The large screen was dark, with bright stripes flashing across the screen.

There was silence in the main control room of the library.

The monitoring of the picture did not last long. After everyone saw the black figure that suddenly appeared and took out the sack, the monitoring was suddenly interrupted.

No one knew what happened after that. Only busy signals came one after another from the communication channel. Everyone's mood was between silence and confusion. A deathly silence surrounded the room.

Even if the sudden appearance of the black shadow directly killed the two elite commissioners, they would not be so silent. They would be more angry, but now, the only emotion left in each of them is confusion. .

This is like when they watch a horror movie. The protagonist in the movie finally escapes and rests for a while waiting for rescue. The main perspective of the picture shows a pair of malicious eyes exposed in the cabinet. The terrifying ghost has killed the protagonist and his group. Deadly locked, but the protagonist team is at a loss.

Then, just as the audience's emotions were aroused, the female ghost hiding in the closet took out a basketball and started to dance subject three... Their emotions at this time were just like those of the audience.


In the Dragon King's lair, a backpack of snacks and the like appeared, so forget it, but sacks and the like... Is the King of Bronze and Fire a little too down-to-earth?

Xia Chong was also silent for this. Silence was Cassel tonight.

Finally, after a few minutes, Professor Guderian spoke dryly to break the silence.

"Do you think it's possible that the black figure is the rescue worker sent by Mance? Because it was too weird to see Ye Sheng and the others barbecuing in the dragon's lair, so after being silent, they cautiously took out the sacks and planned to give them to Knock him out and take him away... or something like that?"

"Compared to this, I would rather believe that the snacks in that backpack were left by a certain Dragon King. For example, the Dragon King who sneaked into the Bronze City after Ye Sheng and the others this time. After seeing his snacks being stolen, After that, he became angry."

Turning his head and glancing at his old friend, Manstein looked towards Schneider.

"Have you contacted Mance? How is the situation of Ye Sheng and the others?"

"……no respond."

After staring at the screen in front of him for a while, Schneider answered.

"Wait patiently. The data has been sent before. If there is any news, Mance will contact me... How is it? How is the situation?"

Looking at the contact request coming from the Monyach on the screen, Schneider asked in a deep voice while choosing to receive the communication with quick eyes and hands.

"...We received Ye Sheng and Selma."

For some reason, Mance's tone seemed a little strange.

"They are in good condition, Ye Sheng's condition is a little bad, but Selma's condition is pretty good."

"Did they sneak up successfully? So fast?"

Listening to Mance's story, Schneider couldn't help but be a little stunned.

About ten minutes have passed since the surveillance was cut off. Let’s not talk about the strange black figure holding the sack. Even if they already have the correct path, how can the two elite commissioners leave the bronze in ten minutes? city, and dive back to the depth from 150 meters deep?

"...They fell from the sky."

After a brief silence, Mance answered.


"I know it's hard for you to believe this story, but actually, it's the truth."

Mance's tone remained calm.

"We were all gathered on the deck, and then suddenly there were rocks falling overhead, and when we looked up, two sacks were thrown out of the air... and we managed to catch them."

" the air?"

"Yeah, in the air."

Looking at the two people lying on the hospital bed in front of him who were being examined by the surrounding medical staff, Mance nodded.

"After inspection, both of them had marks on the backs of their heads where they had been hit by baseball bats. The attackers were very precise and did not cause much damage other than knocking them out and putting them in sacks. "

"...Have they woken up?"

"Unfortunately, no. It will probably take about half an hour to wake up from the coma."

Mance shrugged slightly.

It seems that because both Ye Sheng and Selma returned successfully and safely, his tone was obviously much more relaxed. Although there were too many weird things happening in this operation, this kind of It's better to leave the headache to others.

"Besides them, there was also a heavy iron box that fell from the sky. The principal is already on his way over. Everything is fine here. You don't have to worry too much... By the way, Lu Mingfei Is it over there?”

Suddenly, Mance asked.

", what's wrong?"

After scratching his head, Lu Mingfei stood up from the chair awkwardly under the gaze of everyone.

"I'm very happy to hear that you chose my class."

On the other end of the communication, Mance sounded quite good.

"Thank you very much for your map interpretation. After I return to the academy, I hope we can have a good chat. I will pay special attention to you in class later."

Lu Mingfei: "..."

As the screen dimmed and the communication was hung up, the atmosphere in the library returned to its previous state. He walked to the stage and clapped his hands. After bowing slightly to the students who got up in the middle of the night and rushed here, Schneider An order was given to the students to disperse.

The students can already take a break, but they, the professors, can't yet.

In this Kuimen project, too many weird and bizarre things happened. Norton, the King of Bronze and Fire, who woke up early, and the unknown Dragon King who sneaked into the Bronze City after Ye Sheng and the others. The final result of the battle between the Dragon Kings, The backpacks and snacks lost in Bronze City, Ye Sheng and Thelma were packed and thrown out of the unknown shadow of Bronze City...

——Tonight, these professors are destined to be unable to rest.

" don't have to be like this, right?"

Looking at Xia Mi, who was surrounded by low pressure and even his whole body faded into black and white, Mu Qingzhi felt dumbfounded.

Others don't know what's going on, but she understands it all too well.

This guy was always worried about the snacks in her lost backpack.

In addition to staying there to finish the work, Shutoku Mai and Zero also had the important task of helping each other find the backpack of snacks. The black figure shown in the previous surveillance screen was none other than Zero, who accepted Xia Mi's commission.

"...That's my monthly salary."

Xia Mi's tone was faint.

"Do you know how difficult it is for a poor family like mine to make money, especially when there is a prodigal brother at home?"

"Hmm... I don't know."

After thinking for a moment, Mu Qingzhi shook her head sincerely.

"To me, money is just a number and has no meaning."

Xia Mi: "......"

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

There will be two more updates later.

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