The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter 7 Shocking the audience

"There is a kind of you say it once!!" At this time, Lei Yan's body was trembling violently. He slowly raised his head and turned to look at Monkey King. That delicate and tender face, but now It's hideous and terrible!For three years, I have been ridiculed and ridiculed by others, but now, not only has my fiancé retired in public, but is also criticized as a man by others. The thunder flame with only a little dignity is finally breaking out now!However, the results he broke out seemed a bit uncomfortable!

"This is bad!" When Lei Yan said something, Su Mei secretly said that she was going to suffer.Mittel Tengshan suffered from a misunderstanding of Sun Wukong's heart because of a sentence, so the current Thunder Yan might not be much better.

"How courageous! Those who dare to speak to me have already been removed from this world! Then, you want to be removed from this world too!" Monkey King looked at Lei Yan indifferently, as if he were looking at a dead person.Walking slowly towards Leiyan, although his pace was slow and his complexion was calm, he gave everyone present a sense of horror. The whole body was chilly, and an inexplicable fear and fear was born in his heart!As for Lei Yan, his face pale, already scared by the little breath of Sun Wukong, and he lay down on the ground!As weak as an ant, how can he withstand the terrifying coercion of Monkey King against him!Although it was just a little bit, it was not what he could bear!

"Brother Lei Yan! Are you okay?" Lei Xun'er immediately helped Lei Yan on the ground with a worried expression on his face.The reason why she was not affected by the qi emanating from Monkey King was because Monkey King did not target her at all.But her performance made Monkey King very upset, and his rivals should be severely suppressed!So, Monkey King snorted coldly, Lei Yan suddenly hit his chest like a giant hammer, spit out a mouthful of blood, and his face became paler, but this guy's will is indeed firm, he still hasn't passed out, his eyes full of hatred are like a beast. Staring at Monkey King.

"Master, be merciful!" Above the top, Lei Zhan hurriedly wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, got up and stood in front of Monkey King, lowered his posture, and apologized: "This adult, the little dog is young and ignorant. , How offended, look at Haihan! Look at Haihan!"

The feeling that Monkey King gave him at that moment made him cold to his feet, and his heart almost jumped out!This is the momentum that a peerless powerhouse should have!Their little Lei's family, what kind of blood berries have been poured out today!How can the one who finds the fault is more perverted!

"What are you! What qualifications do you have to speak in front of me?" Sun Wukong glanced at Lei Zhan disdainfully, then waved his hand and rushed towards his face. Lei Zhan instantly flew out like a kite with a broken wire, and flew out fiercely. Hit the back wall, opened his mouth and spit out a big mouthful of blood, and passed out in a coma!He took the anger against Lei Yan to his father together!Why do they call them father and son!


"Uncle Lei!"

Lei Yan and Lei Xun'er were shocked and exclaimed.

There was no change in color, but no one dared to stop.But the confrontation with Lei Zhan revealed an expression of gloat.Even Ge Ye, who has always been aloof, has a serious face. The moment he felt just now was even more terrifying than his own suzerain. In other words, the person standing in front of him, Xiu In order to at least be above the Emperor Wu, how could this not make him frightened and frightened.At the same time, I sneered again and again in my heart: "This Lei family child, really knows how to live and die! How dare to be rude to such an adult, waste is waste, I see how you end up!"

"You've done too much, no matter who you are, you must stay here today!" Lei Xun'er let go of Lei Yan, stood up slowly, looking at Monkey King, his eyes were covered with frost, and his whole body exuded. An icy chill.She was angry.

Sun Wukong was not moved at all. Instead, he looked at Lei Xun'er with a joking expression, and said lightly: "Little girl, how confident are you that you can say such arrogant things? If it's the one beside you Emperor Wu, but you can't keep me!"

"What? Miss Xun'er has a Martial Emperor by her side?"

"how is this possible!"

Everyone in the Lei family was shocked.Even Ge Ye showed a look of astonishment.

I saw Lei Xun'er suddenly fluctuating in front of her, and a black-robed old man appeared in front of her.As soon as the black-robed old man appeared, he looked at Monkey King dignifiedly: "This little brother, are you a bit too much? After all, this is their Lei family's business. You are an outsider, what are you doing!"

(What kind of shadow is this Wuhuang who secretly protected Xun'er? I don't remember clearly, and I don't bother to look it up, so I won't call him by his name. Anyway, it's a dozen soy sauce.)

"Little brother? Do you think you have a higher seniority than me? Get out of my way quickly, don't block my way, or you will slap you to death!" Monkey King looked at the black-robed old man in front of him and said lightly.Seeing Xun'er's complexion, she didn't do anything directly.

"In this case, it seems that we have to fight!" The black robe old man's aura soared, and the aura that only belonged to Wu Huangqiang burst out of his body!However, before he could show his might, Monkey King's figure flashed and hit his abdomen with a punch. The powerful energy fluctuation made the whole ground shake!

"Uh!" The black robe old man snorted and fell on the ground with his belly covered with an incredible look in his eyes!He is Wu Huangqiang!Just got knocked out by someone like this?

"A little character like you, don't waste my time! Let's lie on the ground and take a rest!" Monkey King looked at the black robe Lao Tzu, who was rolling his eyes on the ground, with a punch. , So the opponent can't breathe temporarily!Nonsense, Monkey King blasted a planet with one punch. How could his little Martial Emperor be able to resist it?If not for his mercy, this guy would have burst into a cloud of blood!

The power of a punch shocked the audience!All those present took a breath!That's Emperor Wu!The existence in the'legend'!How strong is it to be hit by the person in front of you?

Lei Mei, who was not far away, looked at Monkey King's figure with beautiful eyes flashing. Only such a strong person is what she wants in her heart!The Xun'er on the side was also surprised, but he was not shocked. He, with an extraordinary background, would naturally not be frightened by the things in front of him!But at this time, her brows were furrowed, and her expression was a little anxious. The scene now seemed to have lost control.

"Hi! Miss Gu Xun'er! Didn't you say that you want to keep me? If you rely on such means, you can't keep me! Or, you can use the means to call your nine-star martial sage father. Now! Let me have a beaten together!" Monkey King smiled slightly, and secretly passed the voice to Lei Xun'er, the smile on Xun'er's eyes looked mysterious and unpredictable!

" actually know who I am?!!!" Xun'er was shocked at the moment, and finally had an uneasy emotion in her heart!Since the other party knew his father's strength, he dared to say such big words, obviously, he either had a shocking strength or a shocking background!

"If you want them to survive, just follow your brother obediently! Otherwise, kill them all!" Monkey King smiled!An aura of destruction erupted from his body, and all the people present were crushed to the ground, pale and frightened, and a feeling of insignificance like an ant rose in their hearts!

Lei Zhan couldn't help sighing secretly, his face was as gray as death, what a terrifying existence they encountered this time!Is the Lei family going to end in his own hands?

Monkey King looked at the horrified and terrified expressions of the crowd, touched his nose, couldn't help but smiled: "Brother is a good guy, how come you suddenly feel like a big bad guy?"

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