The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter 6 The Same Forced Marriage

At this time, Lei Zhan's complexion was livid, his fists clenched, and a faint cyan martial energy gradually covered his body, and finally vaguely gathered into an illusory lion head on his face.This is exactly the Lei family's top technique: Mad Lion Fury!The level is intermediate to the mysterious rank!In this small city of Utan, it can be considered a good method.

Looking at the reflection of Lei Zhan, Ge Ye's face also became solemn, and his body was blocked in front of Nalan Yanran. Sharp sword spirit.This is the Yunlanzong's profound technique, the Green Wood Sword Art!Level: Mysterious rank is low!

Sun Wukong was not interested in this tense atmosphere. His eyes scanned the situation in the field. Although he hadn't seen the people here, he was already guessing that they were roughly in shape.

Ge Ye should be standing in front of that charming and beautiful girl, so the girl behind him is obviously Nalan Yanran.

And the middle-aged man facing Ge Ye was obviously the current patriarch of the Lei Clan, that is, Lei Yan's father, Lei Zhan.Sun Wukong scanned his gaze again, and finally found a beautiful girl who was as pure and refined as a green lotus in one corner. At this time, she was comforting a young man with a green complexion beside him.

Even if he had never seen it before, Sun Wukong recognized who this girl was at a glance. She could look so beautiful and refined, not like a girl who looks like a sparkling girl in the world. I am afraid there is only that Lei Xun'er, and the boy next to her , Obviously is the hero of this tragedy, Lei Yan.

In addition to Nalan Yanran and Lei Xun'er, there was also a young girl who caught Sun Wukong's attention.That was a girl who seemed to be only about fourteen years old. Although she was not stunning, her childish little face contained a touch of purity and charm. The contradictory combination of the two also made her The appearance has greatly improved a lot.And the girl who can look like this is probably only the more realistic Lei Mei.

With the eruption of Lei Zhan and Ge Ye's breath, the weaker teenagers in the hall turned white, and immediately their chests became a little stuffy.

Just as Lei Zhan’s breathing became more rapid, the three elders’ stern shouts sounded like thunder in the hall: "Thunder fight, don’t stop! Don’t forget that you are the patriarch of the Lei family. !"

(Ahem, the plot needs it, here are some dialogues and plots in the original, so I just copied a short paragraph, no wonder!)

Lei Zhan's body suddenly stiffened, his martial energy slowly converged, and finally disappeared completely.

Sit back on the chair, Lei Zhan looked at Nalan Yanran, who bowed his head indifferently, and said in a hoarse voice: "Nalan niece, so courageous, Nalan Su has your daughter, it’s really amazing. I'm jealous!"

Nalan Yanran's delicate body trembled slightly, and then said: "Uncle Lei..." She didn't want it, but as a woman, she also yearned for free love.I have never seen Lei Yan before, so how can I grow old with him?In the past, I had no ability to resist, so I could only accept it. Now that I have the ability, I am afraid that I will do this for any girl?Perhaps this is a great insult to the person involved, but for Nalan Yanran, it is related to her life's happiness and freedom.

"Hehe, just call me Chief Lei. I can't afford the title of Uncle. You are the future Sect Master of the Yunlan Sect, and you will also be a man of the Martial Spirit Continent. My family Yan'er is just a mediocre person, and indeed you are. Not worthy of you..." Lei Zhan said indifferently with a faint wave of his hand.

"Thank you, Patriarch Lei for your understanding." Hearing this, Ge Ye was overjoyed and smiled at Lei Zhan: "Patriarch Lei, Lord Sovereign knows that today's request is very impolite, so I asked him to bring something. Treat it as an apologize!"

With that said, Ge Ye reached out and wiped a ring on his finger, and a greenish ancient jade box appeared out of thin air in his hand...

Carefully opening the box, a strange fragrance filled the hall immediately, and everyone who smelled it was full of spirits.

The three elders stretched their heads curiously, looked inside the jade box, their bodies shook violently, and said in shock, "Gathering Qi and dispersing?"

"It's really a bunch of hillbillies. Is such a rubbish pill worth the fuss?" Monkey King was disdainful of the performance of the three elders!This kind of poor country and remote place is just so promising.

"Hey, it's gathering energy! Is it as unbearable as you said?" Well, now Su Mei, her vision is limited to this.

"Don't be so fussy, like a hillbilly who has never seen the world, you are following your brother anyway, and you can be regarded as a person with status and status. At that time, I will let you see what a real magical medicine is!" Monkey King patted Su Mei's fragrant shoulders, and said earnestly.Well, this guy made it clear that he was eating other people's tofu.

Su Mei glanced at Monkey King for a moment. With that other kind of charming style, Monkey King couldn’t help but sway: “Whoever is following you, I am only with you temporarily because of helplessness... Besides, we are all Some little people, how can they be compared with a strong like you!"

"What little guy, as long as you promise to be my wife, even if Emperor Wu sees you, he will have to become a grandson obedient!" Monkey King's words shocked everyone around him, and then They cast a look like him that you are an idiot.Not only others, but Su Mei also has this expression.

"Hey, what kind of expression do you have, do you want to show you both hands?" Sun Wukong was upset at Su Mei's eyes, and he rolled up his sleeves and was ready to go!

"Don't! Don't! I believe you can't do it?" Su Mei was shocked and hurriedly grabbed Sun Wukong.Although she still thinks that Monkey King is bragging, there is one thing she believes. If Monkey King does something here, then Lei Family will suffer too.

"I... really want to kill you!" Suddenly, a murderous words came from the hall.Monkey King frowned and looked towards the hall, only to see Lei Yan clenched his fists, his dark eyes burning with angry flames.

"Is this guy finally annoyed?" Monkey King snarled, but when he saw Nalan Yanran's scared face and slightly pale face, a wave of nameless anger suddenly rose in his heart.Nalan Yanran is his favorite sister paper!How can your own sister paper be bullied by others?Sure enough, my aunt can bear it, but I can't bear it!It's time for the hero to save the beauty!Monkey King hurriedly pulled away from the crowd and rushed into the hall. Su Mei couldn't stop it, so she had no choice but to follow in!

"Hey hey hey hey! Is it really appropriate to say to such a beautiful girl? You see it scares people... I said, you are not a man anymore?" Sun Wukong slid in front of him The young man who refused to give way and glared at him fell to the ground and walked into the hall.The sound is full of gunpowder!After playing soy sauce for a while, he finally appeared domineering...

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