The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter 50 Goku vs. Billus (3)

"Finally serious? Come on!" Sun Wukong was not afraid, the golden grudge spewed a few meters high, on which thunder and lightning crackled Four Dances, and he also exploded with the strongest strength of Super Four!

Monkey King squeezed his hand into a fist, his whole body gushing with golden vindictive energy, and when he first reached the sun, he shot away like a round of golden sun, and hit Billus with a punch.

A look of surprise flashed in Birus' eyes, and he squeezed his hand into a fist, blasting towards Monkey King without showing any weakness!With a bang, the two shook a punch. In an instant, Wukong punched out, Birus punched out his feet, and his hands and feet collided, again erupting astonishing destruction!Even the atmosphere of the sky was shattered by the bombardment of the two!

Birus is worthy of being a god of destruction, and his full shot is really much better than the super four-turned Monkey King!With only a few dozen counter moves, Monkey King was blasted out by Birus!But Monkey King was not discouraged, Feishen attacked him again!

He has long understood that maybe he just turned into Super 4 is not Birus' opponent!It's rare to have such a good opponent, so he didn't rush to merge, but slowly tempered himself through Birus!Because there is a more powerful Weiss behind!He believes that with his immortal body and Saiyan blood, he will become stronger and stronger in this cruel battle, and he will defeat Birus with a super four state!

With a "bang!" The two banged together again, and Monkey King's figure was slightly shaken out a few steps away!Birus immediately stretched out his right hand, and a sharp beam of light shot out from his index finger, which instantly pierced Monkey's chest. The powerful force even his entire chest was blown into blood!

"With your strength, do you want to kill me? It's ridiculous!!" Billus stood in the sky with a slight smile on his face.

"Oops! Goku is injured!" Klin and the others looked at the virtual screen and were shocked.

"How is it possible, the boss will never lose!" Even now, the man and the military still believe that Monkey King will definitely win!They had already achieved blind worship of Monkey King!

"Is this the power of the God of Destruction? It's really strong!" Bick saw sweat on his forehead, with a look of shock on his face.

"Wow! Boss, look, the boss received such a bad wound, it was okay! Wow! He even beat Birus away with a punch!" Suddenly, the military commander pointed to the screen, excited. Shaking a very big body!Everyone stared at the screen with excitement on their faces!

Birus, who thought that the battle was over, was about to give Sun Wukong his final blow. That thought, even though Sun Wukong had a big hole in his chest, he was like a okay person. His figure flashed and punched Birus. Flew out!

Billus rose into the sky from the ruins, watching Monkey King's chest recover at a speed visible to the naked eye, his eyes widened, and he said with a surprised look: " you guys have this ability? Really careless! But next time you won’t be so lucky!” As he said, he punched Sun Wukong again!

"Do you think I will be afraid of you?" Monkey King yelled, his fighting spirit was overwhelming, his whole body was more vindictive, and the electric light was intertwined, like an undefeated God of War!Still rushed towards Birus!He completely gave up his defense, he only knew how to charge and attack blindly, even if he received several punches, I would also give you a punch. In such a desperate way of playing, Birus started to show off in many places!My body is gradually covered with scars

In less than half an hour, this place was still in ruins. A good planet was already on the verge of destruction!In the sky, thunderclouds rolled and lightning fell from time to time, hitting huge scorched pits on the ground!

"Boom!" With a sound of "Boom!" Monkey King punched out again, and Yu Birus' fists crashed!This time, he has completely lost the feeling of falling into the wind, but faintly has the upper hand!In the clashes and recovery from injuries, not only did he not show fatigue, but he became more and more courageous!The breath is improving at an astonishing speed!

At this moment, in this cruel battle, the blood of the Saiyan, who had been gradually buried by the immortal body, finally burst out with the light he deserved!Struggle in death, break through in battle!At this time, Monkey King looked like a true undefeated God of War!

At this time, his breath is powerful and amazing, and he has a kind of indomitable domineering, gods block and kill gods, and Buddhas block the killing of Buddhas!Every time you take a step, your breath rises by one point, and the earth shakes!

The reason why Monkey King used such a method to fight is that he is persecuting himself, wanting to fully stimulate the blood of Saiyan hidden in his body!Because he has known for a long time that Saiyans are a fighting nation. The more they fight, the more courageous they are. If they stand out from death, their strength will rise!But since having the immortal body, this feature doesn't work much anymore!So he has to use a cruel battle to persecute himself, to inspire his gradually hidden bloodline talent!

At this time, Monkey King felt that the blood in his body began to boil, and it seemed that an extremely huge power was gradually awakening in his blood!But it's always a little bit to get out of the shell!This feeling was uncomfortable, and the desire for warfare gradually awakened. It seemed that only in his fierce battle could he find the answer he wanted, so Monkey King's attack became even more violent and fierce!

In this desperate bombardment, Birus gradually fell into a disadvantage!Sun Wukong has an immortal body and is not afraid of injury, but he does not. If he wants to exchange injury for injury, it is obvious that he will suffer a big loss!In this battle, Birus became more and more aggrieved as he fought, and became more angry as he fought. Amidst the roar, a huge energy bomb condensed behind him at a rapid speed, covering half of the sky!

"Sun Wukong! Go to hell!" Billus roared and waved his hand, the huge energy bomb slowly pressed down towards him!

"No! Lord Billus is trying to destroy the entire universe?!" Weis, who has always been calm, is finally no longer calm at this moment!The energy ball sent by Birus at this time is enough to destroy the entire universe!

"No! do we pick up such a powerful qigong bomb? Are we all going to die here?" Klin and others were all shocked and their expressions changed greatly!

"Old... Boss! Such a big ball... Did the boss really catch it?" The military commander was also pale in shock at this time!

"I... I don't know..." At this time, it was quite big and hesitated.It's not that they don't have confidence in Monkey King, but the feeling of this energy ball is really terrifying!That is a power that represents destruction, he gave all creatures restlessness and despair!This is the true power that belongs to the god of destruction!..

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