The journey of a heroine starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 232 Lu Mingfei found Hua Dian

Without delaying for too long, Lu Mingfei ran upstairs extremely quickly after putting on his shoes.

What made him slightly disappointed was that when he came upstairs, he found that Mu Qingzhi had already arrived in the corridor.

"Uh...I'm here to inform you..."

"I know, Norma sent us a message."

She picked up the phone and shook it towards him. The girl was very calm.

"Zero's current physical condition is not very good, so she is allowed to rest in the room. I have already asked for leave for her."

"What's up with her?"

Subconsciously looking at the closed door behind the girl, Lu Mingfei was slightly stunned.

"Ahem...come on, auntie, you have dysmenorrhea, don't spread the word."

While bending down to put on her shoes, the girl coughed lightly in her mouth.

"Let's go, let's go too."

"Uh...and Xia Mi too..."

"Oh, go and call her. She should be busy changing clothes now. I'm going downstairs first. Bye."

After waving to him, the girl floated away from him like a gust of wind.


With a feeling that he really didn't know how to express, Lu Mingfei came to Xia Mi's door, then reached out and knocked on the door.

"Okay, okay, I'm changing into my pajamas, right now!!"

Following the sound coming from the room, Xia Mi opened the door.

"Okay, let's go...uh, Lu Mingfei?"

As if he didn't expect that Lu Mingfei was waiting for him at the door, Xia Mi couldn't help but be slightly stunned.

"She has already gone downstairs first, so let me... wait, you wear a cheerleading uniform to sleep at night?"

Before he could finish his sentence, Lu Mingfei saw the cheerleading uniform that Xia Mi had thrown carelessly on the bed in the room, and he froze there.

"No? I just like to wear those as pajamas. I even sleep naked."

Pouting his lips, Xia Mi squeezed out of the door and closed the door quickly with quick eyes and hands.

"Okay, let's go now, or you'll get deducted credits if you're late."

Lu Mingfei: "..."

...It always feels weird.

" you have a younger brother?"

Before going down the stairwell, Lu Mingfei couldn't help the curiosity in his heart and asked.

"Brother? What brother? I only have one brother."

Turning to look at him, Xia Mi looked confused.

"Nothing, just asking."

Lu Mingfei reached out and scratched his head, then turned his head.

"Let's go."

...It's not that coincidental, it should be a coincidence.


Because there was a slight delay, when they arrived at the main control room of the library, it was already full of people.

Because they were recruiting students with A-level bloodlines and above, the number of students was not very large. The total number of students was only fourteen or five, including Nono, Caesar, Susie and others. Lan is among them.

——A-level bloodline is, after all, a minority.

In addition to these students, all the professors at the school are also gathered here. The total number is 27, which is almost twice the number of students.

The principal is not in the school, and the night watchman never leaves the attic, so the person who dominates here at the moment is Feng Schneider from the executive department, who is also Chu Zihang's mentor.

In the original plot, the other party was contaminated by dragon's blood due to the ice sea incident ten years ago and became neither human nor ghost, dragging his broken body to live in pain, but now, he is intact and rarely smiles on his cold face. , who is in charge of the execution department and has always been known for his iron-bloodedness.

Because of the aura he has accumulated for a long time, the main control room seems extremely quiet. The people who come here are all elite students who know what actions to make on any occasion.

Even Caesar was sitting quietly on the bench at this time, his body as straight as a monument.

After seeing Mu Qingzhi and the others walking into the main control room and nodding towards her, Schneider had a rare smile on his face.

Ten years ago in the ice sea, he had already witnessed the magic of the other party. Now, although he was confused as to why the other party had not grown at all in the past ten years, there was no doubt that with the arrival of the other party, he clearly felt himself relaxed. many.

——Some people, once they appear, will make you subconsciously realize that there is absolutely no problem.

"Schneider...did he laugh just now?"

In the corner of the room, Guderian and Manstein looked at each other.

As friends of each other for many years, they know better than anyone how inhumane the other is. In all these years, they have never seen each other smile.

They knew that student, and they had personally witnessed the magic of the Word Spirit [Sealing], which could release the Word Spirit under the Night Watchman's [Commandments]. There was no doubt about the other person's bloodline... But this could not explain Schneider's smile.

…Who is Schneider?

In the school, not to mention the principal, even the high-ranking school directors, he dared to rudely criticize them.

The most famous thing Schneider did was that one time when the Gattuso family director came to the college for an inspection, he rushed into the office and pointed at his nose and cursed...

Such a character would look down upon a student because of his bloodline? It's just nonsense.

While the two of them were puzzled, Schneider had already walked up to the front desk and put his hands on the desk.

"Without further ado, not long ago, two elites from our execution department fell into a dragon's lair. They obtained important information, but were trapped there. The oxygen is currently expected to last for another hour. You guys They are all elites, and I need you to find a way for them."

As he spoke, Schneider moved out of the way.

The next moment, the two sides of the teak bookshelf that was higher than the ceiling moved away, revealing a giant screen that was a hundred inches long. At the same time, the desktop in front of everyone automatically opened, and personal monitors were revealed from under the table.

As graphic and textual information appeared on the personal monitor one by one, Schneider's low voice sounded again.

"The destination they were exploring on this trip was the sleeping place of the legendary King of Bronze and Fire. However, shortly after they entered the Bronze City, a horrific battle began in the Bronze City, and the passage out was completely cut off. They were Trapped in the Bronze City... Five minutes ago, the fighting subsided, but they are still in danger."

"Dragon King Norton is awake?"

——A student below raised his hand to ask a question.

"I don't know, but it must be a battle between dragon kings. Even if the battle takes place 150 meters deep, the tremors from the Yangtze River can still be felt on the water."

Schneider shook his head.

"All graphic and text materials have been sent, please check it yourself, we only have one hour."

The so-called information is actually the dragon inscriptions and pictures of utensils that Ye Sheng and Selma took with their cameras in the Bronze City. They look quite messy.

Naturally, Lu Mingfei couldn't understand these things, so he just flipped through them casually... Then he saw a backpack that looked familiar, and there was even a picture and text introduction next to the photo.

Lu Mingfei: "..."

If he remembered correctly, the backpack Xia Mi lost a few months ago seemed to be of this style... Okay, sure, this is it.

After flipping through a few more photos, Lu Mingfei showed an expressionless expression.

In order to be rigorous, Ye Sheng and the others poured out all the snacks in their backpacks and sorted them one by one and took photos, so he easily recognized the source of those snacks.

——All the snacks in the backpack were bought by him while running errands.

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

There will be another update later and a third update tomorrow.

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