The Jade Emperor In Naruto

Chapter 35 - Timeskip final part

It's been about a month since Naruto and Minato have left. In a training field were four people, the first three were the sand siblings Gaara, Temari, and Kankuro. "You guys want to be powerful ninjas right?" I ask

"Yes" They all answered

"Well first of all, you're awfully weak. But that's why I'm here, You three are going to do something called Gravity Training" I say

"What's Gravity Training?" Asked Kankuro. I smile at him knowing what's going to happen next

"It's something you'll learn to love, Gravity x40" and like that I began training the sand siblings, I wanted to see how strong they could become


"These are the sound four and this is my ȧssistant Kabuto" said Orochimaru as he introduced me to these five people

"You don't seem strong, why should I listen to you?" asked one of the sound four, she was a girl with untamed dark pink hair with a large bang in between her eyes and went by the name Tayuya. By the time she had finished her sentence she was already regretful, because right on her throat was a bone spear on the verge of killing her

"I will not tolerate such disrespect towards Hisui-sama, you're lucky that man needs you, or I would have slaughtered you the moment you uttered those words" Kimimaro stated with killing intent. Tayuya was filled with fear, she knew that she could be killed with ease, she gulped in nervousness

"I apologize" she said while looking at Hisui

"It's fine, but word of advice, don't get too ċȯċky in life" Hisui said. Kimimaro then backed off and returned to Hisui's side

"It's a pŀėȧsurė to meet you" said Kabuto, a tall slender with ash gray hair in a ponytail, and glasses

"I know who you are, and I can see through you. Your planning on not only double crossing Orochimaru, but me also. So let me tell you right now, you can't win" I said as I started releasing some of my pressure on Kabuto, I'd rather stop the problem before it grows. I don't want betrayers among me. He looked at me with fear on his eyes while Orochimaru looked surprise

"Don't go to hard on him, he knows what will happen if he attempts it. How is Sasuke's sage mode training going along" I ask

"Mentally he is prepared, but he is physically lacking. If he were to go through with it his chances of success are low" Orochimaru answered

"Is that so? Well just train him in whatever way you can, then send him my way. After I'm done he will be ready" I say walking away, Kimimaro follows behind. It's time for my own personal training, I don't train as much as the others as I'm naturally overpowered. But I don't want to get too ċȯċky, the original Jade emperor was a genuis but never made use of it, I'm not going to be like him. I go to my own personal training ground and I remove the robe of the sage leaving me shirtless in just a regular pair of shorts. "Are you going to stand there or are you joining?" I asked kimimaro

"I would but I can't handle your training, it's physically impossible. I'll just stick on practicing my bone style Taijutsu" he responded

"Your loss then, Gravity x500" I felt the pressure hit me, it's not super heavy but it's still hard for me to maneuver around. I get into a one handed handstand and started doing push-ups "let's see if I can beat yesterday's record of ten thousand" I say


(1 year later)

"Is that all you've got?" I say as I dodge Gaara's sand swords

"That's nothing" Gaara says as he commands the sand to become thousands of small needles that then surround me. He closes his hand and the needles fly towards me, in an attempt to turn me into a porcupine. Using repel all the needles get sent flying back

"That's why I got them" he responds. Suddenly ten puppets circle me, they open their mouths wide and chakra starts building up. When I tried to move I realized that sand had encased my feet, I could easily get rid of the sand but I wanted to see what would happen. The puppets seemed to have finished charging, I looked up and saw Temari ċȯċking her large fan back

"Chakra blaster" said Kankuro as he willed the chakra to release in the form of laser from each of the puppet's mouth

"Wind style: cyclone scythe jutsu" Temari says as she swung her fan my way.

'Impressive" I thought as the attacks were coming towards me

"Leg crusher" said Gaara as the sand started to rise and take my legs up until my waist, he closed his palm and the sand started to squeeze in an attempt to crush my legs. I didn't feel a thing though. The attacks then hit me causing a huge explosion, smoke covered the area where I was at

"Did we beat him" asked Kankuro exhausted from using so much chakra

"I doubt it" Gaara says

"Correct" I say as the smoke clears up and I stand there completely unscathed.

"Damn so even all that couldn't put a scratch on you" complained Temari

"Really?" asked Kankuro

"Yes, you guys are officially done with your training. I'm proud to see how strong you've become" I say

"Does that mean, I can achieve my dream of Kazekage?" asked Gaara

"You've long been a Kage worthy. So yes you can achieve your dream" I tell him

"Thank you so much Hisui-San" Gaara says with a bow

"Thank you Hisui-San" Kankuro and Temari repeat with a bow

"It's nothing, not only are we allies but I consider you guys true friends of Nox" I say with a smile.

"We won't ever forget" Gaara said

"You better not. Now let's go have some sort of celebration for your last night here" I say

"This will be fun" said Temari

"Indeed" replied Gaara


"Damn" said Zabuza. We have just found out that the Mizukage has been long dead and that he has been replaced by a woman named Mei Terumi

"Calm down Zabuza, I feel like this isn't the end of things" I say

"What do you mean?" He asked me

"There is someone behind all of this" I say

"Then I'll cut them down" he replies while clenching his sword

"Yes you will, I promise you that. But what's with the scarf?" I ask pointing at a long black scarf he was wearing, with words at the bottom

"If you say so" I didn't budge, but it probably involves Anko, it's obvious she loves him


(1 year later)

I've been training Sasuke for the past year, he should now be able to withstand the White Snake Sage's bite, which will inject natural energy in him

"Are you ready for this Sasuke?" I ask him

"Yes" he replies

"Reverse summoning jutsu" says Orochimaru as he hits the ground, Sasuke then vanishes from where he was. He was sent to Ryuchi Cave, to first meet the White Snake Sage he will have to undergo three trials, then he will be injected to see if he can handle nature energy "if he fails he dies" says Orochimaru

"He won't" I say


A cloud of smoke appears and when it clears out, you can see Sasuke standing there

"Took you long enough. So how was it?" I asked him to appear where he was. He stands still and closes his eyes for a couple seconds, he then opens them again, this time he has yellow, snake-like irides and blackened sclerae, as well as purple pigmentation around his eyes, with two small horns from his head

"It was nothing I couldn't handle" he says with a smirk

"I knew you could do it, now let's see how powerful you are this time" I say. He smirks at me as he grabbed his sword

"Don't underestimate me" he says as he dashed forward

"then don't disappoint" I say


As I'm sitting on my throne contemplating things, I feel massive amounts of chakra coming my way, but instead of being worried I just smiled. The doors open and in comes Naruto with fifty Uzumakis behind him

"Uzumaki retrieval mission, completed" he says with a smirk and a thumbs up

"I see that. Welcome Uzumaki clan, I am Hisui Tenno king of Nox and welcome to your new home" I say with my arms open, they all got on their knees in gratitude "raise your heads, you are a clan of the Nox village now" I say. And like that the village gained a powerful clan, a clan house was created and all the kids were sent to school, whoever already had knowledge of what they wanted to learn, were allowed to graduate early with the others.


"I'm bored, we should visit Konoha" I say as I sit on my throne.

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