"...That's the way it is."

On the Monyach, Ye Sheng's slightly weak voice echoed in the cabin.

"The "snake" I released accidentally entered the Dragon King's battlefield and was completely wiped out immediately. As a result, my spirit was severely damaged, so I was unable to contact the ship for a long time."

After taking a breath for a while, Ye Sheng's voice sounded again.

"Taking into account the duration of [Kuo Sui] and oxygen bottles, we estimate that we can sustain it for another hour. In half an hour, I will send a second communication. I hope to receive support at that time."

"How are things going with you and Selma?"

Putting his hands on the table, Mance forced himself to stay calm.

"Will the battlefield over there affect you? Also, are you injured or have you been discovered by the other party?"

"……should not."

After a short silence, Ye Sheng answered.

"Our side is some distance away from the battlefield. Although the noise from the battle was transmitted here, it did not cause much impact."

"What's the situation with you guys?"


Looking back, Ye Sheng looked at Thelma who was setting up the barbecue grill with some speechlessness.

His current physical condition is still very weak, and there is no other place to go, so he stays here temporarily.

The backpack full of snacks I picked up before is quite waterproof. The charcoal and ingredients inside are sealed and stored separately, and flint and steel are all available.

Then based on the principle that if it is not used, it is a waste, plus I have eaten it before and there is no psychological burden... so it became like this.

"Senior brother, don't worry, it will only take ten minutes at most."

Seemingly noticing his gaze, Selma turned around and gave him an OK gesture full of energy.

"When I was at home, I would often barbecue skewers on the lawn. Now I have returned to my old profession."

Ye Sheng: "......"

...He always felt like something was wrong.


Late night, Cassel College, Norton Hall.

Although it was already very late, Lu Mingfei was not asleep yet.

Lying on the bed with his head on his hands, he opened his eyes and looked at the ceiling above his head, not knowing what he was thinking.

Just when he was in a daze, a harsh buzzer suddenly sounded in the school, as if someone had dropped a nuclear bomb on the campus. He was so startled that he sat up from the bed with a jerk.

"Don't worry, this drama has come to an end."

Before Lu Mingfei could figure out what was going on, the next moment, a voice sounded from the window.

"Lu Mingze... Damn, why are you here again?"

When he saw that figure, Lu Mingfei's face suddenly turned pale.

You know, before the 3E exam, he was fully expecting what kind of word spirit he could awaken. Not to mention he was more handsome than his senior brother Jun Yan, but at least it couldn't be too different, right?

…But what’s the result?

When he was full of expectations and nervousness, the guy in front of him suddenly appeared from his dream and told him a cruel fact.

He has no speech spirit, and this test will not awaken his bloodline.

...Want to speak the spirit? Want to awaken your bloodline?

Okay, make a deal with me.

1/4 of life in exchange for a word spirit is a good deal.

...Lu Mingfei admitted that he wanted to curse at that time.

"As a younger brother, naturally he came here specially to visit his elder brother."

Turning to look at him, the little devil showed a smile on his face.

"The environment of your room is nice. It would be a waste to live in it for you."

"Yes, yes, I wasted my head office, right? My wild boar can't eat fine chaff."

Lu Mingfei rolled his eyes.

"If you still want to come over and persuade me to trade with you, then please come back. I'm not so luxurious as to exchange 1/4 of myself for a super power."

"Really? But brother, are you really willing?"

Sitting sideways on the windowsill, Lu Mingze smiled at him.

"How can you stand by her side if you don't have enough strength? Or do you want to watch Chu Zihang take her away from you?"

"Bah, bah, bah, don't sow discord between brothers here."

Standing up from the bed, Lu Mingfei unceremoniously put his hands on his hips with a sneer on his face.

"If you came here late at night just to say these things, you'd better go to bed early. What Old Tang said is indeed true. My brother is indeed the most annoying creature in the world, bar none."

"Old Tang? You mean the ultimate disciple in your group?"

Lu Mingze raised his eyebrows.

"That guy doesn't mean what he says. In two-dimensional terms, he is a tsundere. I suggest you take screenshots of the messages he sends. It might work wonders in the future."

"Tsundere? Old Tang doesn't even know the word... Wait, Old Tang really has a younger brother?"

Suddenly reacting, Lu Mingfei was shocked.

"Just like my relationship with you, he actually has a younger brother who often comes to him in his dreams?"

"Of course, birds of a feather flock together, and people flock together. It is inevitable that you two, who are also lonely, will meet each other online."

Lu Mingze jumped off the window sill and smiled.

"But their situation is naturally not comparable to ours. Constantine doesn't have that ability. At most, the blood connection made Norton dream about those things. He is not far away from awakening."

"I'm talking about Old Tang, what Norton...what?"

Suddenly, Lu Mingfei was dumbfounded.

"Didn't you hear clearly? Norton and Constantine, the king of bronze and fire among the four kings, are twins on the throne."

Lu Mingze stretched out his little finger to pick out his ears, his face calm.

"Old Tang is Norton, but his memory has not yet awakened. Please cherish these last moments. After he awakens, the Old Tang you know may disappear completely."

"Wait a minute, tell me clearly what's going on!!"

At this moment, Lu Mingfei's expression completely changed.

"Don't worry, you will know it soon. I already said at the beginning that this drama has reached the final stage, and I am here to be responsible for the ending."

Walking to the door, Lu Mingze shrugged slightly.

"I'll give you a temporary cheat code, Black Sheep Wall. Now you can use it. As long as you shout this sentence into the air, you will get a detailed map of the surrounding environment."

"The map is fully open? Why do I need this?"

Seeing Lu Mingze who suddenly became talkative in front of him, Lu Mingfei looked confused.

"Don't worry, you will use it. I specially prepared this for you. As the only S-class, you must have some skills in the school, right?"

Turning to look at him, Lu Mingze bowed slightly towards him.

"It's already very late, so I won't bother you. I look forward to the day when your brother will ascend the throne and become king."

After saying this, without waiting for his reply, Lu Mingze opened the door and walked out, leaving Lu Mingfei alone in the room, confused.

"Becoming king? What kind of king? The old king next door?"

"What is Lao Wang next door?"

Chu Zihang opened the door.

"Uh... ahem, senior brother, I was talking in my sleep just now."

After coughing a few times in embarrassment, Lu Mingfei quickly changed the subject.

"By the way, what happened in school just now?"

"This alarm means that an emergency has occurred in the college. When the bell rings, all high-level students must gather over there in the library."

Chu Zihang's expression was concise and concise.

"I just received a notice from Noma. Not only me, but all of you outstanding freshmen who have just entered the school must also go. Those who don't go will have their points deducted. Please hurry up and leave. I will go up and inform you now..."

"No, no, I'll just go there."

Lu Mingfei quickly got out of bed and spoke quickly.

"Don't worry, it will be quick, three minutes at most!!"

"...Okay, I'll wait for you at the entrance of Norton Hall."

After a moment of silence, Chu Zihang nodded.

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

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