The outcome of the battle between Constantine and Fenrir was not beyond Mu Qingzhi's expectation.

Although he was one of the four kings, Constantine was born with flaws. Although Fenrir was simple-minded, his power was unparalleled. In addition, Constantine did not have the body of a dragon, so he naturally had no chance of winning.

So from the beginning, that fight was one-sided.

Although Constantine took advantage of the geographical advantage and activated the alchemy matrix of the Bronze City in an attempt to resist, the result was that it only lasted a few more minutes. Before the other party made a desperate attempt to detonate the entire Bronze City and kill them together, Fen Rieux was like a mountain on top... The scene behind it was so miserable that Mu Qingzhi couldn't bear to watch it.

Mu Qingzhi originally planned to go to the subway station with Xia Mi to conduct a friendly persuasion to Constantine, or maybe even give him the ultimate insult or something, but unfortunately this happened at the school, so he had to hurriedly hurried back.

As for Constantine...he was now left at the subway station with Fenrir.

Although there were some twists and turns in the process, the final result was still very good, and Mu Qingzhi expressed that he was very satisfied.

Just as Mu Qingzhi was thinking about how to have a friendly exchange with Constantine when she returned home, Caesar suddenly stopped her when she was leaving the library door.

"What, is something wrong?"

Turning to look at Caesar, Mu Qingzhi looked a little confused.

Compared with the embarrassment when slaying the dragon before, Caesar now has regained the elegance of a noble boy. His golden hair is vivid under the light, and his ice-blue eyes are as deep as the sea.

"There will be a freshman party at the student union tomorrow night, and the formal invitation will be sent to your dormitory tomorrow."

After glancing at Xia Mi, who was looking lifeless for some reason, Caesar spoke in a deep voice.

"Although I know it's impossible, I still want to get you to join the student union... I like to cooperate with excellent people."

"Do you care about the food?"

Xia Mi suddenly looked up.


Caesar didn't hear clearly.

"A party hosted by your master? There should be a lot of delicious food. I want to eat French foie gras and king..."

"It's nothing, don't listen to her nonsense."

Mu Qingzhi quickly covered Xia Mi's mouth and coughed in his mouth.

"Don't worry, we promise to be there on time tomorrow, bye!!"

Caesar: "......"


When Mu Qingzhi dragged Xia Mi back to the Norton Hall, Zero had already returned to the room.

"That's all that's left."

Lifting up a backpack, Zero handed it to Natsumi.

"There were a lot of skewers left, but the room was not suitable for cooking, so they were moved to the subway station together."


Sighing, Xia Mi took the backpack, which was almost half empty.

"Zhi and I plan to go to the subway station now. Do you want to go there with us?"

"No, I'll stay. The physical exertion is too serious."

Looking back at the room, Zero shook his head.

"Just take this time to tidy up the room."

She moved into this room late last night, and she had a lot of things to do after that, so her luggage wasn't packed at all.

Compared with last night, this room is now in a mess, and it is impossible to take a second look at it... She actually has a very serious mysophobia.

Coupled with half of the physical consumption of using any door, even if she has excellent blood, she is almost unable to walk at the moment.

The Random Door is easy to use, but it also consumes a lot of money. Her current situation is actually quite good, but like Jiude Mai and Su Enxi, they have simply died.


After thinking for a moment, Mu Qingzhi nodded.

"I haven't moved much of your luggage. Just pack the clothes in the closet. Your room will be ready at noon tomorrow at the latest. It's right next door, which is very convenient."


He glanced at the other side, and after a moment of silence, Zero nodded.

...She suddenly had a new idea.


BJ subway station.

Just like the situation in Bronze City, this side is also an independent Nibelung. When Mu Qingzhi and Xia Mi came here, Fenrir was lying in front of the computer and surfing the Internet intensively as usual.

Because he had just fought a fierce battle not long ago, his scales are now slightly charred, but he himself doesn't care about it. Although he is huge, his typing movements on the keyboard are extremely flexible. , a bottle of Coke with a straw in it was placed next to him, and the straw was sent directly to his mouth.

In fact, if possible, Xia Mi hopes that Fenrir can turn into a human body. This will not only be more convenient, but also reduce the cost of food and peripherals she pays for him... But the other party refuses to live or die.

Fenrir listened to her sister on many things, but on this matter, Fenrir refused to give in.

Because of Xia Mi's complaint, Mu Qingzhi secretly asked Fenrir about the reason for this matter, but Fenrir's slightly naive answer made her remain silent.

Only in the state of dragon body can the opponent's strength be brought into full play. Once he turns into a human body and a strong enemy attacks, he may not be able to protect his sister.

...a very simple reason.

"Sister, Sister Bai, you are here."

He keenly noticed their arrival and looked up at them. Fenrir's words were full of excitement.

"It's Sister Zhi, not Sister Bai."

While correcting Fenrir's mistakes, Mu Qingzhi looked around.

"By the way, where's Constantine? Why didn't I see anyone else?"

"Him? He's here."

Blinking his eyes, under Mu Qingzhi's twitching gaze, Fenrir stood up from the ground, revealing Constantine who was pressed down by his huge dragon body and rolled his eyes and foamed at the mouth. .

...It must also be attributed to the Dragon King's body being tough enough.

"As expected of Considine."

Xia Mi leaned a little weakly on the sofa nearby. Xia Mi couldn't get up due to the side effects of opening the door. She felt a little emotional... and then ate a bunch of skewers.

...I have to say, it tastes really good.

As Ling said before, all the skewers stalls that Ye Sheng and Selma had not finished eating were moved here. The charcoal fire was still sufficient, and there were still many cooked skewers on them.

In line with the principle of not being able to lose again after a loss, Xia Mi had no choice but to accept it with a tearful smile, and regarded it as tonight's supper.

...That was her salary for working for a whole month. It was her hard-earned money. She had to get some of it back, right?


Seeing Constantine in front of him who looked like he was breathing but not breathing, Mu Qingzhi suddenly felt that Old Tang might be looking for them to fight.

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

There will be another update later.

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