"Fuck, why the fuċk do I have to be in naruto, I love the show but if your not a Uchiha or have a tailed beast as your best friend, then you ain't shit" I follow who I guess are the matrons because obviously I was just at an orphanage. I can see ninjas going around helping people stuck under rubble and taking the injured to get helped

As I was running a building suddenly collapsed in front of me separating me and the other orphans. "Dammit, this day is really getting worse and worse" I say. I managed to get around it but the others are no where in sight. So I just start running to a random place the farther from the nine tails the better. As I run I see a black haired boy around the age of 6 carrying a baby. As he is running I can see that a gigantic piece of rubble is going to fall on him.

"WATCH OUT" I yell, but it seems like the boy won't make it. I can't do anything IF ONLY THAT ROCK CAN JUST STOP I hope reaching my hand out, and just like that the rock stop in midair. The boy looks at me curiously then hastily moves out of the rubble's trajectory.

It felt weird, like it was instinct, it was as if I could control some invisible force that was able to control that rock. After I see the boy move out from the rock's trajectory I willed the force to make the rock drop and it did

"Woah" I was mind blown, but I felt like that wasn't even a fraction of my power.

The boy came up to me an said " did you do that? If so thank you for saving me and my baby brother's life. I'm Itachi Uchiha who are you?"

I was shocked, this is THE Itachi Uchiha, wow then that baby must be Sasuke. When asked about my name I felt something telling me to say "Hisui Tenno, my name is Hisui Tenno but you could just call me Hisui"

"Well Hisui your also going to the academy my right? Let's go together" said Itachi with a kind smile.

"Ok, I was kinda lost so going with you is my best option" I said with a similar smile and we started running towards the academy. While running I notice that I'm not tired and that I can go really fast but I held back because Itachi is my guide

"By the way, how did you stop that rock in midair, Was it some sort of jutsu? asked Itachi with a curious expression

"I don't really know, I just wanted it to stop and it did" I answered, even though I could have lied there wasn't really a believable excuse, besides it's not like Itachi is Danzo or Hiruzen. I hate those two especially Danzo

"Are you ok? you seem mad at something?" Asked Itachi. Itachi isn't an idiot, if I were to say nothing is bothering me he would be able to see through that

"I can't stand to see the village destroyed, that monster will pay for what it did" I said, it was believable also Itachi didn't question it and agreed with me.

After a while we reached the academy and entered, me and Itachi split because he had to go to the section where his clan was. "Bye Hisui, thank you for saving me and Sasuke" said Itachi as he walked away towards the other Uchiha. I looked around and found the other Orphan kids and joined them

"Hisui where have you been?" Asked one of the matrons with worry mixed with anger

"Sorry I got a building collapsed in front of me which separated us, and when I finally went around it I got lost and an Uchiha guided me here" I explained to the matron.

"Well next time make sure to stick with someone as you won't know if another Uchiha will come to the rescue, now go join the others" said the matron

I joined the other orphans but I didn't talk to them because they are practically still babies and will talk about nonsensical things. Itachi was a genius so talking to him was fine.

We stayed in the orphanage until The Third hokage came in and announced "The Nine tails beast has been defeated but at the cost of the Fourth and his wife's life, including their baby." People cheered at the defeat of the nine tails and cried at the loss of Minato and Kushina. I could care less as I knew what was going to happen and I was excited because this was the start of it all.

After a couple days we went back to the orphanage with a couple new kids, but the one the stands out the most was a newborn baby with blonde hair and three whiskers on each side of his face. This baby went by the name of Naruto Uzumaki.

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