

"Damn you Hisui, Damn you" Says Hiruzen as he settles down

"I prefer the term 'King of Nox' or if you really want, call me 'The jade emperor' " I say with a smile as I walk out

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