The Jade Emperor In Naruto

Chapter 37 - The capture of the Kazekage

"Sasori, Deidara it's time for your mission" said a shadowy figure with unique purple eyes


Inside an office sat a man with fair skin, green eyes, and short spiky auburn hair, this was Gaara the fifth Kazekage. As Gaara was doing paperwork he suddenly heard explosions and he looked outside to see a weird looking bird he had never seen before. He immediately zooms out the office to Confront whoever is in control. Then someone jumped down from the bird, it was a man with long golden blond hair which was drawn into a half ponytail with the rest hanging down freely, he wore a large black cloak with red clouds. "that's as far as you go" said Gaara as sand started surrounding him

"Huh" muttered Deidara. He jumps up and lands on the bird, Gaara sends his sand after him prompting a chase between the village, Gaara leads Deidara above the village, controlling his sand he uses it to fly after him, now he was hovering in front of Deidara

"How did you know I was the intruder?" Asked Deidara

"There are no birds like that in this land" Gaara answered

"The covert action is a failure" stated Deidara. Gaara raises his hand and the sand of Sunagakure goes under his control, he raises it and it forms into a hand "he has the advantage as expected, this is a real mess" Deidara says with a nervous smile, he opens his palm to reveal a mouth chewing something, it then spits out little birds that fly to the giant sand hand and explode, but it does no damage

'He uses strange explosives and is able to guide them' thought Gaara

"I've pretty much got it now" thought Deidara as he was flying around. He opened his palm to reveal little birds, but this time they look completely different "this time they are fast" he states, the birds zoom toward Gaara who tries to deflect them with his sand, seeing how they are about to detonate he surrounds himself with sand making a sphere

"GAARA" shouts Kankuro who spectated with horror. When the smoke cleared up it was shown that Gaara was fine inside the sand sphere

'It's like an eggshell protecting what's inside, but it's impressive he was able to block the explosions completely' thought Deidara

"It's time for me to get serious" stated Gaara as all the sand from the sphere changed and became a multitude of swords and sharp weapons. He willed them to go after Deidara, he tried to run and dodge them but it seemed to be impossible with the amount of sand weapons created. The bird was first hit causing him to crash to the ground

"Damn" said Deidara. He sent more explosive birds but they were quickly cut down. Sand then starts covering his arm, Gaara then closes his palm and the sand squeezes, crushing and completely destroying Deidara's left arm. "I'm tired of seeing your expressionless face" Deidara said as he jumped up, and took out a bird like statue, he threw it up and activated the bomb. It immediately grew to enormous proportions, and it started falling toward sunagakure. Gaara looked with wide eyes as the statue was falling "it has c3 chakra, my most powerful chakra built inside. Its an exquisite piece of art with power I'm really proud of" Stated the man

"That looks bad, everybody get back" said Baki as he saw what was going on

"It's too late" said Deidara. The statue-like bomb then detonated creating a large explosion and a blinding light. When everything was clear, everyone stood shook, the area where the bomb detonated was covered with a large sand shield.

"It's time to end this" said Gaara as he willed a multitude of sand to go after the man, suddenly he heard the shriek of a child. When he turned his attention toward the sound he saw one of the man's spider bomb on the head of a little girl, a ninja appeared beside her and quickly grabbed the spider

"Perfect" said the Deidara with a smirk, as many of his bird bombs flew to Gaara and detonated point blank range, injuring him

"GAARA" shouted Kankuro. Gaara's body started to fall and he began losing consciousness, but before he did he willed all the sand he used in the battle away from Suna so it won't fall on the villagers. He sent Kankuro a look that meant one thing 'Protect the village'.

Deidara caught Gaara on one of his birds, he jumped up and landed on it. "Mission cleared" he says with a smile as he started to fly away

"Tell all units to cease fire, they might hit lord Gaara" said a ninja

"Yes sir, HOLD YOUR FIRE, ALL UNITS CEASE FIRE" exclaimed the ninja

"I've kept my man Sasori waiting long enough" said Deidara as he flew to the outskirts of the village

"Dammit, Gaara" said Kankuro as he clenched his fist

"I'll get back up" said Baki

"What?" Said Bak

"I said no. We aren't enough to stop them. Gaara has left me in charge, and I know the first thing he would say. Send a word to our allies" Kankuro says with a smirk 'let's see how the Akatsuki can handle them' Kankuro thought as he pictured the eight strongest ninjas he has ever met


"Sasori my man, aren't you excited? I wonder who it is" said Deidara. Their leader Pain had told them to defeat a pursuing team "with a flash of my exquisite art I shall kill them all" stated Deidara

"Long lasting and eternal, that is true art" said Sasori

"If that is your definition of art, then I pity you" said the voice of a man

"Who's there" asked Deidara as he had his guard up

"You've been waiting for us haven't you? We go by many names" said the voice. Then eight people appeared right in front of Deidara and Sasori. They were both shocked and nervous by the people that stood before them. They each have at least one blue article of clothing, and on that was one of the most mysterious and feared symbols in the world. "We are nox" Hisui stated, with a smile on his face

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