The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter 49 Goku vs. Billus (2)

"Boom!" "Boom~~~"

In an instant, the two had already fought several punches, and they all shot with anger!Monkey King opened up and closed, and his whole body was shining with this golden vindictiveness, like a golden war god, domineering side leaking, watching the square!

On the other hand, Birus was much more ordinary. He didn't have a grudge entanglement on his body, but he could always resist every fierce attack of Monkey King with his bare hands.

"Boom!" The two fisted once again, and the terrifying aftermath shook all directions and cracked the earth!

Monkey King flashed, and the golden figure appeared from time to time. He was teleporting Bairus to make a crazy attack.Birus deserves to be a god of destruction. Even if Monkey King transforms into a super 4 and attacks with teleportation, he can still take over the full-scale attack of Monkey King.The void is constantly roaring and deafening.The hard ground was broken down and dust was everywhere!

Transformed into Super Four, Monkey King is still somewhat inferior to Birus, but he uses teleportation to make up for this shortcoming. Whenever it is critical, he flashes elsewhere with teleportation, and goes crazy against Birus. Counterattack!For a time, it turned out that Birus felt a sense of helplessness!

"You bastard, flashing around like a monkey! It's damned! Go to death!" The inevitable punch hit the air again, and Birus finally let out an aggrieved roar, his hands opened, countless Energy bombs shot out from his body, blasting in all directions!

Sun Wukong's figure constantly flashed through the energy bombs, but the energy bombs were too dense to avoid them all!I saw the golden grudge surging from the whole body of Monkey King at this time, and an energy bullet that was shot at him with a palm!

"Give you a big gift! Take the move, Monkey King!" However, at this time, a larger energy bomb was launched from Birus's hand. The previous energy bombs were all designed to contain Monkey King, and this is a secret. The sky-shielding energy bomb is his ultimate move!

Sun Wukong's complexion changed involuntarily. The timing of Birus's attack was very clever. It was when Sun Wukong used teleportation to flash elsewhere, his attack just happened, just like Sun Wukong himself came to him with teleportation The same in the attack range!

With such a close-range attack, Monkey King obviously couldn't use teleportation to avoid it. In a crisis, he immediately stretched out his hands and shook the blow that represented Birus' anger!

The powerful Qigong bombs that cover the sky and the sun have forced Monkey King's figure backwards and backwards!Somewhat invincible!

"MD, this is really tricky than Ruth!" Sun Wukong cursed secretly, and roared up to the sky: "But, don't underestimate the Super Saiyan Four! Ah, ah~~~Turtle~Pie~ Qi~Gong~Bo!!!"


A burst of tortoise-style qigong, which was not much weaker than the qigong bombs issued by Birus, shot out from Monkey King's hands, and even slightly forced the qigong bombs of Birus away!

With a loud shout from Monkey King, the power of the qigong wave skyrocketed again, and the energy bounced back in an instant, shot out of the planet, and then exploded in an instant!The shocking energy aftermath instantly destroyed the surrounding planets!It is necessary that the planet where Sun Wukong is also shaken violently!

"Too... amazing! What kind of battle is this!" Klin and others looked at the scene inside through the virtual screen in front of them, and they were stunned!

"This Monkey King is really not easy! It's amazing to be able to shake Lord Birus with your own strength!" Weiss took a piece of cake in his hand, took a bite slowly, and glanced at the screen, his tone Plain way.

"Huhu~~~" After sending out such a powerful tortoise style qigong, Shun Wukong was already a little breathless!

"Why... Isn't it enough to attack like this?" Birus suddenly appeared behind Monkey King and threw a punch!"Suck!" Monkey King was surprised secretly, quickly turned around, folded his hands in front of him, blocked Birus's stern punch, but was directly blasted out by Birus' next kick!

"Boom~~" With a sound, an amazing pothole was smashed into the ground!

"Huh~" Monkey King snorted coldly, his figure rose up into the sky instantly, and he slammed at Birus!

"Hey!" Billus caught Sun Wukong's violent punch with one foot, and then blasted him toward the door!Monkey King ducked his head and leaned forward directly. There was a sneer at the corner of Birus's mouth. Monkey King just leaned his body over. Isn't he looking for a fight?That being the case, he won't be polite!A decisive punch, hitting Monkey King's abdomen!The powerful energy aftermath turned into substance and rippled around, and the black clouds in the sky were shaken away in an instant!

"Um~" Monkey King snorted softly, and a trace of blood hung on the corner of his mouth, but he smiled, and put his hands on Birus' chest!A terrifying wave of qigong shot out amidst the drastic changes in Birus' face!"Boom!" With a sound of a powerful qigong wave, Birus was blasted away in an instant, and then it exploded in the sky not far away!The whole planet is shaking violently!

Even at the place where the explosion was a few hundred meters above the ground, it still cracked the ground and changed the terrain for thousands of miles!

It turned out that Sun Wukong, who had the characteristics of being immortal, did not hesitate to take a punch from Birus, and took the opportunity to launch the strongest blow he had already easy to find!

"Wow khaka~~ I know that the boss is the most awesome! The god of destruction is all scum!" Seeing this situation, I laughed quite proudly!

"Have you won?" Klin and others also looked nervously at the center of the explosion!

Ben's calm face also flashed a hint of surprise in his eyes: "This Monkey King is really amazing! It can hurt Lord Birus! It seems that Lord Birus really met an opponent!"

The dust and smoke dispersed, revealing the slightly embarrassed figure of Birus.After enduring a wave of qigong sent out by Sun Wukong with all his strength, he was only slightly injured!

At this time, Birus' eyes were gloomy and terrifying, which showed that he was extremely angry: "Very good! Very good! I grew up! You are the second person to hurt me! I am really angry! I want to destroy everything about you!" An aura different from Monkey King and others erupted from Birus!That is not the breath that mortals can grasp, but the breath of God unique to him as the god of destruction!

The angry Birus finally got serious at this moment!He took out his true strength!

(After reading it! Remember that the monthly pass supports green pepper!)..

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