The Jade Emperor In Naruto

Chapter 38 - First One down

"We are Nox" said Hisui with a smile on his face. I stood in the middle, with long red hair reaching till the end of my back. I was wearing my usual robe of the sage.

"So your the ones who captured Gaara" said Naruto on my right

"So you're the Akatsuki? I would want you to leave Itachi a message, but you won't leave this place alive" said Sasuke on my left, he was wearing what he wore in Shippuden but instead of purple it was blue, he had the Ω on his back

"Weak, I shall feed my blade their blood" said Zabuza

"You don't even need to waste your time on them Hisui-sama, let me handle them" said Kimimaro, he was wearing a blue and white kimono with a Ω on the back, he wore black pants and his hair was worn in a long ponytail

"I haven't had a proper fight in so long" said Karin as she palmed her fist, she wore black leggings with blue shorts, she wore a blue tank top with nox symbol on the back

"You've hurt one of our friends, so for that we must destroy you" said Haku as he wore his mask

"It's time to end this" said Shisui with his sharingan active, his spiky hair had grown longer, he wore a blue cloak with the nox symbol on the back, and black pants

"Let me rip them to shreds" said Jugo, his hair had grown longer, he wore a blue sleeveless cloak with the nox symbol on the back, he had black pants and chains all over his arms

"Wait, this seems a bit unfair. How about one of you go after them" I say seeing how terrified Deidara and Sasori were

"Only one of you? Now your just underestimating us" said Deidara

"I'll turn you into my puppets" said Sasori. We all just stood still with a deadpan expression

"Was that supposed to be intimidating?" Asked Karin

"I think so" answered Sasuke

'Oh, well then I'm so scared" said Karin sarcastically . That puts a smile to my face

"That's pretty funny" I say

"Damn you, DON'T UNDERESTIMATE US" shouted Deidara as he sent a one of his explosive birds towards us

"You dare?" Ask Kimimaro as he dashed forward and destroyed the bird before it can explode

'How is that possible?' Wondered Deidara

"Let me handle them both Hisui-sama" asked Kimimaro

"Go for it" I answered

"I bet you he finishes the fight in more than a minute" says Naruto to Zabuza

"Doubt it, he can finish this in a few seconds if he dėsɨrės" Zabuza replied

"Sure, if I win you gotta get me ramen for a month, if I lose I'll do anything of your choice" Naruto answered

"Deal" said Zabuza. Kimimaro then dashes towards Deidara

"Too slow" he says. He points a finger at Deidara and a rotating finger bone comes out and shoots at an insane speed, Deidara bȧrėly managed to dodge the finger bone coming for his head, it managed to scratch his cheek

"Don't forget about me" said Sasori as he jumped forward using the metal tail of the puppet he's inside of to attack Kimimaro. Kimimaro easily dodged the attack and said

"I'll handle you later" as he kicked Sasori away, destroying the puppet. He then dashed toward Deidara

"Take this" said Deidara as he sent two of his fastest birds, Kimimaro this time did not dodge and took on the full brunt of the explosions "how do you like that bastard? Not so strong now" said Deidara in a mocking tone

"Those explosions weren't so bad, if I hadn't created a membrane of bone under my skin, that may have done some damage" said Kimimato as he walked out of the smoke, this time the upper part of his kimono was down leaving his upper body open

'Damn, being In such a closed space leaves me at a disadvantage. I need to somehow lead him outside' thought Deidara

"Dance of the willows" said Kimimaro, two large bone spikes came out of the palm of his hands. He dashed toward Deidara and swung one of the bones toward Deidara's head, he managed to dodge the attack and leave a clay spider on Kimimaro before moving back.

"Handle this" said Deidara as he was about to detonate the bomb

"This belongs to you" says Kimimaro as he grabs the spider and throws at Deidara as he detonates it. It explodes leaving Deidara injured

"You fool" said Sasori as he realized what was about to happen. Deidara quickly takes off his cloak and shirt, revealing a stitched up mouth on his ċhėst. After quickly undoing the stitches he feeds the mouth a large ball of clay

"You're all going down with me, I'm sorry Sasori my man but you should be honored, you shall all be a part of the largest explosion the world has ever seen, leaving a scar on the earth itself. This IS TRUE ART" he laughs as veins start spreading all around his body "I can feel it spreading" he says

"It's time to end this" said Kimimato with a serious expression "die". He dashed toward Deidara and before he could even comprehend what was going on, Deidara saw his own body, but it was headless

'How?' Deidara wondered right before he saw darkness. His body then fell down and the veins stopped spreading.

'Damn it Deidara you fool' thought Sasori with worry, he realized he probably won't survive

"You took too long, why didn't you just finish it quickly?" Asked Zabuza

"I wanted to see if he had any trump cards, and it seemed he did" Kimimaro answered

"You owe me" Naruto said to Zabuza

"Damn you" Zabuza replied

"If I'm going to die, I'm dying at least taking one of you down" Sasori stated

"Then come at me, Kimimaro you won't mind if I take your opponent right?" Jugo asked

"Just don't do it next time" Kimimaro replied

"Perfect thanks" said Jugo with a smile as he palmed his fist. "Introduce yourself before we fight, that's how a true man fights" said Jugo

"Of course. I'm Sasori of the red sand, and you are?" Sasori answered, he left the puppet his was inside of revealing his true self. He had short, mousy red hair, and wide grayish brown eyes, and he looked much younger than he is supposed to be

"Hello Sasori of the red sand, I'm Jugo of the scales, but I usually go by Nox's Berserker if you look me up in the bingo book" Jugo replied as he skin started changing colors "now let's fight"


(Side conversations)

"Why do you guys always make bets?" Asked Karin

"Not you too" Karin says as she looks at Haku

"This seems interesting, I'm in" Sasuke said

"Same" said Shisui


"I'm curious about that too. Let me join in on it though" I said

"If Hisui-sama is doing it, then I shall do it also as his loyal shield" Kimimaro vowed

"Your all hopeless" Karin says as she facepalmed

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