However, the battle between Monkey King and Mei Xiangzi ended in a moment. Even if Monkey King did not use force and stood still to dodge, it would not be possible for Mei Xiangzi to hit it.

With the continuous beam of light shining, Mikako was already cleanly exposed to Monkey King. With such a rare opportunity, Monkey King naturally took out his mobile phone and took a few shots as nostalgia.

Then, Chu Yuan's clothes were blown out with a few shots by Monkey King. As for Icarus, naturally he would not do anything to his master. Therefore, Monkey King won the final victory without any suspense.

"Mikako lost so easily. I thought I could win." Mikako covered her chest with her hands, and looked at Monkey King with a smile on her face. She couldn't see the slightest frustration: "So, what do you plan to do with us? What? Wouldn't you really want me to wear underwear a hundred times in front of you?"

"How can this rare opportunity be wasted on such useless things?" Monkey King looked at Mikako's hot figure and smiled: "In the two days on the island, you should be prepared to be a maid. Right."

"Is it just a maid?" Chu Yuan was relieved when he heard this.

Mikako glanced at Chu Yuan and said softly: "Chu Yuan, I think you seem to have a misunderstanding of the maid. The so-called maid must obey all the orders of the master. It's everything~"

Chu Yuan's pretty face blushed with a'brush': "No...Is it? Didn't it mean...Can't make excessive demands?"

Monkey King looked at Mikako with a serious face and said, "It turns out that your understanding of the maid is so profound, not bad, not bad, come and squeeze my shoulders."

"Should be squeezed, can give me a dress somehow?"

Seeing that they were too embarrassed to move, Sun Wukong had to give each person a set of swimsuits. Except for Nimf’s cute outfit that Lori should have, Mikako and the others are as sexy and sexy as they are.

Enjoying Mikako's heartfelt massage, Monkey King looked at Chu Yuan, and patted his left side: "Come, sit here..."

"You... what do you want to do?" Chu Yuan's face was flushed, and he sat cautiously beside Monkey King. Monkey King took a casual trip, and then he slept on her lap. Icarus took the initiative to come to Monkey King. Sit down and carefully rubbed Sun Wukong's legs...

Seeing that the three of Mikako had something to do, Nimf looked envied and looked at Monkey King expectantly: "What about me? What about me? Please order me too."

"You~ come and peel me fruit."

"Okay~" Nimf trot over with joy.

Astria looked at the Monkey King, and didn't seem to call me?What am I going to do?Forget it, I can’t do anything else, so I should lie down and pretend to be salted fish...

Just when Monkey King was enjoying a wonderful time on the beach...

Sinaps, the Lord of the Sky found Daedalus’ hidden residence: "It’s not easy to find you, Sinaps’ genius scientist."

"Minos..." Daedalus showed a slight surprise on his face when he saw the Lord of Sora, but was immediately hidden by her: "It seems very troublesome to look at you."

Sora Lord's expression was cold: "Unlock the seal of Sora Queen, and it was you who dropped her on the ground, right?"

"I just don't want my children... to be your tools."

"I don't want to listen to your meaningless nonsense. All causes are due to you. Now Sinaps is threatened because of you. As the initiator, you must take responsibility!"

Daedalus frowned slightly when he heard this: "You in danger?"

"Don't say you didn't know that we can no longer monitor the ground!"

Daedalus' expression changed: "What does this have to do with me?"

"It's all because you dropped the Queen of Sora on the ground, which caused the grubs on the ground to threaten our Sinaps. Now with the power we control, we can no longer deal with the grubs on the ground. Even if you use the omnipotent Card, we were easily defeated, just think about it, if they invaded Sinaps, what would it be like?"

Daedalus glanced at the Lord of Sky indifferently, and said indifferently: "After talking so much nonsense, you are just worried that others will threaten your dominance! You don't have to take Sinaps' safety to crush me. From the beginning to the end, it’s just that you are unilaterally asking for other people’s troubles. Has that human being on the ground ever provoke you? Stop talking nonsense. In any case, I will not help you."

Sora Lord looked at Daedalus with a sullen face, "Sure enough, you are still so annoying~ But, it doesn’t matter, I was just thinking of trying it out, using your technology to come Accelerate the completion of my second-generation manufacturing, but even without you, it will only postpone the time by a few months. After a few months, I can still afford to wait. At that time, you will pay for today’s choice. For the price, I promise."

Having said that, the Lord of Sora turned and left without nostalgia.

Gemini Hobby's face was unfair: "Master, did we leave like this? Anyway, I have to teach that cocky scientist a lesson!"

"As the most outstanding scientist in Sinaps, do you think Daedalus is so easy to deal with? Since it is meaningless to do it, why bother to do it."

"But... really so angry! Do we really have to wait a few months to get to the ground again?" Obviously, being defeated so easily has kept the Gemini Hobby on the cusp.

"No, in addition to the second generation that is still being produced, there is still a chess piece in my hand." An inexplicable smile appeared at the corner of Sora Lord's mouth.

Gemini Habi looked at each other, full of curiosity, and followed the Master of Sora to a room densely covered with instruments and placed in countless test chambers.

And in the test chamber, there was a beautiful girl lying quietly, one of whom, if Monkey King was present, she would be recognized at first sight. This is not the wind and sound that had a relationship with him. Rihe!

"Your dream has been done for long enough. Now, it's time for me to use it." Sora noble stared at Fengyin Rihe in the experimental cabin, his eyes flashed with indifferent cold light, noble Sina Puss, how can he be suppressed by the dirty and low grub.

(Note: The fate of Fengyin Rihe is different from the original work due to Monkey King’s intervention. Please make a statement first to avoid misunderstanding.)

Gemini Hobby looked at the woman in the experimental cabin, her eyes lightened slightly: "It turns out that the master was prepared a long time ago, but I don't know, what kind of combat is she good at?"

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