The journey starts from Dragon Ball

Chapter 31 This is a game, right?

When Icarus and the others had entered the jungle and found the best ambush spot, Monkey King watched that ten minutes were about to pass, and then walked slowly into the forest, aiming at Mikako.

He clearly remembered that at the beginning, Mikako used him as a'white mouse', and she had promised to dew her whole body if she wanted to dew her whole body.

But when Monkey King was looking for Mikako, Nimf had already encountered it.

As an artificial angel, or an artificial angel for electronic warfare, Nimf is naturally equipped with the most sophisticated radar system. As long as the target she is locked on is in this small area, it can be said to be invisible.

"Hehehe~~~ I found you, Astoria, in order to realize the dream in my heart, I have to ask you to be eliminated first!"

At this time, Nimf’s eyes sparkled with excitement called ambition, holding a laser gun, and making two sounds of'tweeting~', the two beams of light had already blasted at the left shoulder and abdomen of a stunned Asteria , The clothes dissolve instantly, exposing the white skin inside.

Astria listened to the "beep" from time to time in his head, and looked at Nimf with an angry expression: "Nimf, you cheated, you can only use the guns provided by the game, not allowed. For other things, you use your own abilities, and I will report to disqualify you."

Nimf curled his lips indifferently, "Are you stupid? In order to limit Wukong-sama's inhuman strength, Mikako just said that I can't use Kung Fu, but I use my own radar system. This is not Kung Fu. ."

Astria was dumbfounded, as if it made sense?

Nimf said with a smug look: "You have been hit by me, so you are disqualified from the game."

"Disqualified for the game? Isn't it necessary for my own wish?...!!!" Astria thought of this, he immediately retorted loudly: "No, absolutely not! I haven't lost yet, my clothes are still there, so there is nothing. If you lose, since it's a game, you have to light up my clothes to win!"

Now it was Nimf’s turn to look astonished: "It can still be like this? Aren't you stupid? You will be shameful too?

"I'm not a fool!" Astraea said with an angrily expression: "You didn't follow the rules first, then I don't have to do it!"

With that said, Astria threw away the laser gun in his hand, his hands flickered, shield and lightsaber in his hand, rushed towards Nimf, but the tragedy was that he just ran a step, it was' With a snap, he fell to the ground.

"Haha~~ You idiot still wants to fight with me. Become my first victim!" Nimf laughed triumphantly, and the gun beam lased in his hand, giving Astraya twice. His waist and buttocks were suddenly white.

"Yeah~ Nimf, you actually hit someone else's place!"

"Hmm~~ If you are afraid, surrender quickly!"

"Surrender? How could it be possible! I will fight you for the food that will never be finished!"

Astraea's wings shook and flew high. The lightsaber in his hand burst into a dazzling brilliance, soaring and extending, forming a huge light gun that is tens of meters long in his hand.

Nimf saw this scene and was stunned: "Super Vibrating Photon Sword!! Is there any mistake! Astria, do you want to kill me?!!!"

"You broke the rules first, I don't care!"

"Damn it! I won't lose! Ultrasonic vibration particles!!" Nimf opened a small mouth, as the ultrasonic vibration particles invaded Astraea like day and night...

"This kind of attack is of no use to me!" Astria held up her shield and blocked out all the ultrasonic waves coming from the impact. With the huge light in her hand, she slashed and slashed, amazed by Nimf's face. , Submerged it in a ray of light, and then with a bang, the surrounding trees were instantly moved to the ground, leaving a huge hole, and Nimf’s clothes were broken and lying down in the hole, glaring at Ass. Treya looked angry: "You stupid, do you really want to kill me?!"

"No, I have reduced the power so that it won't destroy you."

Chu Yuan stood dumbfounded on the edge of the pothole, so scared that his guns all fell to the ground: "Yes...Is there any mistake? This is a game, right? This is a game, right?!"

She originally wanted to sneak attack on Nimf and Astria in secret, but she didn't expect that the two of them suddenly moved real, and a big move almost made her really GAMEOVER.

Astria picked up the gun that Nimf had dropped, and "tweeted tweeted~" at her for several consecutive shots, which was already clean.

Nimf crouched in the pit with one arm around his chest, with a face of unrequited love: "Oh my God! I was defeated by this fool, it's so unreasonable!"

"Hehehe~~ I found another goal!" After eliminating Nimf, Astria fixed his gaze on Chu Yuan's body, her eyes flashing with greed: "Food that can never be finished. , Mine, mine, all mine!!"

Chu Yuan was frightened and backed away: "Hey~~Wait~~Wait~~It is a foul to use a real weapon!"

"Nimf has said that there is no such rule in the rules, so you can't lie to me!" Astraea pressed towards Chu Yuan step by step, until she was blocked by the big tree behind her, and she couldn't retreat. , When it was about to end, Astraea suddenly clicked and fell to the ground with her face...


While speechless, Chu Yuan's eyes glowed in vain: "Chance! It's now! One million...It's mine! It's mine! Hahaha~~~ Go to death! Go to death! Go to death! !"

Tweeted tweeted tweeted!!!~~~~~

The light beams all greeted Astraea like rain. At this moment, Chu Yuan seemed to be on the verge of blackening like a madman.

But for a while, Astria also stepped into the footsteps of Nimf.

"Too... terrible!!"

Astria looked at Chu Yuan at this time, shivering with fear.

Monkey King stood on the top of an ancient tree, with a panoramic view of everything below: "Sure enough, none of them is normal. Are you right, Mikako."

"Ahh~ I was discovered."

Mikako walked out from behind a tree casually and looked up at Monkey King: "You said if I win, what should you do? How about running around the playground a hundred laps?"

Monkey King jumped down from the top of the tree and looked at Mikako: "If I win, let you put on and take off your underwear a hundred times in front of me."

"Ahhh~ Goku's hobbies are really extraordinary. If you can win, you can~"

Under Mikako's gentle expression, the intent to fight was burning.


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