The Jade Emperor In Naruto

Chapter 36 - Konoha visit

"I'm bored, we should visit Konoha" I said as I sat on my throne. It's been about a month since Naruto came back and all the Uzumakis have been integrated inside the village. A clan house was created and they became one of the great clans.


(One Month ago)

"So before you become a clan, you have to decide on a clan head." I said as I sat before 50 Uzumakis. They all looked around at each other, then slowly they all started looking at Naruto.

"What?" He asked

"You Naruto-sama." Said one of the older Uzumakis

"Me as clan head? I'm not really the leader of a clan type" Naruto answered

"Your the strongest out of all of us, and you know the most about seals, not to mention the fact you know this country and village like the back of your hand" said another Uzumaki

"Go for it Naruto, they all have faith in you" I said

"Well if you guys are so sure, then fine. I shall become the Uzumaki clan leader" Naruto declared while chuckling and scratching the back of his head

(end flashback)


"If that's what you wish then so be it" said Kimimaro

"Who else wants to go?" I asked

"I'm good" Karin responded

"I have things to do" said Haku

"I would go, but I have paperwork" said Naruto dejectedly

"You know you could leave a clone here right?" I said shaking my head.

"Oh yeah, this way I could avoid all that paperwork" said Naruto as he created a Shadow clone

"I'll go" said Zabuza

"Pass" said Shisui

"I missed out on going last time, so I'll go" said Jugo

"Anywhere you go, I shall follow you as your shield" said Kimimaro

"I haven't been here in so long, there is one place where I gotta go" said Naruto as he dashed towards wherever

"Someone is waiting for me" said Zabuza as he also walked away to wherever

"That just leaves us" I say looking at Jugo and Kimimaro

"Is this it" said Jugo as he looked around

"The hokage would like to see you" said an Anbu ninja that just appeared

"Already? Sure let's go to her" I answered


"Teuchi-san, I'm back" declared Naruto as he ran to the ramen shop

"Oi Naruto I haven't seen you in forever. Would you like the usual?" He asked

"One miso ramen coming right up" Teuchi declared. Naruto sat on one of the stools waiting for the one thing he has wanted these past two years. A few minutes later he received a bowl of piping hot ramen

"Thank you for this food" Naruto said, then he dug in, he finished the bowl in what seemed to be a blink of an eye. "Seconds please" he asked. While he was waiting someone else came inside the shop, it was a fair skinned girl with long black hair, and white eyes, when she saw Naruto she had a blush on her face. "Are you ok? Your face looks really red" he asked her

"Oh umm, I-I'm fine" she muttered

"Well if you say so. Hey I know you, your Hinata from the Chunin exams" he said

"Yes that's me" Hinata replies

"Wow you look so different, your really beautiful" he said with a smile. Hinata eyes widened in shock and she blushed so hard that she passed out

"Oi are you ok? Are you hungry?" Naruto asked as he flicked her on her forehead causing her to wake up, he helped her get up and said "you must be hungry, here I'll buy you some ramen"

"Ok" Hinata replied


"It's whatever" Zabuza responded

"So what do you think of the scarf?" She asked him

"It's fine" he replied

"Zabuza you always seem so cold" she complained as she grabbed his arm

"Because I find you annoying" Zabuza replies, but he still let Anko hug his arm

"I know you don't mean that, under all that ice is a heart of gold" Anko said

"Your such a pain" said Zabuza as he pulled out a rose "now take this and leave me alone" he said

"For me? Oh Zabuza I knew you were actually sweet" she said as she took the rose

"Whatever" he said

"Tsunade-sama, The King of Nox is here" said fair-skinned woman of average height and slender build with onyx eyes and jet-black hair

"Let then come in, Shizune" Tsunade, a blonde haired woman with a diamond like mark on her forehead. Hisui, Kimimaro, and Jugo then walked in

"It's a pŀėȧsurė to meet you Tsunade Senju, one of the three sanins and the current Hokage" I said with a little bow

"Stop with the pleasantries. What is your business in Konoha?" She asked

"Well I wanted to check out how the village is holding up since Hiruzen's death. Me and him were great friends" I say

"He never spoke of you, and you have joined forces with Orochimaru. So why should I believe you?" She asked

"Joined forces? It's more like he joined me, I promise you that he won't be doing any more evil experiments, he knows what will happen if he does" I respond. Tsunade looks at me like she is trying to pierce through my soul and discover all my secrets

"Who truly are you Hisui Tenno?" she asked while looking at me

"The Jade emperor" I respond, but she doesn't know what that means. Suddenly someone rushes inside the office and seems to be out of breath

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